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Dallas Texas Tour

What is like living in Dallas | Dallas: One of the safest cities in the US

Living in Dallas first off let's talk about crime crime in Dallas has actually gone down and in a very recent Gallup poll Dallas was ranked number one safest city out of 16 cities that were pulled so I'm very happy about that and while many of our big cities are seeing an Increase in homelessness car break-ins mobs breaking into stores and walking out with merchandise you won't find that in Dallas I'm not saying never I'm just saying...


Downtown Dallas, Texas – Virtual Walking Tour & Travel Guide [4K]

This is a guided tour of the Dallas, Texas downtown while virtually walking. This can be nicely used as a travel guide. Dallas is located in North Texas and is the most populous city in the Dallas–Fort Worth metroplex. It is the largest in the Southern United States the largest inland metropolitan area in the U.S.., and the fourth-largest metropolitan area in the country with close to 9 million people. The downtown Dallas area is the central business district of Dallas....