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Californians Move to Texas | Episode 4: The Gun Range

Californians Move to Texas | Episode 4: The Gun Range

Hey come on over what is this place a gun range  I asked you guys if you wanted to go shooting at   the range I thought you meant shooting like  pics for my insta what did you think range  

Meant Oh I thought like Home on the Range where  the deer and the Antelope play well there’s no   deer here what’s up except for that guy come  on this guy too you should try this oh yeah   well let’s get started I don’t know what we  don’t like guns remember I keep turning into  

Some sort of crazy gun nut this is not good  for our marriage we’ve been seeing a marriage   counselor she says my texafication is unfair to  timpani so you found a marriage counselor in Texas   who uses the word texafication she’s in Austin  if you guys are an anti-gun like you say you are  

Wouldn’t it be better if you could speak from a  place of experience yes uh I mean it’s okay it’s   cool whatever don’t be wow I do suppose it would  be good to say I’ve shot a gun so I know how bad  

Now listen I’ve got good stuff for you all  right come on over here come on ladies first hey uh can we get these guys started with a couple  of Glock 17s can you hook us up and here’s your   um here’s your eyes and use your ears  safety gear that seems very responsible  

Oh yeah gun safety is the most important thing  let’s head on in I’ll show you guys a ropes   always keep your firearm  pointed in a safe direction   always assume it’s loaded which we now refer  to as the Alec Baldwin Rule and never walk down  

Range until all firearms are laid on the table  with the actions open I don’t get some of those   words but that also sounds very responsible but  did you think we were just going to run around  

Here and shoot the guns off everywhere like a  bunch of crazy gun nuts I would never call you   a crazy gun nut but you did say you didn’t want  Steve to become a crazy gun nut I don’t think so  

That doesn’t sound like me not sound sounds  just like I heard you say it and you said it just started is that fully semi-automatic  single hollow point assault machine gun   um is that a 30-magazine clip no that’s  an eight-bullet round that’s what it is

Drink yourself fool we don’t do that here all  right all guns on the table see how we did hey Steve I’m pretty impressed over there did I   did uh well it looks like you missed  every shot that’s quite an accomplishment  

Oh where’d all my bullets go we don’t know we only  know where they did not go that was happening all   the time for beginners and all no no I’ve never  seen that before I’m not not even with beginners  

I wouldn’t look in timpani actually you got all  your hits on the paper really even some of Steve   sits your paper that’s impressive Steve never seen  that before either I didn’t think it would smell   so much well that’s the gunpowder well I don’t  like guns so I definitely don’t like that smell  

Well all right folks you want to go again I  mean yeah it’s it’s cool sorry yeah it’s cool well looks like Steve missed every shot  again but Tiffany hit every shot and   there’s even a couple in the bullseye  oh but Steve none of your shots hit  

Tiffany’s Target this time so you’re  getting closer or even further away I really thought I was getting  the hang of this Texas thing   well you said dagnabbit that’s something it is  well you know handguns are the hardest ones to  

Shoot accurately you guys want to try some  ARS I guess we can give it a try let’s do it I missed them all again well Timp should be  relieved there’s no way I’m going to become a  

Gun nut now but good these AR-15s are just wrong  there’s no reason that anyone should have a need   to own one of these things but if one were to  buy one where would be the best place to do that so what kind of gun is that uh it’s a price gun

Video Tags: leaving california,leave california,covid 19,real estate,dallas living,moving to dallas,california,texas,newsom,republican,democrat,covid,masks,masking,lockdowns,californians,moving to texas,moving from california to texas,moving to texas from another state,money tips,us news,breaking news,moving to texas with a family,dallas texas moving vlog,moving to dallas texas from california,moving to dallas texas vlog,california couple,liberal couple,gun range,texan
Video Duration: 00:05:56

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