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Texas Facts For Kids

Texas for Kids | US States Learning Video

Oh wow! Buckle in! Get ready for fun and learning! This is a Homeschool Pop U.S. states video! In this video, we are learning  about the State of Texas! You're gonna learn so much about the  State of Texas, it's gonna be a blast! But, where is Texas? Where is this incredible state? If we want to learn about Texas, we have to know: Where we're talking about? Here is a U.S. map. Now, where is Texas? We do have...


14 Amazing Facts About Texas #1

Hello this is shot with sugar shack seven hope you're having an awesome day today we're gonna start a new series facts about Texas man Texas a big state and we got a lot of facts for a big state such as Texas also to make sure you subscribe to our channel we got a Lot of awesome videos here for you are you ready let's go number one the bowie knife is named after the Alamo hero Jim Bowie...