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Tag - rmrs

How To ELEVATE Your Daily Style (Make Your Outfits Amazing)

So, the first tip to elevate your daily style,  change your default style settings. Now,   for those of you guys in the IT world, you  know that a default is a pre designed value   when a value or setting is not specified  by the program user. Default settings for   Human beings are a very powerful  influence on the decision we make. So, my question, if you want to up your daily  style, what is your default? Style default   right now....


CORRECTLY Match Boots With Jeans (Most Men Mess This Up)

00:00 Top quiz,   gentlemen. Who do you think popularized the boot  and jean look? Was it the rise of the motorcycle   in greaser subcultures of the 1950s and 60s? Maybe  the boot and jean combination was made popular   By the cowboys of the 1870s as they drove cattle  from San Antonio, Texas all the way up to Abilene,   Kansas. Or maybe it was the California  Gold Rush of the 1840s and 50s. I mean,   it was during that time period...


#1 Rule To ALWAYS Look High Status (The Old Money Look)

So, what's the deal with status? I  mean, seriously, in today's day and age,   who gives a flying fiddler's about looking high  status? Well, it turns out, believe it or not,   almost everybody. And it's not that people  are being evil or vindictive here. They're   Just being lazy. You see, humans, like all social  creatures, have a ranking system in their society. We've done this over the last hundred  thousand years because it just makes   things run...


How To Rebuild Your Casual Wardrobe As An Adult Man

How To Rebuild Your Casual  Wardrobe As An Adult Man   [0:00:00] So, let me know if this   situation sounds familiar. You got a big event,  you got to get dressed up, you want to look good   in your closet. You got ten pairs of trousers,  maybe fifteen, twenty shirts. You’ve got all   These jackets, you’ve got some shoes and nothing  seems like it’s going to work. Seriously, you’ve   got all these clothing, but nothing to wear. The...


How To Dress Old Money Style

So what exactly does it mean to  dress like old  money? It sounds boring. And the reality is,   most people aren't rich. Let's start things  off by answering that first question. So, when you