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El Paso

Top 10 Best Places To Visit In Texas

They say that everything is bigger in Texas and it is certainly true that there is a large range of things do sol see and explore in the second largest state Texans are fiercely proud and they have a lot to be proud of whether you're Interested in history art or cowboy culture it's all found in Texas as you plan your upcoming trip to the Lone Star State be sure to check out this list of best places to...


10 Things You Didn’t Know About Texas

Hey guys welcome back all right so recently I just moved to Texas and many of you keep asking why well what's so special about Texas Texas is actually a fairly big state huge and here I can actually experience all four seasons for example when I was in Michigan oil can Experience was winter and almost winter and when I was in Alabama all that experience was summer in beer season here I can get all four but if...