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Top 10 Facts About Texas

Top 10 Facts About Texas

Texas is not only the fastest growing state in america in my opinion it is also one of the most unique states in the country as well we all know texas for the barbecues and rodeos that’s why in this video we discuss the stuff you don’t know about the lone star state

Without further ado the top 10 mind-blowing facts about texas before we jump into our top 10 list today guys smash that like button click subscribe and leave a comment below letting us know what list you’d like us to cover next there’s one texas ranch that is bigger than the

Entire state of rhode island yeah that’s right we all know that everything’s bigger in texas king ranch which is located in the southern part of the state covers a whopping 1289 square miles compare that to the size of the entire state of rhode island which is 1 212 square miles

Fun fact texas also has a windmill farm that is about seven times the size of manhattan one texas town renamed itself to get free cable the town of dish located in denton county used to be called clark that is until 2005. now the satellite tv company dish network

Made clark an offer it couldn’t refuse in exchange for renaming the town dish each of its residents would receive free basic television service for 10 years and a free dvr as well there’s only one place called earth in the world and it’s located in texas texas is filled with tiny little towns

That boast awesome names i mean if you can afford a european vacation just hop in your car and drive through paris athens naples london or dublin that is texas of course there’s even a town called earth in the plains of texas and it’s the only town on the planet to bear that name

Texas once went 10 years as an independent country now here’s a brief synopsis on texas history during the age of the manifest destiny settlers came into texas which at the time was a part of mexico and eventually decided that they wanted their independence the texas revolution lasted from october 2nd

1835 to april 21st 1836 culminating in the formation of the republic of texas the country lasted just 10 years before agreed to join the united states and it became the 28th state of the union on february 19 1846 texas is more than twice the size of germany

Texas is bigger than you even think it is clocking in at 268 thousand four hundred and ninety seven square miles texas is larger than every country in europe and could easily fit a handful of european countries within its borders in fact if you strategically juxtaposed the shape of texas

Over a map of europe you could cover the cities of paris prague milan amsterdam brussels munich and florence not to mention one in every 12 americans lives in texas when they say everything’s bigger there they’re not kidding texas has its own power grid now the us has three power grids one for

The east one for the west and one independently for texas now the timing on this one is interesting considering texas has just experienced a snowstorm that managed to shut down their power grid the continental us is served by three separate power grids as i mentioned the eastern interconnection the western interconnection

And texas and it all has to do with the state’s commitment to avoiding federal regulations the city of austin has the most live music venues per capita in the united states the capital of texas austin boasts the claim of being the live music capital of the world

Now this city holds the title by having the most live music venues per capita in the nation and austin is home to more than 1900 bands and performing artists and with that more than 250 concert venues now whether you come into town for one of the many music festivals

Such as austin city limits or south by southwest or you’re just taking a stroll down iconic 6th street you’re sure to hear some incredible music while you’re there the texas state capitol is 15 feet taller than the u.s capitol not that it’s a contest but the texas state capitol building

Is bigger than the capital in washington dc by 15 feet featuring a similar dome shape the two capitol buildings also look oddly alike the texas capital is made out of texas hill country limestone and granite and features a marble statue on the top called the goddess of liberty in texas stealing someone’s cattle

Could put you in big trouble it is still a hanging offense in texas to steal cattle or to put graffiti on someone else’s cow it is also illegal to indecently expose or swear in front of a corpse in texas a fun one for you in galveston it is illegal to have a camel

Run loose on the beach before we reveal our number 10 most mind-blowing fact about texas guys click that like button for us subscribe and leave us a comment below letting us know something that we didn’t cover in this list about texas texas experiences the most tornadoes

In the us yes you heard that right texas experiences the most tornadoes in the us with an average of 139 per year now it should be noted that these tornadoes occur most often in north texas and the panhandle the strongest and deadliest tornado was a powerful f5 that struck waco texas

On may 11th of 1965 causing 114 deaths

Video Tags: facts about texas,top 10 facts about texas,texas facts,interesting facts about texas,fun facts about texas,texas fun facts,facts,texas,texas state facts,texas interesting facts,things to know about texas,austin texas,austin,10 facts about texas,lone star state,republic of texas,texas capitol,texas capitol building,best states,united states,america,learn about texas,unknown facts about texas,facts about texas state
Video Duration: 00:07:21

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