How To Rebuild Your Casual Wardrobe As An Adult Man
These jackets, you’ve got some shoes and nothing seems like it’s going to work. Seriously, you’ve got all these clothing, but nothing to wear. The solution, first, you need to understand what the real problem is. What we’re dealing with here is the law of wardrobe constraints. That is an
Outfit consisting of multiple pieces of clothing each covering a different section of the body. If one clothing section is limited in usage, this constraint is the limit of the total outfits a man can create. Simply put, you may own ten pairs of pants, but if half of them don’t fit you,
If two of them have stains, holes, or dirty. If two of them are the wrong size, then really you’ve only got one pair of pants that are going to work with that shirt and right now, you can’t find them because they’re probably down in your laundry somewhere. [Music]
So, starting things off, I want to first layout five rules on how you can save money and time. The first rule to understand is there is always a tradeoff between spending time and spending money when rebuilding your wardrobe. Now, as you can see here, I put together a nifty
Chart on the tradeoff between time and money. Basically, the more time you’re going to be able to spend looking for deals, looking for sales, thrifting, the more money you’re going to be able to save. However, if you don’t have much time and you’ve got more money,
Then definitely you’re going to want to look – maybe look at custom clothiers. You’re going to want to look at services to actually send you products that are curate. The next style rule that’s going to save you money, understanding the style pyramid – fit,
Fabric, and function. So, anything you buy should fit you or be able to be adjusted to fit you. The function, you only want to buy things outfits in styles that you’re actually going to use. And the fabric, you want to make sure you buy the best quality you can afford.
The next rule is to buy quality and make sure to take care of it. A lot of people they skimp. They buy cheap things and guess what? Cheap things fall apart. Spend a little bit more money, save up, and get something that’s going to stand up to the test of time.
Next up, I’ve got the style theory of value. And this basically says buy what you want and then wear the heck out of it, because it’s okay to spend a little bit more and get something that you’re going to wear hundreds of times versus getting something that you, yeah,
You went cheap on, but you don’t really use at all, but maybe a few times. The cost per wear is going to be a lot higher for that cheaper item that you don’t use versus the more expensive item that, again, you use the heck out of.
And last, but definitely not least. In fact, many people have told me, this style rule right here is probably the most powerful one they’ve ever learned from my channel and that is the law of interchangeability. So, if you have four pairs of shoes,
If you have four shirts, if you have four pairs of trousers, and you have four jackets. Sixteen pieces of clothing, but if they’re one hundred percent interchangeable, you have a total of two hundred and fifty six outfits. And to further illustrate that point, I want to
Bring in today’s sponsor, Anson Belt & Buckle and talk about their interchangeable belt system. You see three buckles, you see three straps, but guess what? You’ve got nine different belt combinations here. Why? Because all their buckles, all their straps are interchangeable. So, when it
Comes to all the different styles of straps and they’ve got dozens and dozens of them. And then, look at those buckles, look at all the different styles from casual to a bit dressier, you’ve got selection. I mean, if you want a strap that’s really tough,
Check out their Invincibelt Collection. And if you conceal carry, these are a solid choice. But, maybe you want something higher end, then check out their Premier Collection. They’ve got straps with crocodile and Italian calfskin. And what really sets Anson Belt & Buckle apart,
The micro-adjust system. This allows you to adjust your belt to a quarter of an inch. And another big advantage is it doesn’t warp the strap. Simply put, you get a more comfortable belt that will continue to look great over time. And, gentleman, if you’re looking to get a
Deal on an Anson Belt & Buckle, you need to be on their email list. Every once in a while, they’ve got their complete belt flash sale, where they give you 20% off. However, if you want to save even more, then make sure to join their new Anson Text Club. There,
You can get a notification for up to 30% off. And I do need to mention their customer service because I know one of you guys years ago cut your belt too short. And he’s like, “Hey, Dave.” He reached out to him, he’s like, “I’m sorry. Can I just buy another strap?”
You know what Dave did? Dave just sent him another strap no cost because that’s the kind of customer service these guys do. They treat people like family and that’s the kind of company I love to support, an American company that basically has its customer’s back.
Now, where to start? I recommend their box set. This is going to be the best deal. You get two straps and three buckles, six combinations. It’s the best deal. Use that link in the description of today’s video to go over to Anson Belt & Buckle. Awesome company, proud to support them.
All right. So, you got the five rules, now let’s address the situation. Let’s look at the need, let’s look at where you’re currently at. [0:04:55] First up, we need to know your why. What’s driving you? There’s usually three
Reasons why somebody’s rebuilding a wardrobe. First up, is you’ve had a change in your career. Maybe you’ve gotten a promotion, you’ve taken a new job. You have changed industries. Maybe before you were the guy working with your hands. Now, you’re the guy in the back running the office.
You’ve got to dress up a bit more. You’ve taken a new career path where you’re going to be customer facing, you’re going to be engaging with people. You’re in sales, you’re in customer service. In any case, you realize the wardrobe you have does not suit your current needs.
So, this is a great motivator because you are actually you’ve got a new job, you’re getting paid, and you’ve got a deadline. You’ve got to actually have this said and you know it will affect your career. Now, the second reason a lot of people rebuild
Their wardrobe is it’s a new chapter in their life. Something has happened, something has changed, and you really need to level things up. You’ve lost 70 lbs. Congratulations. But, now, you know that nothing fits in your wardrobe. You put on 30 lbs of muscle. All right,
Great, but now, you’ve got this drop and you’re finding, hey, I need to get all new pants and my shirts no longer fit. You’ve gone through a divorce. You know, this is a tough time for you, but you are looking at the positive. It’s been two years
And you want to get out there and you want to start dating and you’re looking at your closet and you realize you got to rebuild this. This is your why. You want to use this because when you’re going to be hesitant to pull the trigger to actually go out there
And purchase something, you want to say, you know what? I really don’t want to be lonely, I want to get out there. I want to look as smart and as tough and as great of a person as I am.
I want to have clothing that’s on me that’s actually allowing the diamond to shine. That’s what we’re shooting for here is to understand your why, why you’re actually going to be spending this money. Now, the third why is one of the tougher ones.
And this is where you’re in a rut, where you just want to change things up and you think that’s style could be that catalyst. It can be, but here’s the thing is that you do need to take action because everything we’re going to talk about next in this video,
It is great in theory, but it means nothing unless you actually act on it and that’s the key. So, as a step in that direction, do me a favor. Smash the like button and let me know down
In the comments why you’re rebuilding your wardrobe, how a new look is going to help you. What is your why? What’s your motivation? It’s a small thing, but it lets me know that actually people are watching this, that they’re actually going to take action on this.
And it’s a place where hopefully then maybe you let other people in your life know what you’re doing. Maybe you set up a time with a clothier or you actually go into, you know, you have a friend that goes with you to buy the clothing because this having someone holds
You accountable is the biggest one of the most important steps you can take to rebuilding your wardrobe, making sure that you’ve got your why and then help – sharing it with others, so that they can help you on your journey. All right. So, you’ve got your why. Now,
Let’s start going through your clothing. We’re going to assess what you have. And you’re going to have four piles. You’re going to have love it, you are going to have live with it, you are going to have loathe it, and you are going to have lose it.
And let me explain each of it. Lose it, this is going to be the easy ones. These are things that don’t fit you, cannot be adjusted that you don’t even know why it’s in your closet. These
Are things that are stained. These are things that are beyond repair, are worn out. Put that in the lose it. You just need to get rid of these. The loathe it, this one is a little bit harder.
You’ve got this because you think some day you may need it, but you haven’t worn it for two years. You’ve got it in your wardrobe, you’re not even sure, you don’t like you don’t feel good in it.
For some reason, that jacket that suit just doesn’t fit you properly, but you spent 500 bucks on that thing. You don’t want to throw it out, but, yeah, you just don’t feel good. You loathe it, so put it in that category. Next up, the live with it. These are things
That you, yeah, you wear and they’re decent. They just get the job done. These are your workhorses. Next up, we’ve got love it. So, these are those items that just fit you amazingly well. It’s a color that just compliments, works with your eyes. You get compliments every time you wear
This shirt, every time you wear these shoes. Those are the key cornerstones that we want to build the rest of your wardrobe on and I’ll expand on that here in a few minutes. So, leveraging the power of the Ls, the easiest place to start is the foundation of your outfits.
Your shoes, right here, you want to go through and immediately, again, identify what is a lose it. These are going to be things that don’t fit you, they are beyond repair. They are just shoes you don’t even know why you’ve been keeping them. Go ahead and throw those out, donate them,
Whatever it is, if they’re in good shape. Now, when it comes to loathe. I get that you spent a lot of money on those shoes and they just are not your style. You just don’t wear them,
You don’t like them. I want you to go ahead and create a box for the loathe. You’re going to put, loathe, right on it and you’re going to put the date, because everything that you loathe that you just have been hoarding you don’t want to get rid of,
You’re going to put into that box. And worse case, you can open up that box and grab it a later point. Key here is we need to get these out of sight, we just need to get
These out and we need to start the timer on it because the year when you haven’t used it, you’re not going to feel bad donating it. But, if you do need to pull it out, hey, it’s there for you.
Next up, let’s look at the workhorses. These are – these are probably going to be most of the shoes in your wardrobe. From your running shoes to your casual shoes, definitely, your casual shoes. [0:10:02] Even maybe your dress shoes,
You’ve go these and you’ve had them and you wear them and they work and maybe they’re – even a decent company, decent build, but you know that, yeah, that you just don’t love them. Why? Because you’ve got one pair you just wear those and they look amazing. And it’s a small
Detail. For you, maybe it’s broguing, it’s the detail of the style, it’s the overall look the color, the way that you’ve gotten compliments on those shoes every time. Maybe they’re two-tone. And this is what you want to build off of ideally with your wardrobe
Everything eventually becomes a love. Because when you can do that, when you’ve got shoes you love matched with trousers that you love, matched with a jacket, matched with shirts that you love, all of a sudden you’ve got a combination, you’ve got an outfit that is freaking awesome.
And even if just half the items in there are love and the other half are just, you know, hey, these are workhorse, these are just, you know, they – they get the job done, you’re still going to have an outfit that makes you feel like a million bucks
And that’s what we’re shooting for. So, you went through your shoes, now, it’s time to go through everything else. You start going through your jackets, you start going through your dress shirts, you go through your casual shirts, you start going
Through all the items in your wardrobe. And, again, what we’re looking for is to get rid of, to clean things out, to give ourselves a little bit more room, so we can assess and the things that should remain after you’ve gone through that, again, even your underwear and
Your socks, you’re doing the same thing. You are going to, hey, I live with this, I love it and that’s what should remain after you’ve done with this exercise. So now, take that loathe box, you’ve got it full, maybe you have couple of boxes. Again,
You seal this up, you date it. You put it to the back of your closet or you put it in storage. But, let’s start going through the live and the love. Most likely your wardrobe is much
Lighter much smaller, you’re going to be able to start looking at things that you want to assess why do you actually love the items that you do. We’ve all got an idea of who we are and that
Individual style and some people are going to be more creative, some people are going to be a little bit louder, some people are going to go for more patterns, brighter look. You want to find what you have naturally been drawn to and start to write this down. In fact,
Let me know down in the comments you’re go-to color, why. Oftentimes, it’s maybe something that repeats the color in our eyes. I know for me, I love earth tones, dark greens. I like browns, I’ve got brown eyes. But, if you’ve got blue eyes,
If you’ve got green eyes, you start finding that certain things just work with your skin. Again, you’ve received compliments on those items you’re wearing, but we’re assessing why do you love the items you do. Now, the next step here is to start piecing
Outfits together. We want to see what the blocks with the pieces that you have, what can you assemble. So, you probably got maybe rid of a lot of your shoes, perhaps you got rid of a lot those shirts that just didn’t fit.
All of a sudden, you’re finding that, you know, I am really deficient in these certain areas. You need let’s say some new dress shirts. You do not actually have a suit that fits you. In fact,
Because you have lost so much weight and it cannot be adjusted, you know, you really need to get one because you are in your 40s, you’re in your 30s, you know that you’re going to get invited
To a wedding, you know, God forbid, a funeral. Things are going to happen in your life and you want to make sure you’re prepared. So, you’ve got a little bit of time too, you can start to look.
Notice how we’re going back to those basic rules. If you want to save money, you have to have something before you need it. And based off of, you know, just what happens in life, based off of my career as well, well, I know, I’m going to need more of dress shirts. I know
I’m going to need more suits. But, if, you know, we’re talking more of a casual wardrobe here, I think for a lot of you guys, it’s going to be having maybe shirts that aren’t so loud. It’s going to be maybe henleys, it’s going to be polos, it’s
Going to be sweaters, adding a lot of jumpers to your collection as they’re called over in the UK. Maybe get, you know, nothing against a hoodie, but get rid of those ones that are super loud,
Have a crazy pattern or stain, didn’t fit you well. All of a sudden, you get something that’s solid, something that looks better on you and just overall, this is where you’re going through. Right now, you’re starting to assemble these pieces, you’re starting to assemble the outfits.
And don’t be afraid, I like laying things out, you can even try them on. And, hopefully, by the way, when you went through when you assess what you love and you loathe, you got rid of anything that
Didn’t fit you, yeah, you can just lay things right out there on the floor on your bed and you can start to see what outfits you can form. Now, at this point, you should have noticed the constraints in the outfits that you’re trying to put together. Where in a sense could you
Add item and all of a sudden get a big multiple? Because think about it, if you’ve only got one pair of shoes, but you’ve got ten shirts that are all interchangeable and work together, you’re going to get a lot higher of a return by investing in a new pair of
Shoes, maybe even a couple of pairs. But, you want to look at what you love, you want to look at actually what you wear and say, can I upgrade it? So, let’s say you do have a couple of pairs of shoes and you got a pair of boots that you
Wear all the time. But, if you wear boots all the time, why not upgrade those boots because you got those one go-to and they are your rock star boots. They’re just ones that every time you wear them,
You get compliments, but you can’t, you know, they’re not practical maybe for day-to-day use. But, you do say, you know, maybe I can upgrade to, you know, a nicer pair of boots, upgrade my work boots, maybe get a couple. There’s nothing wrong with having a couple in the same
Style, maybe going for different colors. [0:14:59] You know, if you really like that style or change things up. Maybe just a slightly different style. Right here, we’ve got as you can see right here, the eyelets on the outside. This is more of a hiking-type of boot. Yeah, having fun or just saying,
You know what? I do like the high top, but I want to go with something a bit more casual. Again, if you’re going to wear it, if you’re going to get the miles out of it, if you know that, hey,
This has been pretty much, you know, my go-to, this has been a workhorse, but I want to make sure it should be not something I have to live it, it should be something I love.
So, I bring in a pair of shoes that every time I put them on, I feel like a million bucks. And that’s where you know to make the upgrade, where there is an obvious constraint and where you’re deficient where you’ve got maybe you’re stronger in something else, but you know you could add
Something there and it will bring a big return. It’s really just going to give you more outfits. Again, I don’t want to be the dead horse here, but I want to be ultra clear. If you’ve got ten shirts, if you’ve got seven trousers, if you’ve got five jackets,
But you only have one pair of shoes, you know, so the quick math on that. You are only going to get as many outfits again and again. But, if you were to bring in just two more pairs
Of shoes, so you increased it to three, look at what you’ve done for the overall number, you know, the math – that’s where the math works. Versus if you kept the shoes at one, but you added
Two shirts. Notice how the end number did not go up actually that much. So, this is the key point is you want to notice in the area of your wardrobe where the constraint is at and then upgrade it and
Preferably upgrade it to an item that you love. So, some of you guys may be wondering, well, how does this fit into a capsule wardrobe and how does that all play with everything we’ve talked about? Well, guys, I cover capsule wardrobe right
Here. It does complement what I talk about in this video, so if you want to go check out this video, it’s a good on to go check out. I go into a lot of detail as well. Enjoy, guys, solid video. Yeah,
And good luck rebuilding your wardrobe. And, again, let me know in the comments what is your why, what’s driving you. [0:16:47] End of audio
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