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Hello and welcome back to my youtube channel i hope you’re all doing okay today’s video is a slightly tongue-in-cheek video but tips and tricks to look more expensive more polished more put together these are just easy and simple hacks that you can do at home you don’t have to spend

Any money it doesn’t take loads of time and you can do this if you want to look polished and put together i am not suggesting that you want to look like this all the time but on those days that you do want to feel a little bit more

Together a little bit more sophisticated then these tips are for you So i’m going to discuss everything from beauty to wardrobe and i think first things first you need to make sure you get the basics right so that means starting with your foundations so before you start compiling your wardrobe and putting your clothes together i think it’s so important that you yourself are

Groomed and polished looking so for me that means having sleek slipped back hair often i’ll do it in a bun i’ve actually got my kind of sleek um low back bun tutorial on my channel so i’ll try and leave a card to it here so

You can go and have a watch if you fancy that or i mean if you can’t even be bothered doing that just tuck your hair behind your ears make sure it’s kind of smooth and i have a little secret weapon for that so my secret weapon is this

It’s a clear brow gel this can be any clear brow gel to be honest this one is from model co and i’ve talked about this in my bun tutorial so i won’t go on too much but kind of make sure it’s more towards the end because sometimes if it’s got loads

Of product on it it doesn’t work just use the little brush to sleek down the ends of the hair and voila you have instantly a very chic and sleek looking hairdo it doesn’t matter what your hair naturally is as long as it looks groomed and sleek and like you’ve actually made

An effort rather than just rolled out bed okay so going on to that is makeup and i think makeup is absolutely crucial to getting it right to looking classy can kind of make or break an outfit and it’s kind of the glue that holds it all together i have actually done a

Couple of makeup tutorials so again i’ll link those but i think you need to make sure your makeup isn’t too bold isn’t too bright hasn’t got lots of different colour on i would personally say the more natural the better and for me natural doesn’t necessarily mean don’t

Wear any makeup it means don’t go for cloggy heavy foundation don’t do loads of over contouring i think all these things are great but in a very subtle and minimal way and then finally for grooming we have nails i always do my nails always make sure they look kind of

Polished and i know that they chip easily if you do them yourself and me and mine chip a lot i think you should have them done as much as you possibly can within reason or if you can’t wet nail varnish for any reason just make sure your hands look really neat polish

Your nails are nice and clean and filed and yeah that’s what i try and always do with my and i always tend to stick to a classic color and i think this again is a crucial point to kind of having that overall groomed polished and sophisticated look is a classic color on

Your nails so be that red maybe a dark or just a plain kind of light color like i’m wearing today and then a tip i would suggest is always use a base coat i kind of use any base coat to be honest and then always use a top coat so i use this

One it’s from cech v you can order it on amazon and it’s just really good it’s lasted for ages so far and the last nail varnish i was wearing didn’t chip at all and i think i put it down to this and it just works really really well so i’m

Gonna move on now to wardrobe which is obviously going to be fundamental in your overall classic kind of look so my first kind of wardrobe tip is wear all black now all black is really easy because a lot of people already have a lot of black things in

Their wardrobe and you can put them together quite easily so for one it is an easy tip to looking chic and classic but also i just think instantly it looks i don’t know i don’t know why it is but i think it does look more expensive overall i think perhaps because black

Often doesn’t give away the kind of fabric it is so you could have something really affordable and because it’s black it doesn’t kind of show that it’s perhaps cheaper fabric so i think that’s definitely a key why all black is just really flattering head to toe it looks really easy put together

It looks like you’ve not made too much of an effort but really simple and chic and what i am wearing today is a windsor london silk blouse there are lots of kind of silk and satin things going around but i think you’ve got to be careful with satin to make sure it’s not

Too shiny so bear that in mind if you are buying satin and then i’ve just got some wide leg black trousers on with it today and a heel and i just think that overall look it’s really chic it could be any black trousers and black shirt

And it just works really well my next tip is a classic shirt and i think the key to a good shirt is it to be slightly oversized fitting that way you can kind of wear it as a jacket as well even you can tie it

You can tuck it in you can wear it as a button down you can wear it to work and there’s obviously multiple ways you can wear a shirt something in a really classic color blue white are two kind of key colors i think will cement your wardrobe together and a shirt just gives

That air of sophistication and it’s instantly smart it’s got a collar it’s not sloppy but you’ll still feel comfortable in this oversized style so whilst we are on shirts i need to talk about this device so this is my steamer and i think a steamer and ironed clothes

Are crucial to looking smart and chic and pulled together it is kind of such an easy thing where people go wrong and crease clothes do not look chic so get your steamer out and i love the steamer i don’t use it for everything but it’s so great when you’ve just kind

Of rummaged around in your wardrobe you’re in a bit of a rush you found an outfit that you like and the thought of getting the iron and the ironing board out is just all too much just grab the steamer this one heats up in a matter of

Seconds and then you just kind of steam away and you’ve got instantly iron clothes it’s such an easy hack this one was really inexpensive i think i don’t know whether it’s 15 or 20 pounds i’ll try and find this one if i can but it’s the t-fal one so it’s just really easy

To use get all your shirts steamed get all those creases out and it’s just such an easy hack that people need to do more often so that’s something that also kind of lends itself to this all black look that i’m wearing and a few more things

That i’m going to talk about is to wear basics and wear them in very plain colors and patterns well i mean not patterns at all just completely plain i think plain clothes look better unless perhaps it’s a striped shirt i think in general plain clothes look more polished don’t

Get me wrong i love patterned clothes but if you want to go for that more classic sophisticated look i think plain block colors work really well and then following on from that i would say neutrals so neutrals for me are a big big part of my wardrobe this for example

Is one outfit that i would wear together neutrals are just so easy to combine with each other and again i just think they look so classy and expensive so these jeans are kind of my off-white ones from under the stories wear them all the time and then i’ve got my zara

Camel blazer and i think the high street do so many good clothes so never put stress on yourself thinking that you’re gonna have to buy more expensive things because there’s so much great stuff on the high street that you can easily recreate an expensive looking outfit for

A lot lot less so neutrals is one way to do that i think you need to really think about the colors of the outfits the patterns this is an all plain outfit it’s tonal but not exactly the same color i think it would perhaps be a bit

More of a struggle to wear it up in all one shade so keep it tonal but neutral and that’s just a really easy simple way to look expensive i know most of us in our wardrobes have neutral clothes especially people who subscribe to my channel because you know

That that’s pretty much makes up the fundamental basics of my wardrobe and like i say i love pattern but if you are going for that look stick to the neutrals so i’m going to talk about fabrics very briefly and because it’s summer i’m going to go with linen to

Make yourself look more expensive i feel like linen is such a lovely material it looks really classic it kind of reminds me of like easy breezy summer days around the pool side you’ve got a linen shirt over your bikini i think it just oozes that air of kind of elegance and ease

And linen is so great because you can find great linen on the high street so uniqlo for one is a great place for linen linen shirts blending trousers things like that h m again does amazing linen and for such a good price too and then this one is from arquette our pet

Is slightly more expensive but if you’re buying a classic piece like this then it will stand the test of time you can wear this over and over again all throughout summer and i love it in the black but any kind of neutral or black linen works really well

And linear trousers linear shirt it’s just a really simple way to look more expensive so next i’m going to talk about blazers blazers are the heart of my wardrobe they just kind of are everything to me i will wear a blazer casually i’ll wear it dressed up there

Are so many different ways you can wear it and i just kind of live on blazes they’re just so fabulous so um this one’s a black one from another stories which i’ve got a while ago but i think any kind of blazer works really well i personally think at the moment

The way kind of the trends are an oversized blazer looks more expensive for one and it just works really well with so many different pieces so a key thing to note here is i think a blazer kind of looks more expensive when you wear it over the shoulders i don’t know what it

Is maybe because it looks a bit cooler you kind of like just throwing it on you kind of don’t care about it it’s all about creating that like effortlessly chic look and just throwing it over your shoulders it’s like you don’t really care about it which is

A good thing i think another thing i will note when i was talking about obviously blazes being slightly more oversized i think that is crucial for clothing there is nothing worse than too tight clothing especially if it’s worn head to toe that is a no-go for me and i

Think that instantly cheapens your look if something’s more expensive if something’s tighter it just doesn’t work like it just it’s just not a good look overall so if in doubt i would personally say always go for a slightly bigger size or slightly looser look rather than tighter and you can always

Balance that out i know some people don’t like to wear completely looser clothes but maybe if you’ve got a tighter top then put looser bottoms on it just looks so much better so my last thing to note is attention to detail we talked about that with the makeup and the beauty but

I think the finishing touch of the outfit is the jewelry and a very plain outfit is lovely but i think just adding a few key accessories can really make or break it so for this outfit for example just wouldn’t look the same without the gold jewelry and even if you want to go

Very understated and elegant just making sure you’ve kind of paid attention to those details they’ve not gone neglected even though you’re perhaps wearing something very simple very understated like a watch for example i wear this watch every single day it is a very simple and slim watch it’s not too out

There and bold but i always put it on and i always think it completes the outfit so those little bits of attention to detail even though they’re not kind of bold and out there for everybody to see i think are crucial and they don’t go unnoticed with people so they’ll

Probably pick up that you look to pull together in classic overall they perhaps can’t pinpoint exactly why but it’s because you paid attention to those little details so i hope you’ve enjoyed my video the idea of looking kind of expensive is a little bit tongue-in-cheek but the idea and concept

Behind it if you want to look more polished multiple together more elegant on a budget you can definitely do this on a budget or just in general really you can wear any kind of clothes and i think it will work so hope you’ve enjoyed watching if you have please

Subscribe that would mean so much to me and i will see you in my next video bye

Video Tags: HOW TO LOOK EXPENSIVE ON A BUDGET,LOOK EXPENSIVE FOR LESS,look classy,how to look classy,how to look polished,how to look classy for less,how to look classy on a budget,how to look expensive on a budget 2020,look expensive 2020,look classy 2020,how to look polished 2020,tips to looking polished,classy tips,elegant tips,how to look elegant
Video Duration: 00:14:15

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