You build your aesthetic on that Foundation you’ll be able to dress quickly and easily and to dress beautifully in a way that is ideal for you on any given day of your life today I’m going to do a deep dive into just one of the Practical constraints that I
Mentioned in that video the lifestyle constraint in that video I indicated that a stepping stone towards personal style is to figure out just how much of your life is spent in certain kinds of clothing but how exactly can we do that like how can we figure that out I have
Some thoughts on that I’m gonna share them with you today if you’re new around here I hope you like it and I hope that you’ll subscribe my name is Hannah I make videos about beauty and fashion and of course I’ll link the video about personal style in the cards and in the
Description box in case you haven’t seen it now let’s go ahead and get into the meat of the video so when it comes to Lifestyle appropriate clothing to me it’s really actually an issue of formality so whether you look or feel appropriately dressed for any given situation it’s
Primarily a question of how formal or informal your clothes are I mean there are places where a truly comprehensively lifestyle appropriate outfit means leaning into a very specific style choice or even a specific garment like Bohemian clothes at the music festival or scrubs if you’re a doctor but life
Circumstances that require such specific clothing are one relatively rare and two they’re not hard to discern right so if you already are a doctor and or you go to a lot of music festivals or both you already know about needing a collection of Scrubs and or a collection of
Bohemian clothes and you probably already have them and you don’t need me to tell you about that in this video the confusing part is curating a wardrobe that aligns with the rest of life like the most of life going from home to the grocery store maybe to school or to a
Workplace that has kind of a Loosely defined dress code to the park with your kids maybe to yoga or to work out to social events various different kinds of social events and then back home to spend long hours at home like by yourself or with your family so many of
Us have lives like this and for most of those lives some clothes work for some of these settings and not others and so many of us end up with wardrobes that are aligned lopsidedly with these lives so we might have plenty of work clothes and plenty of clothes for yoga but when
It’s time to go out to dinner and drinks with friends you have nothing to wear and you either feel underdressed in your active wear or weirdly like you look like you’re going to work even though you’re trying to go to dinner or we have plenty of clothes for social events but
Always feel a little bit awkward dressing for work like our outfits aren’t exactly inappropriate for the office but they don’t make us feel empowered and kind confident in that setting either and you know variations on that theme so here’s my suggested method for realigning your wardrobe with
Your actual life and I’m going to go through it I’m going to do it with you as I share the method with you step one is to write a list of the most recurring situations in your life so here’s my list it’s you know a little bit off the
Cuff it might not be super precise but here’s a list that I came up with just jotting it down for this video my morning routines this is before I get dressed when I’m making and eating my breakfast and doing my morning meditation working from home on a day
Where my two tasks are writing work and filming videos that’s a day where i’m gonna be in front of the camera I also have days where I’m working from home but my two tasks are writing work and editing videos so I’m working but I don’t have to be in front of the camera
Another recurring situation almost daily is that after work time where I’m at home cooking relax texting with Joe maybe doing some tasks around the house I also exercise sometimes usually walking or yoga I run errands pretty regularly grocery store farmers market that kind of thing I broke social events
Down into two categories so there are the Casual social events like hanging out with my sister going to a casual party and then there are the fancier social events like going to an upscale restaurant I’m also a Tango dancer so I go out dancing Tango at this point
Regularly and then the last recurring situation on my list is sleeping of course sometimes I do other things you know for example flying on an airplane isn’t on this list I try to include things that I do monthly like absolutely every month without fail and I didn’t include things that I do scattered
Throughout the year but maybe not as frequently as monthly so step two is to take this list and estimate how many times per month you enter each one of these situations so this is my list working from a 30-day month my morning routine I do that every morning so
That’s 30 times a month I work from home five days a week so in a four week month that’s 20 days of entering a work situation and I would say that I film videos about half of those days and about half of them are non-filming days
That means my work from home day where i’m in front of the camera that’s 10 times a month work from home day where i’m not in front of the camera that’s also 10 times a month most evenings I’m at home doing tasks cooking hanging out with Joe after work but there are
Several days a month where we end up doing something else so I estimate that I’m in that situation about 20 times a month and the other 10 days the evenings are taken up by some other kind of social event like Tango or going out with my sister I like to think that I
Exercise every other day so I said that I enter an exercise situation about 15 days out of the month in real is probably a little bit fewer than that that’s fine I usually have a tasks around the house period of time on Saturday and on Sunday it’s not always
The whole day but I’m usually entering that phase at least twice a weekend so I said that I’m doing that eight times a month similarly I would say I run errands of some kind about twice a week so that’s eight times a month including visiting with my sister and her partner
I would say enter a casual social situation about once a week so that’s four times a month and I find myself going into a slightly fancier social situation about once a month Tango dancing at this point we’re going out about four or five times a month and then sleeping of course happens every
Evening so that’s 30 times in a 30 day month so now I have a sense a very clear sense of what I’m actually doing with my time most of the time and if you’re doing this yourself if you’re following along you have that clear sense for
Yourself too so in order to make use of this information to build my my wardrobe I have to assign levels of formality to each one of these situations so what are levels of formality right they’ll definitely vary from person to person you’ll have to tailor it for yourself
But I think that a good starting place is to rank situations from one to five that’s what I did and here’s what my five rankings look like level one is sleep and loungewear so clothing that’s only worn at home formality level two is activewear so this is clothing that’s
Only worn for exercise or extremely informal public situations like running errands formality level three is what I’m calling unpolished casual for some people activewear kind of seeps over into level three there might be some crossover there the examples of garments that I wrote down to illustrate unpolished casual are flip-flops visibly
Worn out clothing like old t-shirts it’s maybe Sports where like sport sneakers sweat suits that kind of thing I feel like jeans and a t-shirt can fall into unpolished casual if they’re very casual garments so that depends partly on the styling of the Garment and also on how
Kind of fresh and well taken care of it is and how you’ve chosen to style it with the rest of your outfit level four of formality is what I’ve called polished casual so I think jeans and a t-shirt can also fit into polished casual if they’re polished jeans and a
Polished t-shirt or if you’ve put them together combined them with other garments in a way that makes the overall effect of the outfit feel like it’s not actually that casual of an outfit even though there are casual pieces in it other garment examples for polished casual are nice sweaters well cared for
Garments like t-shirts button Downs trousers I think Day dresses tend to fall into this cat category fashion sneakers rather than Sports sneakers nice boots and then level five my top level of formality is clothes that are clearly and unabashedly dressy clothes so nicer fancier dresses blouses button-downs with blazers jackets suits
I think dressy is a great word for this formality level it really says it all I’m leaving true Formal Wear like gowns and tuxedos off of this list because I don’t have a recurring situation monthly that requires Formal Wear and the other thing about my five levels of formality
Is that for me because I work from home and I work for myself I make my own dress code for work basically if you work somewhere that has a clearly defined dress code that’s kind of a level of formality that’s between the levels that I outlined or that’s kind of
Its own thing you might have to put in another level it might have to have its own number maybe a number between polished casual and dressy that says office clothes or something and for you you know that might mean suits or at the very least button downs and trousers and
Certain kinds of shoes or something now it’s starting to get really exciting we have our list of recurring situations we know how many times per month roughly each of those situations occurs we have our five or six levels of formality and now it’s time to assign a level of
Formality to each of the recurring situations this is also a little bit subjective right some people like to look like a level four or maybe in a level five in every social situation no matter how casual it is no matter how good of friends you are no matter what
The nature of the restaurant is Some people prefer to look like a level two or three in any social situation no matter what unless they absolutely have to cross over into a level four so this isn’t something that I can tell you I can’t tell you going out to dinner is
Always level four hanging out at your friend’s house is always a level three you know what I mean I can’t tell you you have to decide for yourself the important thing is that you go through and you think about what level of formality feels right for you and what
You aspire to for every one of your recurring situations and you match them up so here’s what I did my morning routine which happens 30 times a month level one loungewear and sleepwear when I’m working from home on a day where i’m filming or I’m gonna be in front of the
Camera that’s a level four for me polished casual working from home on a day where i’m not gonna be in front of the camera where I’m just writing and editing that’s usually a level three for me unpolished casual that time after dinner where I’m doing housework and
Cooking and hanging out with Joe around the house I actually usually change into my level one clothing during that time I will usually do like Mr Rogers when I take off my work clothes put on my loungewear to relax at home so that’s 20 times a month and I’m back to level one
Again during the day okay exercise 15 times a month obviously that’s level two activewear tasks around the house day that’s usually level three for me running errands like going to the grocery store going to the farmers market I like to dress I like to dress I
Usually go to a level four I like to go out even just to run errands I like to to uh be in my polished casual outfits for that and the same is true of casual social events so just hanging out with friends hanging out with family I’m
Usually out of level four and nicer or a fancier social event level five Tango dancing also level five and then of course for sleep I’m in my pajamas back to level one and now the magical step four I can find out roughly how many times each month I need to dress to a
Certain level of formality so when I added everything together I counted my 30 nights of sleeping in my pajamas together with my 30 morning of doing my morning routine because usually I wake up in the morning with my pajamas on get out of bed and I go about my morning
Routine in the pajamas that I slept in so it’s not like I’m having to put on another entire set of loungewear or sleepwear to do my morning routine but I usually do put on a robe over my pajamas I usually layer on an additional piece of loungewear however it just counted
The 30 sleeping events and the 30 morning routine events as 30 rather than 60. even so even doing that I still found that I enter a level one situation 50 times during the course of the month 50 times a month I’m reaching for a sleepwear or loungewear level two which
Is activewear 15 times a month level three unpolished casual about 18 times a month I’m entering a level four situation polished casual about 22 times a month and I’m entering a situation that requires a formality level five the dressy level about six times a month so
This this is the nub right this is the precious information towards which we’ve been working this entire time and at this point the rest of the work is just to analyze what you’ve come up with and draw conclusions from that analysis of course that will look different for you
Then it’s gonna look for me but I’ll talk you through what it looks like for me so right off the bat I’m spending a lot of time in my loungewear and sleepwear and I’m seeing that when it comes to just getting dressed every day like daily outfits my most frequently
Occurring required formality level is level four polished casual so there should be in my wardrobe majority of sleepwear loungewear and Polished casual clothes which is actually true of my current wardrobe but what I found actually parsing it like actually doing the math looking in the numbers is that
There’s a significant number of times every month when I’m entering a situation where I want to be more casual more comfortable than polished casual like exercising walking doing stuff around the house where I’m unprecious about my outfit like a level two or a level three and this actually surprises
Me because when I think about my daily clothing requirements I immediately think of level four I think of polished casual as being what I need need but statistically realistically I can see that a lot of the time I only need activewear or unpolished casual clothes
And again I feel like those are the two categories that are the closest to each other and if they were combined that’d actually be the largest category except for pajamas but the largest daily wear category would outstrip polished casual I’m gagged and actually this is one way
In which my current wardrobe is not aligned with my lifestyle I have way more level four clothing than I do level three and level two clothing and it’s kind of okay with me because what it means is that I often end up dressing up to a level four for a situation and that
Would only technically require a level two or a level three of formality so it’s not as though as a desperate problem that needs to be remedied but I will definitely keep it in mind the next time I’m out shopping and I’m tempted to buy more level four clothing I already
Have a lot of level four clothing and I don’t actually wear it or need it as much as I think that I do another thing that surprises me looking at these numbers is that I’m wearing level 5 clothing dressy clothing six times a month I tend to think of myself as not
Needing more dressy clothing I’m like I work from home or myself even when I dress up for the camera it’s usually sort of a polished casual rather than a dressy I curtail my desire for dressy clothing because I think it doesn’t align with my lifestyle looking at the statistics I actually wear dressy
Clothes regularly especially dressy clothes that fit the requirements for Tango so they’re stretchy enough for me to you dance in them and I know I used to make Tango clothes for a living and I used to have just infinite access to everything but I don’t own that business
Anymore and I actually didn’t keep very much I sort of just made a clean break I only have a handful of pieces from the poema clothing days I have felt less and less compelled to keep those things and less and less of a reason to buy this
Kind of thing over the past two or even three years because we took a long break from dancing Tango during the pandemic so here I am dancing again needing to get into dressy outfits five or six times a month and you know when I look at this and I think about what it
Actually means logistically in reality to be entering a level five formality situation six times a month and I think about how that doesn’t align with my wardrobe that actually checks out with my recent experience I’ve been struggling to get dressed for Tango but I still have it in my head that I
Shouldn’t be buying dressy clothes that I don’t need more dressy clothes when will I ever wear those dressy clothes I still kind of think that way but the reality is that it would actually make sense for me to buy another Tango dress or two or a pair of pants that I can
Dance in or a top that would make my wardrobe into a wardrobe that actually aligns better with the percentage of time that I spend doing the things that I do in my life and when I realized this you could have knocked me over the feather I was like oh my gosh but she’s
Right the chart is right the numbers are right and my last big takeaway from this exercise for myself is that it sweeps away any vestiges of guilt that I might have had over my vast wardrobe of different kinds of bathrobes bed jackets and house coats my luscious collection
Of print fresh pajamas and my skims cotton rib sleepwear and some of my other loungewear like that incredibly expensive anina being sweatshirt that I wear all the time I don’t just sleep in my pajamas I also wear them for an hour to every morning as I’m going through my
Morning routine and I usually layer them with other kinds of loungewear and then I usually change into some kind of loungewear at the end of the work day and spend more time around the house in that I can see very clearly that I spend more hours of my day in my loungewear
And sleepwear than I do with any other kind of clothing on my body by a long stretch so I’m glad that I’ve allowed myself to collect loungewear and sleepwear that feels stylish and sturdy and comfortable and makes me feel like my best self rather than just settling
For like old torn and stained clothing that is too gross to wear in public and there have been times in my life where I felt like I was being too indulgent or like I have too much of that kind of stuff this chart makes it very clear
That it aligns it aligns with my needs and with my lifestyle so step Six turn your conclusions into an action list here’s my actionable list I’m gonna think twice before buying more level four clothing I’m going to allow myself to acquire a piece or two into the level
Two or level three of formality if I come across them I’m going to actively pursue More Level 5 clothing for my wardrobe and I’m not gonna feel bad about having so many robes and pajamas it makes total sense for me I don’t need more I have plenty of that kind of thing
I’m not going to run out and buy more but I’m not gonna feel shame about having such a robust collection of loungewear so that’s it that’s the video and if you’re feeling a little high and dry let me just quickly explain that the aesthetic guidelines for each of these
Levels each of your five or six levels that’s up to you that’s a separate task not covered in this video so further steps in the process would be visualizing what you want your level for outfits to look like in terms of Fabrics colors Silhouettes overall style and I
Recommend my other video about how to build your personal style to help with this especially the recommendation about collecting inspiration images in a concrete place like Pinterest one way to go about this could be to build a different Pinterest board for each of your five levels of formality and in
Doing that you might find out that you have a really clear sense of what your style will manifest as when you’re at the level three but you’ve never really thought about or concretely visualized how your style would manifest at level 4 of formality or level five of formality
And that might be why you keep buying overly casual clothes and why you chronically feel underdressed at work because you understand what your personal style looks like at a level three and you haven’t yet really conceived of it for yourself at a level four or five but again this video was
Just a deep dive into one one of the Practical constraints kind of getting all of your ducks in a row in terms of the percentage of time that you spend doing various activities and entering the various situations that require these various levels of formality and from there you can proceed to build the
Rest of your vision and then build the rest of your wardrobe just with a lot more knowledge and a more realistic sense of what you need I hope that some of you will do this and that it will help I couldn’t believe I’ve been thinking about this for a long time when
I actually took myself through the paces of it it blew my mind I would I really exposed the the cracks in my wardrobe and the weaknesses in my understanding of my actual day-to-day life and my experience and what I need and how I interact with my wardrobe so I encourage
You to give it a try definitely let me know if you do it and if it enlightens you in the way that it has enlightened me no matter what though I hope that you enjoyed watching this video I appreciate you so much for being here for being subscribed for liking and commenting you
All in the comments you make my day every day and I hope that you’re remembering to take extra good care of yourself so that you can be the most effective version of yourself as you do your work in the world foreign [Applause]
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