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10 Best Texas Cities to Call Home.

10 Best Texas Cities to Call Home.

Are you one of the many Americans  looking to move to texas?   If you said yes chances are you’re coming from  california you have a little money to spend   and you’ll be looking for a great place to live  what is going on everyone welcome back to world  

According to briggs in the past we’ve talked  about cheap places to live safe places to live   places you don’t want to live in the lone star  state but we’ve never really looked at the best   places in this video we’re going to take a look  at the best cities statistically to live in texas  

Now i emphasize statistically because locals have  opinions and will disagree with some of the cities   on this list think other ones should have been in  there it’s gonna go back and forth in the comment   section thing is this everyone’s opinion is  different example i grew up in a place called west  

Torrance it’s an upper middle class neighborhood  in southern california there’s a town not too far   away from there called gardena coming from where i  grew up in my opinion gardena isn’t the best place   to live and i probably wouldn’t move there if  you were living in let’s say south central la or  

Compton your opinion is garden is a great place to  live see opinions vary numbers don’t we get that   all the time statistics don’t tell the whole story  yet stop typing either do opinions these cities   wouldn’t fall under any category that includes  the words cheap affordable or inexpensive so let’s  

Just assume these places are expensive places  to live and we won’t have to go over the cost   of living in this video we’re going to look at all  the other good things these are really nice places  

And if they were really nice and affordable there  would be a line down the street looking to get   in on it sort of like ben and jerry’s on free ice  cream day never understood that everyone lines up  

For like 45 minutes to get a dollars worth the ice  cream how much is your time worth never understood   that at all these are the best cities to live  in statistically in texas let’s take a look  

Number 10 new braunfels texas new braunfels is  a city of almost 70 000 residents just north of   san antonio and it’s a great place to raise a  family it has good schools nice parks and one   of the best water parks in the country called  schlitterbahn yes schlitterbahn they got this  

Whole german thing going on here now when i say  german thing i mean like they’ve named things   with german names and some of the buildings have  that architecture they’re not like starting wars   with other cities in the neighborhood things  like that the crime rate here is 11 percent  

Lower than the national average their high  school graduation rate is 86 percent which is   3 percent higher than the national average the  median home price here they say is 177 000 but   realistically you’re looking at about 300 000 to  get something nice now they go way up from there  

But you can get a house for about 600 000 that in  nicer parts of la would go for 2 million easy the   poverty level new braunfels is 37 lower than the  national average this is a great place to live  

Number nine north richland hills texas or nrh as  they call it here is a city in the dallas fort   worth metro area northeast of downtown fort worth  they have a little over 70 000 residents here  

Living the good life this is one of those places  that it’s hard to find an overgrown lawn or broken   down car in front of the house it’s a nice place  to live and it it shows the crime rate here is 20  

Lower than the national average and as far as  high school graduation it’s 88 which is six   percent higher than the national average the  median home price is about 160 000 as we’ve   discussed in other videos that’s just a number  real estate agents look at median home price  

Doesn’t really mean anything to the average joe  so i’m here to tell you that realistically if you   want a decent house here you’re looking at 380 000  on up now if you’re in jackson mississippi that is  

An astronomical amount of money and why would  anyone pay that much for a house but if you’re   from los angeles or san francisco or new york city  you’re thinking that’s damn right reasonable right   there 380 for a nice house the poverty level  in nrh is 49 lower than the national average  

Number eight flugerville texas it’s spelt with  a p so just in case you’re looking for it it’s   p-f-l-u-g-e-r-v-i-l-l-e flugerville like so  many other texas cities is a great place for   families they have great schools a lake a  water park go-kart tracks a target in case  

Your wife is like my wife and sees roaming  the aisles of target as some form of therapy   yeah they got one too and a costco in case you  need it pflugerville is just north of austin   far enough away not to have some of their  weirdness rubbing off on the city the crime  

Here is 46 percent lower than national average  the high school graduation rate is 89 which   is 7 percent better than the national average  currently flugerville has a little over 65 000   residents and that’s probably gonna grow pretty  quick because they got a lot of new construction  

Going on here if you’re looking to buy a new  home they’ve got some that are as low as 260 000   but realistically if you want something nice  you’re gonna be looking at over 320 on up the  

Really nice ones start off around 450. now they  say the median home value here is about 180 000   that’s not realistic as we’ve all learned  realistically you’re looking at 280 on   up the poverty rate in Pflugerville is 54  percent lower than the national average  

Number seven Mckinney texas is the northernmost  city I guess you could say in the Dallas metro   area right after that there’s a couple small  towns and a lot of farmland and wooded areas   broken down tractors trucks and dudes named  Jed. McKinney texas has been around since the  

Mid-1800s and has a great historic downtown area  with a lot of older buildings that have been going   through a rebirth thing over the last decade or so  McKinney is growing in 2010 they had about 130 000  

Residents right now they’re sitting on about 200  000. the crime rate is 54 lower than the national   average the graduation rate is 90 and the median  home price is 200 000 but realistically you’re   not gonna find much under four hundred thousand  and it goes way up there’s one that’s like four  

Million dollars and it was a mansion with it was  just beautiful the poverty level in mckinney texas   is 54 lower than the national average this is a  great place to live and we’re only at number seven  

Number six rockwall texas rock wall is another  city in the dallas fort worth metro area it is   on the eastern shore of lake ray hubbard which is  on the east side of dallas this is another one of  

Those places where it’s hard to find an unkept  lawn the reason i always bring up maintained   lawns and stuff like that is it’s a good sign  that a neighborhood city or town is a good place   to live because if they have well-maintained  yards you have people that can either a afford  

A gardener or b they take care of it themselves  they have enough pride in their home in their   neighborhood that they’re going to make sure  their lawns and gardening are taken care of it’s   one of the first signs that you’ve got poverty and  unemployment problems in a neighborhood or a town  

Everyone’s lawn starts going bad rock wall has  nice lawns they also have a crime rate that’s   31 percent lower than the national average and a  graduation rate of 90 percent 90 of their students   graduate with a high school diploma there are  places in this country where it’s like 62 percent  

The median home price in rock wall is 200 000  but realistically you’re looking at four to   five hundred thousand and up way up if you want  to get a good place they got a lake right there  

It’s gonna be expensive the poverty rate in rock  wall is 54 percent lower than the national average   number five purlin texas pearlin is a city on the  south side of the houston metro area i’ve been to   parliament it’s been years but it was nice then  and from a statistical standpoint looks like it  

Got better it’s a great place to live you’re  only about an hour or so from galveston in the   gulf of mexico so that’s great for something to  do this one’s a little bit cheaper than the rest  

Of the list the median home price here is 194  000 but realistically you can get a decent home   for as low as 230 240 but most are going for 350  to 450 000 somewhere in that area of course they  

Go up the crime rate here is 30 percent lower than  the national average and the graduation rate is 91   percent that’s solid the poverty level in peerlin  is 70 percent lower than the national average this  

Is a great place to live the humidity can get  up there but it’s still a great place to live   number four league city texas right down the road  from pearland you have league city now this is a   perfect example of what i was saying that everyone  has their own opinions statistically league city  

Is great i know two people from league city that’s  actually the reason i was in pearland and they   both think it’s great and then i know another  person that said league city is just horrible   crime infested which isn’t true but that’s his  opinion i don’t know if he ever got his car broke  

Into or something like that but he thinks league  city is horrible it’s not and he’s a local he’s   from there born and raised the other two moved  there in the 90s so yeah might as well be born  

And raised they’ve been there long enough league  city has a population of just over a hundred   thousand residents and this is a great place  to live it’s a little bit closer to the gulf   and galveston and all that stuff remember how  i said that one guy thinks it’s crime infested  

Hellhole the crime rate here is actually 41 lower  than the national average which is a solid number   their violent crime rate will go a little deeper  since that one clown said it was this horrible   place their violent crime rate is 71 percent lower  than the national average and their property crime  

Is actually 36 percent lower so all around it’s  just a safer place the graduation rate here is   92 percent so they’re getting them out of  school and the median home value here is 202 000  

But to buy something decent you’re going to want  to start off looking around 300 000 on up and they   do have a lot of good looking places for about  329 000 the poverty rate in league city is 65  

Lower than the national average number three  frisco texas back up to the dallas metro area   we have the city of frisco texas which is often  confused with san francisco california just   kidding nobody would ever confuse these two cities  maybe helen keller frisco is just west of mckinney  

Texas from earlier in the video frisco has just  over 200 000 residents and four golf courses oh   and mckinney right next door has three more they  have like seven golf courses in this little area   frisco is a great place for families and golfers  apparently the crime rate here is 50 percent lower  

Than the national average the graduation rate  is 95 so bravo to them so buckle up for the   home prices the median home value here is 300 000.  that’s the harshest on the list so far the reality  

Is you’re gonna have a hard time finding anything  decent under 420 000 and they go up they’ve got   some really nice homes which are going for like  750 850 000 the poverty level in frisco is 75   lower than the national average number two keller  texas now it’s getting good these are really nice  

The last two are great staying in the dallas  fort worth metro area we have keller which is   north of downtown fort worth there’s a place here  called roscoe smokehouse if you ever get a chance  

It’s totally worth it it’s also worth it to move  here you’re far enough away from the city so the   traffic’s not going to be crazy and it’s not too  crowded but you’re still close enough to where  

If you want to head into dallas or fort worth or  arlington it’s all right there the only one thing   i will say about this is this is one of the only  place i’ve been to on this list where actually  

Found a couple houses that had overrun lawns and  stuff like that and i think these are just houses   that you know they were handed down in the family  so whoever lived there didn’t have the money to  

Take care of it but everything else was great in  the neighborhoods the crime rate in keller texas   is 70 lower than the national average and the  graduation rate is 94 that is solid now here’s   where it gets good the median home value here  is 311 000 but realistically you’re looking at  

At least 520 000 on up and way up it goes the  poverty level in keller is 75 lower than the   national average all right before we get to number  one don’t forget we got another channel called on  

This day check it out give it a big thumbs up  subscribe if you can all right on to number one   and number one allen texas allen texas is a city  of just about 100 000 residents and it completes  

The texas triad of places to live mckinney frisco  and allen all border each other and not to be   outdone allen has four golf courses of its own  and stop typing not all are public golf courses  

I get it some are private and some you have to  belong to a country club or something like that   that doesn’t mean these golf courses don’t  exist they are there allen is number one   because it has great stats and it’s probably the  best place for families on this list this is one  

Of those cities in texas that has a high school  football stadium that’s bigger than some college   stadiums not even kidding look at it from the  map along with great parks and sports centers   tons of stuff for kids to do and they really push  the sports if you look at who’s from allen texas  

On wikipedia it is just filled with nfl stars  major league baseball stars all kinds of people   like that the crime rate in allen texas is 55  lower than national average the graduation rate is   95 and the median home value is 234 000 but  realistically you’re looking at about 320 000  

For something decent on up and it goes way up  they got a lot of things that are going for like   six hundred thousand seven hundred t.housand  eight hundred twenty four thousand it gets up   there the poverty rate in allen texas is sixty  six percent lower than the national average

All right that’s today’s list hope  you guys enjoyed it hope you got   some information out of it everybody  has a great day be nice to each other

Video Tags: Travel,where to live in America,Top 10,Top Ten Lists,Move to,Top 10 reasons not to,best cities to live in,world according to Briggs,United States,Ranked,Lists,Best States,Best Cities,Relocate,Maps,Texas,california exodus to texas,why we moved from california to texas,california compared to texas,best places to live in texas,texas real estate,san antonio texas,where to live in houston texas,where to live in dallas texas,where to live in san antonio texas, #Texas #Cities #Call #Home
Video Duration: 00:13:42

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