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Top 10 Amazing Texas Facts ✅

Top 10 Amazing Texas Facts ✅

While most people will find these top 10 amazing Texas facts very interesting. You will also find many fun things to do when visiting Texas.

Top 10 Amazing Texas Facts

  1. The Texas Military includes land, air, and naval forces. Texas is strong and runs its own true military force that is independent of the US Military. It’s a well-funded State Defense force. All three branches are administered by the state adjutant general, an appointee of the Texas governor, and fall under the command of the governor of Texas.
  2. The King ranch is among one of the biggest ranches in the country and the world. it is located in Kingsville Texas. It is a ranch that is bigger than some states. Just any other interesting fact about Texas.
  3. Many Texans when traveling abroad don’t say they’re Americans but are Texans. That is because between the revolution and the US annexation. Texas was its own Republic, the Republic of Texas. It is the only state to have been an independent nation.
  4. West Texas has mountains and the second-largest canyon too the grand canyon.
  5. Dallas and Fort Worth is the 4th largest metro area in America.
  6. Houston without the surrounding areas is the largest city in Texas.
  7. The highest point in Texas is 875 ft. above sea level.
  8. The oil industry is big in East Texas but probably more extensive in the Permian Basin of West Texas.
  9. Much cotton is grown in the Panhandle region yet cattle are raised throughout Texas.
  10. The Blackland Prairies in the 1820s was part of Texas with almost zero population.

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