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Top 10 Interesting Facts About Texas

Top 10 Interesting Facts About Texas

Top 10 interesting facts about Texas number one the boil knife is in the named after the Alamo hero and Jim Bowie 1796 to 1836 his brother risen in design the half d-wave are number two it is steel and hanging off sense in Texas 250 of cattle are to put in graffiti on someone else in town it is also illegal to indecently exposed or elsewhere in front of his proxies in Texas in gravestone in Texas it is an illegal – half of the colonel run loss on the beach number three the city often the slug letter takes us has never had in

The Hama inside number four the largest city in Texas is the Houston it is also the 14th largest city in the United States number 5 Texas nickname is in the lawn instead state as anand amend ur of eats in struggle for independence from Mexico on to represent takes us as in the

Independent republic number 6 it is insane that the only takes us is on owed behalf in the fountain the better often the Alamo were in Mexican trucks for India outnumber bid and that 187 men in the measure in part for all in the one in 87 man in half died number seven the

Father of the Texas is a Stefan in four in Austin in 1793 218 936 he and his and father help a movin 3,300 in American family the old in the 300 in it was excess number eight each year are my real you in host the world’s and largest in Cali

In club Prai in off the couch rise in our bull in the test techniques number nine a prismatic Li 90% of the world’s in the recovery in the helium is located in the ground and under Amarillo in Texas number tab the largest country in the Texas in the breasts were it

Means in majors in the six hundred and six thousand one hundred ninety three square miles which is roughly in the size of the connect EQ delivery in a could feed in inside in Brewster three times

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Video Duration: 00:03:08

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