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Texas History

The History of Texas in 11 Minutes

Home of the fastest road in the USA, the largest  state capitol building in the nation, and a mass   bigger than any country in Europe - Texas has  a history almost as large as everything in it… The history of the great state of Texas  technically begins at around 9200 BC at least.   Paleo-Indians were the early inhabitants of the  territory and by the first AD years, Texas boasted   a considerable indigenous population already. By  the time the North American...


14 Amazing Facts About Texas #1

Hello this is shot with sugar shack seven hope you're having an awesome day today we're gonna start a new series facts about Texas man Texas a big state and we got a lot of facts for a big state such as Texas also to make sure you subscribe to our channel we got a Lot of awesome videos here for you are you ready let's go number one the bowie knife is named after the Alamo hero Jim Bowie...


The Republic of Texas ✅

The Republic of Texas gained independence from Mexico in 1836 following the battle of San Jacinto. Some Texans claim the conditions for annexation by the United States were never fulfilled, and their country is actually still independent. These citizens have formed an alternative government for the Republic of Texas and are minting their own money.We take a look at the cities and countryside in the Lone Star State, sit in on a volunteer government meeting, and meet the Republic of...