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How Basically every morning i wake up i work out one of the things i look forward to every single time i move to a new city or explore a new city is trying out the ramen scene it’s just really exciting because ramesha has been popping up everywhere and i hear really good things

About the ramen shop around the dallas fort worth area it just gets me excited to try all the different versions and this is just me but you know i love food i love all sorts of food but there’s something special about ramen like when i woke up this morning and thinking

About that first slurp that first magical bowl i just my heart’s pounding it’s like i’m going on a blind date one bad thing about ramen places is usually they don’t open till lunch time so i’m just gonna sit here patiently drink my tea and wait for two more hours It’s actually a chilly day today you cold yeah this is like really weird it was so hot for like the entire time i’ve been here have you been here this before like the most popular ramen place in dallas ooh i like the setup hey another halal guys anyway this place is called

Wabi house this is cool eating spot oh crispy pork here bone marrow shiitake that sounds good kankatsu spicy miso shoyo dried garlic the ramen prices are so inexpensive like eleven twelve dollars for a bowl of ramen what’s your most popular ramen uh all right i’ll take that this is a

Perfect ramen day even rained earlier i haven’t seen rain literally since that day i don’t know if you remember the video where i left seattle and it was raining that was like the last day and also that little drizzle in phoenix that people apologize

For i’m gonna warm up with a cup of tea of course you don’t hear often in texas all right so this is the shintake mushrooms and this is the pig oh this pig ear looks great sesame and chilies on top with some sort of spicy male dipping sauce this is interesting like

If i didn’t know this was shiitake mushrooms i would be questioning a little bit mushroom scrap super crispy and also a crazy fatty buttery taste too i don’t really know what i feel about this i mean it’s good really crispy the pig here is good but like there’s

Just cartilage inside all pig here which is one of my favorite things about it actually and it’s really crunchy and nice but when you deep fry it it becomes a little hard to chew maybe try to pick here let me know if you like it i have the nice crunch

Did did you get to the cartilage part it’s very hard but yeah flavor good like the chilies like the sesame like the crunch but the colored part could be a little hard to spicy miso with strands of chili look at this hot oil on top as

Well floating in with the broth i think this is minced pork the most perfect looking post egg oh my gosh that looks like the sunrise i saw this morning broth looks exquisite medium-sized wavy noodles i took a sip of like 90 hot oil so it’s kind of

Unexpected but this thing’s got a great burn oh it’s creamy wow you really taste that fermented miso flavor this is fantastic broth it goes down smooth then the chilies and this is just like regular spice i didn’t ask for anything additional then chili’s just kind of gets it right right here

Noodles held onto that broth and the flavor soaked in really well Nice chewy texture the egg blending with a broth made this thing even more silky smooth this is a solid ball ramen especially for the price maybe 10 11 a bowl of ramen is really common here is that how much they all cost here i’m still not used to seeing that at new

York prices this would be easily a 16 bowl of ramen especially love the broth that’s my favorite part of this where you can taste a good bowl of miso ramen you want to be able to taste that fermented flavor and that is definitely strong in this bowl all right ramen was

Good like i said broth was my favorite part appetizer was just okay and i think just to defend them a little bit on that they didn’t recommend me getting those appetizers you know what i do when i go to restaurants is i see a couple things

I think i think would be good or something i really want and i asked the waiter or waitress like what’s the best appetizer and kind of try to try to jedi mind them into saying the one that i want is is the best one there it didn’t

Really happen here so like she mentioned like four appetizers before the two that i got so if you come here i think she mentioned getting the karage is really good the scallops really good hey gear and shiitake mushroom didn’t crack the top five and yeah so the pig ears were

Flavored well but it’s just it’s kind of like a chew toy but solid bowl noodles onto the next place Ground pork scallions wow little bit of greens this is beautiful soberto means ground meat for ground ingredients and there’s definitely a lot of that going on in here man this smells and looks tremendously good also a nice sized soup spoon or a ladle this definitely doesn’t look like chicken

Broth it smells so sesame sesame doesn’t mean this is good that is the emotional connection i’m talking about when i use something that’s really worth the trip to come here and try at least a long road trip wow this broth is great oh man i mean there’s got to be some soy

Sauce in this chicken broth as well it’s light but good lord that flavor is intense mmm so much ground meat in here you smell the scallion and of course the sesame too that that is a noodle i’m sorry to let this i have to move on from this really

Quick because i ordered two balls and i want the noodles to go bad in this bowl this is like the polar opposite of my other boiled ramen this is the yuzu shio this so this is a salt-based ramen look at the contrast already this thing just looks like it’s angry and upset you

Know super aggressive attitude looking for ramen light layer of oil floating on top and two ginormous pieces and i mean ginormous pieces of chashu that oh good lord oh don’t even look at it wrong because it will just fall apart the nice grill marks as well same kind of noodles so

Curly yellow noodles in both bowls of ramen and shio broth is usually not my favorite because i like the aggressive tasting broth so these usually shields pretty light loving the heck out of this they got little pieces of onions floating in here just kind of give this whole mellow

Ensemble just a nice refreshing little crunch broth are so good yuzu is really light a lot of usual ramen i’ve had the yuzu hits hard but because it’s a shio ramen you can’t let it something overpower it too much so the yuzu is just very light and subtle but delicious

Noodles are perfection the flavor in the noodles is very saturated it’s very refined oh the land of barbecue you have transformed your ramen first of all there’s grill marks on on these pieces of chashu which is something you don’t typically see because a lot of times joshua’s just torched this is grilled to

Perfection you taste the fire you taste the flame you taste the char and that great fatty flavor is balanced out by that citrusy yuzu i don’t know which one i like better it all depends on what you’re going to move for if you’re going to move for

Something kind of a little heavier a little more aggressively seasoned with a bit more umami flavor get the spicy sugar if you want something light which is the most amazing piece of pork floating on top this is where you go for amazing i’m glad i got both of these

Because they’re so different from each other this is a good ramen place come here and check it out i’m always my own worst critic so i’m always kind of afraid my own grammar shop when it opens up it’s not going to be on par with places like this i think it

Will be this is the spicy there’s the spicy sober That’s good ron right right now breaking out the the word robust you’re watching ben with your dimensions yeah i usually try that you like this one better i predict that you will like this one better these are both exceptional ramen also like 12 we have to hurry up and eat because

Ooh we got 10 minutes we were invited to a sushi a hand roll place that’s i think a couple blocks from here the owner messaged me said they have amazing sushi so that’s basically all it took i’m sold let’s go get some sushi How you doing chef nice good thank you nice to meet you Itadakimasu cucumber a little green sea bream with caviar on top love that yuzu that’s a refreshing bite a little bit of lemon Wow good chicken huh that’s actually really good fried chicken is it i had a robust of dimensions that’s why i thought that is love ah how you doing Avocado puree on the bottom fatty tuna in the middle that hokkaido winning on top of little gold flakes you know why the gold flakes are there right fatty tuna and the oni especially together deserve to wear a crap irish dish is all really about just the

Melt factor this is what i always call the wagyu of the sea this is what kind of got me into eating sushi is this right here my first time also japan and john give me a taste of this never have i ever had something melt soak gently on my tongue it’s like eating

Little mermaids melodies like smooth as her voice you know back before she made that deal and lost her voice and all that stuff Wow brenda doesn’t eat a lot of raw stuff like you know kind of like me in the beginning that is really good you’ll like it right this is rock shrimp tempura that outside breading is so light i love subtle crunches i’ll tell you guys what i don’t

Like a loud crunch i like my crunch to be subtle yet significant like that This is the best part of tuna this is straight from the collar ultra straight from the collar ocean butter i especially love the aftertaste it’s so creamy By the way um these are the only role that i accept if you roll anything else i i don’t want it only when you roll food just saying that’s good stuff man wow this sushi rice is great i think it’s probably one of the most vinegary

Ones i’ve had so far so aromatic and flavorful just gonna dip it a little bit come and get one of these no joke i eat about 10 of them Quarks crap This guy everything i like the male creaminess i like i like that i love the flame i love tasting that fire you know what’s so good about this is because you guys’s rice is so vinegary the creaminess in that goes perfectly balance out the tartness it is

Nice this might be one of my favorite so far thank you so much for the awesome lunch you guys are amazing thank you you guys gotta come and try this place out we’re gonna take a little break gotta work out i gotta get it to look like a dumpling hop out

Tomorrow oh by the way that’s mark he owns this place thanks buddy thanks for the awesome lunch I hate this weather but i like the view this doesn’t look like a place where a really good ramen shop would be but apparently it is the ramen shop right over there there it is so my ramen tour continues and a lot of people recommended this place

Ramen izakaya akira this is actually a lot of selections of ramen one two three four five six seven eight twelve different types of ramen All right this is the thing of beauty first of all even when this thing was maybe like 10 feet from me i smelled the garlic now it’s just pummeling my nose that is some intense garlic aroma how garlic is that it smells really good it smells so good scallions on top

Sprouts and look these are my favorite type of noodles thin long straight noodles these are the best i feel like in ramen because they’re the best at soaking up broth right there glistening noodles you see all the spices you see how easily it picks up the broth

That thing even before enters my mouth i don’t know if you can tell but that is going to be silky smooth big tender piece of cha-chu oh my gosh oh my gosh Awesome awesome i feel like any problems i have in life this broth can smooth over super rich which makes sense because we’re kind of in a ritzy area it makes sense that this broth is also really rich it’s pork broth of course so get that nice gelatinous feeling on your tongue kind

Of like you made out with your ramen a little bit which is always a good thing to do with your ramen best noodles of all the places we went to i’m telling you guys thin straight noodles but just the best that’s for sure it’s so amazing as well

Oh that josh was so good so ginger and smokey this is a hundred percent a must try bolo ramen if you’re in dallas this is very reminiscent of ramen i would get in japan so like a better quality ichiran if you will and all the good stuff falling on the

Bottom the sprouts the flavor little bits of the fatty charcoal This is like don’t judge a book by his cover don’t judge a ramen shop by the golf course that’s right next to it kind of sad to leave this place we got to go buy ingredients for for hot pot later otherwise i’ll probably just sit here and get another bowl this that was

Definitely the closest to a japanese ramen shop i’ve been to in a long long time just a ramen master working on his craft broth noodles everything spectacular seriously like you wouldn’t expect like i’m like surrounded by mansions in a country club this is where

You get one of the best bowl of ramen in dallas right by in edward jones brenda’s family’s actually going to come over for hot pot dinner because they all live in the same area and we’re going to get some hot pasta my own broth we’re going to eat

That and we’re going to have it on my rooftop this will be really fun i’ll do a hot fight at home actually never done that before so a crash course what’s the best plan in hot pot tong hao you need to find some watercress the best hop hop vegetable is

Watercress this stuff right here best hot pot vegetable god i have potatoes gotta get a big old nap cabbage of course tofu you don’t want to get soaked in because this thing will just like fall apart in a hot pot you got to get firm tofu strips these are amazing fresh ramen

Heck yeah oh my god not papa related but look at that whoa cheese cuts i’m coming back to do a hmr review of this place this place looks great we didn’t have this stuff at our other hmart hot pot meats single rib belly this is great for hot

Pot whenever you get thinly sliced pieces of beef you’ve got to make sure there’s tons of fat which this has for hot pot you need some balls fish balls shrimp balls these are really good because they got stuff inside this looks really good now for sauces this stuff is the heart and soul

Of a hot pot dipping sauce yeah sesame paste can’t do without it need sesame oil which we have so we don’t even get any of those hot oil which we have those are the basics i think we’re good so hopefully we’ll have the mike chin hop up broth selling

By these guys this is the roof i give you guys a tour before this is the rooftop that’s it’s also cool it’s not ready yet eating hot pot outside is just the best you don’t stink up anything all right we’re opening up my don’t tear my face up okay my face is on

The back of that it’s kidding is that your autographer is it i don’t know that’s my autograph that’s cool anyway if you want to get a pack i’ll put the link down below for you it’s restocked they taste great check it out Wanted to try my tomato broth for the first time it’s really really good i hope you bring it in the market it is good hot pot on the roof of my own apartment can probably do this before everybody moves in Getting dark now i gotta say texas has the prettiest sunset i don’t know what it is about sunset here this is the biggest gathering i’ve been a part of since well before covet and only it’s because it’s it’s brandon’s family so everyone’s good but nice to be around

People and as always all the places i went to listed down below for you thank you all so much for watching until we eat again see you later

Video Tags: dallas ramen tour,ramen tour,ramen,noodles,japanese noodles,japanese ramen,sushi,sushi handroll,handroll,handrolls,spicy ramen,garlic ramen,pork ramen,noodle soup,food,food tour,dallas food tour,dallas travels,dallas texas,dallas,texas,travels, #ULTIMATE #Japanese #RAMEN #SUSHI #Tour #DALLAS #TEXAS
Video Duration: 00:21:47

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