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Stranded on DEADLIEST river in Texas with my GIRLFRIEND

Stranded on DEADLIEST river in Texas with my GIRLFRIEND

We might as well do it on the deadliest River in Texas very high possibility of someone stealing the truck that was We’re at the spot this is technically called Dino Land why is the sleeping bag soaking wet oh they’re going crazy autonomously terrifying it’s like a whole pack [Applause] So we’re probably wondering what I’m getting at right now if that was 152 days ago what’s today as you guys know during that series we put our bodies through a lot of pain that clip was absolutely hilarious so I thought why not go strand ourselves back

On the Trinity River but with my 21 year old 411 girlfriend if you guys enjoy the channel though and you’re new click it down below give it a one two good luck we are gonna go out to the Trinity River tomorrow and embrace the elements one of the Dead actually

Not one of the deadliest River in the state of Texas and most dangerous I think stop Numero Uno is hit Walmart and get some supplies because she’s gonna need something honey get over here what are you doing are you hiding over there I don’t exactly know what we need I

Haven’t really thought this through my main thing has been like Transportation on the river that’s actually really important so this is just gonna go by really quick it’s like Taylor Swift I’m gonna set a 10 minute timer we gotta get out of here we gotta go so whatever

You can grab in 10 minutes is what we’re gonna get to bring it can’t be like what are you stressing out three two one wait go I don’t know what you grab no no no too much time we’re supposed to take this through where’d she go okay all right rope bug spray that

That’s probably most important oh headlamp okay one two three we all got headlamps okay okay we’re gonna need a tent and then things to sleep on their sleeping bags but it is 94 degrees outside so I don’t think it’s a good idea no you want a hammock I don’t know about that

Um it’s a sleeping pad that I don’t know what that is but we’re gonna find out later okay um God I have no idea how we’re gonna get this all on Silo’s boat a knife oh a lighter what is it uh we’re gonna need to blow up the pads I think bam

I have no idea where Victoria went by the way I have app I have no clue she’s probably grabbing something pillows though it was the biggest thing we regretted not getting last time oh my goodness put them right there put them right there okay by the way we have two

Minutes and 28 seconds left she’s looking for toilet paper I thought food came first but we’re gonna find the toilet paper we’re running on time stop yelling at me you never yeah fastest I’ve ever spent 650 in my life that is unbelievably depressing but it’s gonna be okay

I’m just over here making a making fishing leaders all right this thing should catch a 300 pound fish it’s not really made the way it take out your 300 pound fish but we’re all we’re working with limited things here you guys know we checked the weather

Before we came out here like we verified it wasn’t you know gonna tornado or a hail or anything and then celo just texted me which by the way Silo is who’s going to be taking us to spot a and then from a spot a and just said it’s gonna

Rain real bad I mean severe it’s supposed to be here in an hour oh my which I don’t know if you guys I’ve ever done a survival challenge and uh like a lightning storm or anything I haven’t either so if you have any tips we’re already almost here I don’t know I

I think I could do the thunderstorm I think you could do it too yeah yeah her I don’t know gang gang louder look at it out there it’s literally just a cornfield we’re in the middle of nowhere on the Trinity River honey you can’t get it open no here you go here

You go it’s there you go by the way we’re walking down right now I got a little bit of a terrifying text apparently I I told you in the car severe weather well he said just to let you know when it rains up north a big tidal wave comes down the

River just be careful tonight what the [ __ ] but it makes sense if it rains way up North on the river it’ll fill up and meet us down here so we cannot put the tent close to the river or else you know we’re gonna get a literally was not paying attention at

All if it comes down to it we’re gonna be fine Okay walk I was gonna say I literally there’s no way [Laughter] it has all the pillows I mean this has literally everything inside of it that would have been terrible this is scary here Babe this is hard stop it’s actually all right you got this part that’s easy that’s a cakewalk she falls it’s a mission how you doing not well see papa sure celo the transportation man yeah thank you sir all right now All right there’s about to be a mission you ready honey that’s our bait right there all right man hey I’ll be easy hey y’all stay tuned this Ball’s about to go through some crazy things out here tonight good luck bro for first thing she says I’m scared well that’s great all right

Man them at the legend if you guys want to catch some of these fish that are out here that’s got to do it celo is all of his contacts in the description but we’ve got everything look how muddy it is though right here it was this bank was completely flat until we started

Stepping on it we need to get to a little bit more dry land real quick thank you I’ve never accepted a tent I just I like I couldn’t help myself I had to Castle Rock so that’s how I’m Gonna Keep it right here we haven’t even set up anything Where do the batteries go oh okay all right we’re gonna set this thing up like it is if you look at my feet really quick that’s kind of what we’re dealing with by the way that’s free feet promo do not screenshot that how does my butt look oh my goodness is

It gonna look good dude the fish are so big come this way come for me Is it not what it is like headlamp like you put the strap on your head what does it say headlamp so I thought like you did like this like that right yeah like that honey seriously like I’m brilliant it literally said it on yeah but when I did it looks at me like

I was an idiot [Applause] oh my gosh oh my goodness no no no no no no no don’t cry don’t cry it looks like a magician’s wand it’s horrible but I mean the gang that looks awesome but if it I still think we’re gonna have a problem if it rains

We are gonna get a Mudslide and we will slide into the river because we are on the side of a cliff it’s bent over whatever has my line is literally laying on that bank it grabbed it from the deep and it it took it over there so it’s literally been like 10 minutes

Come on Mima the tent Slide down yeah so we’re gonna sleep like this oh my God this is not good it’s like I was saying if we get a Mudslide we’re going right into the river but don’t worry I staked this thing down like a professional steak or wood no if it

Starts to get like that trust me we’ll literally just go out there and embrace the rain all of our bags are waterproof so it can hold the equipment but I’m about to try and set the hook on this line it’s been out for a minute I have

No idea if anything’s on it there’s only one way to find out oh no more bait they’re out here oh my gosh my other line is literally completely slack you’ve got to be kidding me Oh that’s that’s that’s beautiful that was the funniest Gaggle box I’ve ever heard all right um that’s disgusting I touched something I don’t think I’ve ever wanted to touch in my life oh no I think I would I would have gone a long time without touching that

And uh wow that was terrible so oh my gosh there’s a gar right there so about a sight cast this alligator gar oh I missed all right let’s go check this rod gosh dang it um I swear I swear something was just pulling on the fraud no alfredo sauce on that one

That is a huge piece of bait all right we just gotta blow up our sleep what are they called sleeping pads sleeping bags gotta blow up our sleeping pads all right guys I’m trying to get some well I would call firewood but everything is kind of soaked so

Oh oh that was pulling that Rod’s flying that Rod’s flying oh my gosh it’s going it’s going it’s going oh my gosh I’m gonna run out of line I’m gonna run out of light I’m gonna run out of line I’m gonna run out of line oh

That’s on the other side of the river I didn’t even hear it oh I got him I got him oh oh my gosh that’s a big fish it’s running right at us oh my goodness I was gonna run out of line come on come on there we go I don’t think this thing

Knows it’s hooked yet it’s coming right at us oh now it knows it’s hooked come on oh my gosh there it is look at the size everything that’s a river monster right there oh my gosh that’s about the size of my girlfriend first fish of the night oh all right oh

Victoria’s over there setting up the sleeping pads oh my gosh just like that there is no way hey there big guy oh look at the size of that thing that’s a good three and a half four foot fish hey buddy my name is Brenton um I make YouTube videos stay

Daryl stay oh down the rock down the road another Rod oh my gosh the other Rod’s going oh my gosh I don’t know what to do I don’t know what to do the other rods going oh it’s still going it’s still going it’s still good I got that

Thing come on come on come on come on all right here we go you ready oh my goodness go come on stay on them oh he’s running oh my God I think you got off no I think he got off oh my sorry Daryl’s still over there he’s on land

At least we have to be back okay oh Daryl’s flopping Daryl’s almost back in the water Daryl I’m coming I’m coming Daryl hey I’m not here I don’t know if you guys remember but one of these things actually sent me to the emergency room I’m trying to be quite careful they really did

Keep your face over there funny it kind of little fish that was not a little flop not right there guys that’s literally a dinosaur all right oh man set this guy back in the water All right he’s gone I would have liked to catch him while there was light uh being I can’t see anything really I’m Blinded By the Light on the camera but uh all right Daryl fish number one coming in at about 40 pounds three foot seven inches let’s go catch his dad and let’s

Get our masters pad set up yo what do I do what do I do what do I do what do I do what do I do I don’t know what to do I don’t know what to do I don’t know what to do right now do I set

This one oh we’ve got both rods peeling right now this one’s off what just happened I think I had a fish pick up both baits Oh it oh look at that we got a little fire going that’s what I was trying to do before both of these took off luckily we got both Bays hey everyone Welcome to My Crib let me show you this is how we’ll sleep oh that was creepy

Show him take the camera show okay you can’t see [ __ ] I don’t know where the snacks are that would be a good idea not easy to keep a fire when everything’s wet Thank you oh oh oh oh oh Oh not on the gang man it’s so hard we were standing there oh the fire look at it it’s going oh my gosh that that right there is what these things are eating like if I stop talking you guys can hear everything watch this It’s crazy Welcome to Dino Land oh got him oh he came off again no came off again goodness I’m letting him run for it with it for a second too here’s the thing about these fish is yes of course I want to hook them but I don’t

Want to kill them right and a lot of times if you hook them in the gut you can kill them yeah and the reason we have it like this is because there’s one hook hanging off the side in hopes that they grab the this side of it if they

Don’t and I’m setting the hook it’s just coming out of their mouth but a lot of people literally wait for them to run with it stop eat it and then hook them in the gut and I don’t want to do that so I’m trying to be as Fair as possible

They’re dinosaurs you know I don’t want to I don’t want to kill them so but man I want to catch one you have you have that’s true I don’t know what happened what did you what’d you do ah no one gave me a tutorial on how to roast it you’ve never seen SpongeBob do it I want a light glaze on the Mellow e-f-i-r-e cam do not wave it around Oh honey now I have to get you a new marshmallow Laughs Are you shoving down a mellow as you’re about to set the hook oh my gosh that thing is all the way over there yeah I’m gonna stick my mellow right there not cool this thing is oh dude that’s almost all year long this this is literally on

The other side of the planet okay snap me right off snap me right off that’s crazy whatever just had it in its mouth literally clean off that’s nuts that’s insane nothing left ah I’m about to run out of line [Laughter] I’m trying that thing was so far down

River I’m trying to let him have it for longer but I’m gonna need to try and expose these hooks a little bit more oh that thing was so far down there their mouths are so hard so a lot of people are probably like you suck at fishing yeah literally but you don’t understand

How hard you have to get one of these hooks to actually Pierce their mouth ah gosh that thing was running oh my gosh that’s why we lost them or swivel broke bent right open well at least I know it was on for a second all right I think we’re gonna try and go

To bed trust me though I’ll wake up at this thing starts clicking is it nice in here honey no oh my goodness okay they were we’re at a severe angle right now all right as long as I don’t slide out of the tent Thank you bye foreign [Laughter] [Applause] just the lower half of me at least I’ll be protecting y’all that’s awesome okay Victoria pushed me on this hill one more time turn on the fan honey we forgot the fan in the car good night good night guys

I don’t know if you can see our tent uh this is what it looks like it’s actually starting to slide down this Cliff I felt like I was sleeping standing up this is where she’s at now actually I can show her how close she is to the

Water I don’t know if you take a look there’s the water and there’s the tent we’re like right here so we’re still a little diagonal we might not slide in Foreign We didn’t slide in you know I would have rather slid in at this point um Victoria’s still asleep we have no mode of transportation because we were dropped off here so as long as Silo is still good we should be able to leave at some point that it was almost it was a

Terrible night of sleep and then it got better we were on the side of that Cliff over there don’t ever do that by the way if you’re wondering if that’s a good idea it’s just not we were actually willing to float away in the tent opposed to sleeping like that and once

We got right here it really wasn’t as bad I actually slept so it’s nice although the fish are busting I am hungry we have nothing else to do but the amount of coyotes Hogs insects bro insects bro beef Coons I heard last night had me had me tingling a little bit had

Me I had me tingling I was a little he was shivering in your boots yeah it’s got our morning started this is what we’re working with see if I could maybe redeem myself I don’t want to talk about last night actually I don’t want to talk about that at all did

You have like four misses shut up how was your night Victor it was it was rough yeah we were practically in the water yeah tiny tiny little cot blow up mattress thing because mine popped I didn’t not everybody is so I was basically so uncomfortable I was like wow this thing

Is really uncomfortable so then I was kind of like inching my way to Brenton and then I felt that his was more comfortable I decided we would snuggle I can’t wait to shower a little bit I felt that oh my gosh all right oh you gotta set

That I said I can’t I can’t let it get too far because there’s no way we’re gonna get enough enough leverage on this fish see it stopped normally if you feel the line you can feel if they’re eating it or if they let it go he’s eating it

He’s eating it I can feel it all right we just I don’t want him to swallow it I just wanted to eat them for a second yep no no no no no no no it’s going into the tree it’s going into the tree this is in

The tree it’s in the tree it’s still on yep yep come on come on ah gosh dang it no it came off ah finally had one lost inside of a tree lost the gar across the stick that’s actually exactly what I wanted to do so that’s cool Okay yeah that thing is going Oh cool oh that was a big fish foreign [Laughter] s are in the bottom of one of our bags after we packed everything up so it looks like no no buns just Glizzy no buttons no buttons no buns I prefer Glizzy over buns so Thank you That looks like a good bite that was disgusting wait I want to see if I go Glizzy launcher Hey well that was a that was a good one yeah I’ve never actually done that with Victoria so yeah yeah gang gang I did it she didn’t complain until the end when her socks got wet and then it was all hell broke that was just a mission to see if we

Could Embrace literally the elements of that River luckily no Hogs no barracudas no Razorback wolves what oh yeah yeah those are out there too we’re gonna pack up I know you guys saw the fish that we did catch though I want to break the world record this year I believe it’s

Right over eight foot and I almost broke it last year I’m talking about the world record like the world records so uh I I mean if you want us to do 10 000 likes and we’ll just daddy chill sir wow all right I love you guys click the Subscribe button down below there

She is give it a one two I don’t think she went too far oh thank you guys I love all of you I’m gonna go home and shower we gotta post this video today just so you know if you’re watching it the day it came out we were

Filming it this morning our turnaround time is a plus yeah call him out gang okay you guys on that next episode Peace yeah you you okay drive on my knee trust me though guys I could probably drive better with my knee than most your parents can no offense

The knees the knee has got the touch it’s it can do a full U-turn oh are you complaining I swear you were the one that said I want to go sleep on the Trinity I’ve never said I wanted to do this I’m not complaining I’m just saying that this isn’t yes

I’m just saying this isn’t beginner level fish are exploding left and right bro fish are exploding good luck Gluck three thousand oh my goodness

Video Tags: Texas, Texas Travels, Camping in Texas
Video Duration: 00:30:19

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