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Texas/Texas State/Texas Geography/Texas Counties

Texas/Texas State/Texas Geography/Texas Counties

There’s 254 Counties in Texas, we’re the 2nd largest state in the continental U.S. Anderson, Andrews, Angelina, Aransas, Archer, Armstrong, Atascosa, Austin’s Large. Bailey, Bandera, Bastrop, Baylor, Bee, Bell, Bexar, And Blanco, you just saw. Borden, Bosque, Bowie, Brazoria, Brazos, Brewster, Briscoe, and Brooks, Y’all!

Brown, Burleson, Burnet, Caldwell, Calhoun, Callahan, Cameron, Camp is swell. Carson, Cass, Castro, Chambers, Cherokee, Childress, Clay, and Cochran. Coke, Coleman, Collin, Collingsworth, Colorado, Comal, Comanche, and Concho. Cooke, Coryell, Cottle, Crane, Crockett, Crosby, Culberson, Dallam. Dallas, Dawson, Deaf Smith, Delta, Denton, DeWitt, Dickens, and Dimmit.

Donley, Duval, Eastland, Ector, Edwards, El Paso, Ellis, and Erath. Falls, Fannin, Fayette, Fisher, Floyd, Foard, Fort Bend, and Franklin. Freestone, Frio, Gaines, Galveston, Garza, Gillespie, Glasscock, and Goliad. Gonzales, Gray, Grayson, Gregg, Grimes, Guadalupe, Hale, and Hall. Hamilton, Hansford, Hardeman, Hardin, Harris, Harrison, Hartley, and Haskell.

Hays, Hemphill, Henderson, Hidalgo, Hill, Hockley, Hood, and Hopkins. Houston, Howard, Hudspeth, Hunt, Hutchinson, Irion, Jack, and Jackson. Jasper, Jeff Davis, Jefferson, Jim Hogg, Jim Wells, Johnson, Jones, and Karnes City. There’s 254 Counties in Texas, we’re the 2nd largest state in the continental U.S. Kaufman, Kendall, Kenedy, Kent, Kerr, Kimble, King, and Kinney.

Kleberg, Knox, La Salle, Lamar, Lamb, Lampasas, Lavaca, and Lee. Leon, Liberty, Limestone, Lipscomb, Live Oak, Llano, Loving, and Lubbock. Lynn, Madison, Marion, Martin, Mason, Matagorda, Maverick, and McCulloch. McLennan, McMullen, Medina, Menard, Midland, Milam, Mills, and Mitchell. Montague, Montgomery, Moore, Morris, Motley, Nacogdoches, Navarro, and Newton.

Nolan, Nueces, Ochiltree, Oldham, Orange, Palo Pinto, Panola, and Parker. Parmer, Pecos, Polk, Potter, Presidio, Rains, Randall, and Reagan. Real, Red River, Reeves, Refugio, Roberts, Robertson, Rockwall, Runnels. Rusk, Sabine, San Augustine, San Jacinto, San Patricio, San Saba, Schleicher, and Scurry. Shackelford, Shelby, Sherman, Smith, Somervell, Starr, Stephens, and Sterling.

Stonewall, Sutton, Swisher, Tarrant, Taylor, Terrell, Terry, and Throckmorton. Titus, Tom Green, Travis, Trinity, Tyler, Upshur, Upton, and Uvalde. Val Verde, Van Zandt, Victoria, Walker, Waller, Ward, Washington, and Webb. Wharton, Wheeler, Wichita, Wilbarger, Willacy, Williamson, Wilson, and Winkler. Wise, Wood, Yoakum, Young, Zapata, Zavala, and my capital’s Austin.

There’s 254 Counties in Texas, we’re the 2nd largest state in the continental U.S.

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Video Duration: 00:05:05

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