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How To ELEVATE Your Daily Style (Make Your Outfits Amazing)

How To ELEVATE Your Daily Style (Make Your Outfits Amazing)

So, the first tip to elevate your daily style,  change your default style settings. Now,   for those of you guys in the IT world, you  know that a default is a pre designed value   when a value or setting is not specified  by the program user. Default settings for  

Human beings are a very powerful  influence on the decision we make. So, my question, if you want to up your daily  style, what is your default? Style default   right now. Well, first up, a lot of guys can’t  even answer this question because they haven’t  

Thought about it. And if you have thought about  it and even if you adjusted it a decade ago,   here’s the thing, you haven’t really  changed anything for ten years. Seriously, you’re in your mid 30s wearing the  same clothing you bought in your mid 20s. Now,  

For most guys, their default style  settings are going to be the clothing   that’s easy for you to grab right out of  your closet. T shirts, jeans, running shoes,   a baseball cap, and who knows that  outfit choice. It may be your style.

You really have thought about this, but I  have a feeling a lot of you guys have dreams,   you have ambitions, you have work, that  honestly there’s a bit of disconnect between   the way you present yourself by default  versus how you see yourself and where  

You want to be. I’ll give you an example.  For me, personally, I don’t wear t shirts. Yes, I have athletic shirts that I wear when I  go to the gym, but pretty much even all my casual  

Shirts have a collar. Straight up, my default  shirt is a performance polo. I find that it works   pretty much in any situation that I find myself in  as a busy dad. I’ve dark colored heavier jeans I   wear during the winter, but during most of summer  and spring and fall, I’ve got performance pants.

Shoes, I just talked about this in another video.  I really lean towards loafers especially during   the summer, but when I’m wearing the jeans and  the polos, you know, during the winter when I’m   layering up, then I’ll wear just slip on boots  like Chelsea’s. I don’t normally wear a hat,  

But if I’m going to be outside all day,  I have a couple of Panama’s I can rotate   through and a performance trilby which is a  nice looking hat especially when I’m traveling. Now, again, this is my default. It works for  me in my work situation. I could walk in here,  

Film a video. I can just simply throw a  sports jacket over that performance polo,   boom, get the job done. What’s going to  work for you? Only you can define that.   You got to look at your job requirements,  you got to look at your personal wants,  

Your needs, what kind of style do you want to  bring in, what message do you want to send. But, to really make it a default, it needs  to be a no brainer. When you wake up,   get dressed in the morning, the items  that I just talked about for me are very  

Easy to find. I’ve always got plenty of  those performance polos, plenty of those   performance pants. Anything I need to be able  to bring that outfit together, I can do it. So, to level up your default style settings, you  just need two things. You need to define exactly  

What image, what presentation do you want to send,  and then you need to purchase the basic items for   at least one outfit. Again, you keep it simple,  you get interchangeable, all of a sudden you got   three shirts, two pairs of trousers, that’s  six outfits, maybe four pairs of trousers.

Eight shirts, they’re all very similar. All of a  sudden, boom, what do you have right there? Thirty   two different outfits. That’s what I love about  the interchangeable wardrobe. Keep it simple,   but make sure that you start with one outfit and  then start upgrading everything else. On a side  

Note here, if you’re having trouble letting go of  clothing, you’re like, I don’t know about this,   simply Put the clothing in a box, put a date  on it, and put it at the back of your closet.

If you really say, hey, you know, this isn’t  for me after a month. If you need to get to that   clothing, you simply open up the box. But when  you find you haven’t opened that box for a year,  

You can safely donate the items. And  FYI, a lot of the tips I’m going to   talk about in this video have nothing to  do with going out and buying new clothing. It’s going to be about taking your existing  wardrobe and improving it with, yeah,  

Sharpening a little bit of the  stuff up here. So, really quick,   gents. How would you describe Most of us would  say it’s red, maybe we talk about some of the   other colors there. Maybe we would actually count  and describe the shape and the number of petals.

But, it’s safe to say for most of us, it  would be a very rudimentary description. But,   what if you were a botanist? What if  you had studied horticulture? What if   you were a florist? Well, it’s safe to say  if you knew more about the subject matter,  

You could probably describe it. in more  detail. The same thing applies to cars, right? This is a red fast looking car. I know some  of you guys are cringing because you’re like,   Antonio, that’s not just a car, that is a Ferrari.  Not just any Ferrari, that’s a 250 GTO. Again,  

We’re all looking at the same thing, but  people with a deeper understanding have   a deeper appreciation and they can describe it  and they can talk about it in a lot more detail. The same thing, gentlemen, applies to style. If  I start dropping the words bespoke, silhouette,  

Tailored, lapel, Cuff links, darts, loafers,  blazers, herringbone, paisley, seersucker,   wingtips, cardigans, salvage, denim,  hounds, tooth, argyle, tweed, monk,   strap. Now, some of you guys knew every  single one of those terms, and if you did,   let me know in the comments and  I’ll send you a challenge coin.

And by the way, if you didn’t know all those  terms, No shame in that. 15 years ago, I didn’t   know jack about style, but I started reading  books. I started delving into the information,   the knowledge base that was out there  at the time because I realized if I  

Was going to succeed in this industry,  I needed to understand the terminology   so that I could better communicate  with not only you all the audience. But, when I initially started my journey, I owned  a custom clothier. To be able to talk to people  

About style, I had to have a style lexicon. Now,  how to actually improve your vocabulary? Well,   you’ve taken a great step by actually  watching my channel. And by the way,   if you haven’t subscribed, make  sure to hit that subscribe button.

But, seriously, guys, there are tons of other  great style channels out there. You got my friend,   Rafael over at the Gentleman’s Gazette. You’ve  got Kirby Allison over at KirbyAllison. com.   My good friend and business partner,  Aaron Marino over at Alpha M. We got  

Stand up guys like Alex Costa who also  have great information on men’s hair. You want to mix in a bit of business, check  out Jose Zuniga. If you’re a smaller guy,   check out Brock over at The Modest Man. If  you’re in the city, check out my friend,  

Vladimir Richie. He’s putting together some great  stuff especially on shoes. I’ll see you If you   want someone that’s going to tell you how it is,  straight up, check out Jeff over at the Style OG. Salute. You want more of a lookbook type  style, check out Marcel Flores over at One  

Dapper Street. And for great cinematography  and ideas, check out Tim Desai. Guys,   he’s probably making some of the best  videos on men’s style out there. And,   of course, I better not forget Hugo  and Sonia over at Present Gentleman.

I got a little bit of a story with this, so  if you stick around to the end of the video,   I’ll share it with you. But those two  right there also have a number of books.   And speaking of books, of course, we can’t  leave out Alan Flusser and his magnum opus,  

Dressing the Man, Mastering  the Art of Permanent Fashion. I’d have to say that book along with Gentleman,   The Ultimate Companion to the Elegant Man  by Bernhard Roetzel. Those two books were my   start what got me into menswear and I love them  both. Gents, if you pick up any of these tomes,  

All of a sudden you’re going to have more  than enough information to get you started. Now, the next step to leveling up your daily  wear, the outfits you put together every single   day is to understand. Now, over the years I’ve  talked about body types and I will link to my  

Body type video down in the description of  today’s video. But, I do want to say the big   thing with understanding your body type is how to  wear proportions that work with that body type. And, let me be clear, I’m all about  body positivity. If you are a thin guy,  

If you’re a little bit of a bigger  guy and you’ve been working for years,   but just simply you can’t lose that  weight because it’s the way you’re built,   I get it. You want to wear clothing that  is going to accentuate your strengths.

Accentuate your weaknesses. And by weaknesses,  let’s look at the proportions. So, if you’re   5’4 in general, your head in proportion  to your body is going to be a little bit   larger than for a man that’s 6’4 And what  this can do is it makes you look cute,  

It makes you look, uh, childish.  That’s not what we’re going for. We want to make sure you’re wearing clothing  that helps to offset The larger proportions   that we see, you know, in this case with  your head. If you’re a really skinny guy,  

Understanding your body type and the type  of patterns and cuts that are going to   work for you means that we want to  add a little bit of weight to you. We don’t want you to wear clothing that is going  to make you look even skinnier. The same thing  

With big guys. If you’re a little bit bigger  around the waist, we want you to look large   and https: otter. ai This is a video on how to get  the perfect look for a really bright colored belt.  

Instead, let’s go for more of a monochromatic  look that allows the eyes to go up and down. We’ll spend a little bit more time looking at your  shoes, looking at the accessories you got on the,   you know, the ends of your arms and  these type of points. That’s where we  

Want to draw them up and actually draw  people’s attention. Up to your face,   up to your eyes because that’s  where we want them to stay focused. Now, throughout human history, what  type of proportions are attractive?   That has actually changed. But one thing  I do know is it’s the norms of a society  

Which for the most part people perceive  as being. Transcribed Attractive. Outside   of that norm and there are extreme  versions that could be attractive. You know people that spend a lot of time on  their body if you’ve got a very muscular build,   but even then it can come off as cartoonish. Now,  

In general what we’re looking to do with  clothing is to build up your weaker areas   and to strengthen and to show off the  areas that you’ve put the work into. Because if you’ve gone to the gym, why in  the world would you wear a suit That is cut  

Square that doesn’t bring in and show that  you’ve got this masculine cut silhouette.   Something that would have natural, you know,  natural cut right here on the shoulders. You   don’t need a whole bunch of padding,  which that’s kind of more 1980s anyway.

But, you want to be able to wear a jacket  that actually is going to be a little bit   more trim around the torso, so  that you can show off your drop,   which is the distance or basically the  difference between your waist area and  

The chest. We want to be able to show  that V because it’s a very masculine look. That being said, if you’re a… bigger guy. We  do want to build up the shoulders a bit. It’s  

Not going to make you look thin, but that V right  here cut in with the shoulders right there, that’s   going to make you look a little bit more square,  which is a much better look than a round circle.  

And even for the tall skinnier guys, yeah, a crew  neck t shirt looks okay, but bringing a V neck. T shirt. Again, not cut too much of a V.  All of a sudden, it does draw a little   bit more attention to the chest. A dark  color with those dark trousers, again,  

Allow the eyes to go up and down. Although,  you could change it up with going with some   bright colors. You could even wear that shirt  untucked especially if you’ve got a really short. Torso, you’ve got longer legs.  Oftentimes we see this on taller  

Guys so that they look better with  shirts untucked. Again, not always,   there are exceptions. What we’re trying to hit  on here is you understanding how proportions   play into this. There’s a whole mathematics, a  whole science to proportions. Do the research.

Tons of information out there from the rule  of thirds, if anyone understands photography,   from being able to understand the golden  circle. You bring this stuff into your clothing,   all of a sudden you’re able to put together  outfits, you’re able to put together looks  

That really just work for your build, your body  type, and your overall, you know, your body. Now, at this point, gents, I’ve dropped a lot of  knowledge. Yes, I don’t have a Ferrari behind me,   but I will tell you that, guys, if knowledge  was power, Librarians would rule the world.  

Come on. I mean, they don’t because you  got to take action on the information.   You got to know exactly what information  and then what exactly to take action on. And the reality is watching, if you’ve watched  10, 20, 30 YouTube videos on style, improving  

Yourself, have you actually become better? Some  of you guys, great. But I think a lot of us,   we need a bit of motivation. We need, you know,  accountability. We need to know. Exactly what   actions to take in the order to take them,  so that we’re efficient, we’re effective.

Guys, that is my style system. If you  haven’t seen this before, this is my go   to course in which we focus in on accountability.  We focus in on action. Yes, information is great,   but I focus in on the 4%, that 20% of the 20%  that’s going to yield you that big return. We  

Help you take that action step by step. In  the order that you need to take it so that   you don’t waste time and within 30 days you’re  walking to a room and you are the best dress man.

Not only that, you’ve got the confidence, you’ve  got the knowledge, you’ve got it all put together   because you’ve put in the reps, you’ve put  in the practice, and you wear this clothing   with confidence. and just simply knowing that you  are the man. So, gents, if you’re tired of being  

Invisible, if you want to know for sure how to  step up your style, check out the style system. I’m linking to it down in the  description of today’s video. So,   now, let’s take a step back to practicality, how  to actually improve your day to day style. We’ve  

Been talking a lot about information, but  I want you to go ahead and take everything   out of your closet. Yes, make your bed,  make sure it’s clean, lay everything out. Let’s see. All of your shirts. All  of your trousers, all your shorts,  

All your socks, everything. What you want to  do is create three piles. You have your love,   you have your like, and you have  your lose pile. So, obviously,   everything that goes in the lose pile, you’re  going to go ahead and put into the donation box.

Again, if you don’t feel like get rid of  it, you’re a little bit nervous about it,   simply seal it up and put it at  the back of your closet. Next up,   you’ve got your love and your likes. Now,  the love item should be pretty easy and  

There’s probably not going to be a whole lot  in there. These are items that fit you well. Every time you wear it, you get compliments. These  are the items that you just simply love. putting  

On. They make you feel like a million bucks. Now,  the goal here is to eventually have a closet full   of items that you love, so that everything  you’re putting on, whether it’s your socks,   your underwear, your trousers, yeah, they don’t  get a lot of attention, but you know what?

You love the fit, you love the feel, you  just love putting these items on. But,   for most people, that’s a ways out. Let’s  look at what you have in the like. So,   is there any way for you to take anything in the  like and actually get it upgraded? So, you’ve got  

These that you like. Okay. So, we talked about  we used the word darting a little bit earlier. You’re going to take it to a tailor because you  can speak the language. You’re going to explain   exactly what you want. I want a couple of darts  in the back. They’re relatively inexpensive. All  

Of a sudden, the shirt is going to look  better on you. You’ve got a little bit,   you know, skinnier arms. You’re going to get  those sleeves adjusted on those short sleeve   shirts because all of a sudden they’re  going to hug you a little bit better.

They’re just going to look better.  And you’re going to go from Next up,   let’s look at how all these items work  together and where are you dangerously   low. Most likely you do have baby trousers.  You got two pairs of jeans that you go to.  

And one of them dress up jeans, the other  one are really your tear up casual jeans. You’ve only got one pair of good looking jeans,   so you rarely ever wear them because you  want to keep them looking nice. How about  

You actually spend a little bit of money to get  Two more pairs, maybe slightly different colors,   maybe go with the same thing, but then you  can start actually rotating that into your   wardrobe and you don’t feel bad because, you  know, you’re not wearing it every season.

Well, you actually are wearing the same  style every day, but it already works   with everything in your wardrobe. Point being  is you identify The weak areas where you can   bring in more pieces, it could be shirts,  it could be you’ve got no casual jackets,  

You don’t have a fatigue jacket, you don’t have  a denim jacket, you have no sports jackets. The point is once you’ve identified where  this weakness is, all of a sudden you can   direct resources to this key area. And I’m not  saying you’re going to go out there and even  

Spend money. You could talk to that uncle that’s  got the same build as you and say, hey, man, you   got anything left over? I had a great friend who’s  Father he’s called he used to rate all the time.

The guy was, you know, a 1970s and he loved  bringing back these looks and it looked great.   Seriously, Rob could rock these outfits and he  had no problem with the ladies because the guy   looked good. He always had a great smile and  he just felt good and he had the same profile  

As his dad, so he was able to pull off all  this clothing and it didn’t cost him anything. Gents going into thrift stores,  secondhand stores, St. Vincent de Paul,   The Salvation Army. Goodwill. There is no  shame in shopping in these places. In fact,  

I think there’s a huge benefit because  you’re really free from box stores and   the fashions that are being pushed on  you. In addition, a lot of that vintage   clothing is of higher quality build,  so you’re actually getting a steal.

And believe it or not, you can find some  items that have been worn once. 30 years,   40 years old, they’re made well and they weren’t  even taken out of the packaging. And seriously,   gents, you can have fun with this. Make it  a game. How much can you get for 1 or less,  

For 10 or less? You can find  these items, go out there again. I’ve got tons of clothing in my office here  and I’ve been working to get rid of it. Um,   sorry, I know a lot of you guys reach out  to me. Occasionally, when someone like their  

House burns down and if they’re the same size  as me, I have sent out clothing. I’m proud and   happy to do that. But, point being is Are you  asking people because there are tons of people   that are sitting on tons of clothing, they  just want someone to come in and get rid of.

I know some of you guys are going to have  tons of holes in your closet, like, Antonio,   what do I buy first? So, with that in mind, gents,  let me introduce you to three words I talk about   in my style system, cornerstone clothing,  keystone clothing, clothing. Now, for anyone  

Familiar with architecture or construction, you  know I stole those terms because a cornerstone by   definition is the first stone that you set down  in the construction of a masonry foundation. It is the foundation piece that  all other things reference to. It   literally determines the position, the  foundation of the entire structure. So,  

Cornerstone clothing is going to be your uniform.  This is going to be the clothing you have to have   either for your profession. Or for your own  personal needs when you go out day to day. For many men still in today’s modern world,  a cornerstone piece of clothing is going to  

Be the suit. For other people, it’s going  to be a casual pair of Chelsea’s with dark   colored jeans. Now, for most people, they  have to have these items in their wardrobe,   but there’s a good chance  that you could Upgrade this.

Maybe you bought that suit a decade ago or the  material is just poor quality. Those jeans,   you want to upgrade them to a higher quality  type of denim. Those shoes, you want to change   them out or maybe bring in an additional pair.  Next up, we’ve got keystone clothing. Now,  

A keystone in architecture is the wedge shaped  stone piece at the apex of a masonry arch. This piece locks all the other stones in place.  So, this is going to be very similar to the   cornerstone for the guy that has the suit. This  is going to be his casual clothing like I talked  

About, maybe jeans, it’s going to be polo shirts,  maybe a number of dark colored button downs. For   a lot of guys, this is going to be their  day to day shoe, the one that they slip on.

It could be a loafer, it could be a pair of  brogues, it could just be a pair of running   shoes that they’ve been defaulting to. The  reality is your keystone pieces are going to   be the majority of. Your core wardrobe. These  are the essential pieces that you wear day in,  

Day out, week over week. If you’re missing  anything here or you need to upgrade here,   this would be the next place I would look. Next up, let’s talk about capstone pieces.  Now, capstone, these are the final stones,   often flat ones used to cover the top  of a building or a wall. Basically,  

Culminating pieces. You can do without them,  but they really do complete the look. So,   an example of a capstone piece is going to be  a nice. Watch. It’s a really nice thing to have   and when you buy one, it could be an heirloom  piece that you’ll have for the rest of your life.

But, can you live without it? The  answer is yes. So, at this point,   gents, you’ve identified what is missing  in your wardrobe. You’ve gone out there,   you’ve purchased, you’ve located, you picked up at  thrift stores, you have now filled the gaps. Now,  

You need to start wearing the items. Now, this  goes without saying, but anything that you’ve   purchased, make sure it works in an existing  outfit, that that’s going to be interchangeable. You don’t want to have a shirt that goes with  nothing that you’re going to have to go out  

And buy. Another pair of trousers, a pair of shoes  for, that is something that’s not interchangeable   and can be very expensive. I’m not saying you  can’t wear fashion pieces like that. What we’re   looking for here are items that are already  going to work with your existing outfits.

That way you can then take these new items and  you can create some signature looks. Now the   signature go to looks. Our combination of  individual items that you’ve crafted into   an outfit. The point is with a signature go to  look, you’ve actually thought it through and you  

Like the message that’s being sent and you know  how to piece those items together very quickly. And that’s what we want. Now, a lot of guys resist  changing their wardrobe, let alone upgrading their   wardrobe. ’cause they’re like, oh, come. Dress  clothing, it’s going to be uncomfortable. Going  

From a t shirt to a performance polo, oh,  that’s going to be, you know, I can’t do   that. The thing is, it’s not uncomfortable,  it’s just unfamiliar, you’re not used to it. Similar to going for a run. If you  haven’t been running for a while,  

The first time you’re going to be a  bit winded, you’re going to have to   start walking in the middle of that run.  But after you’ve gone out for a few runs,   after you’ve gone to the gym. A few times,  you start to know where everything is at.

You don’t have to ask where the  bathroom is at. You don’t need to,   you know, help with your code. You know  what the machines are for. Eventually,   you start to learn one machine at a time.  You become more familiar and therefore,  

You become more comfortable and you start  to see the benefits of this habit change. And that, gentlemen, is what makes Elevating  your daily style, such a powerful thing because   it’s a daily application. Daily you’re  now sending a message to the world,  

This is who I am, this is what I stand for  without having to say a word. You dress the   part of the man you know yourself to be. And  gents, that’s when the magic starts to happen,   when opportunities start coming  your way that previously All right,  

Gents, remember it’s more than just passively  watching these videos, you got to take action. If you need help with that, check out  our style system. I’m linking to it down   in the description of today’s video.  And, what video to watch next? Guys,  

I got you covered right here. The only  rules a man needs to know in 2023. Actually,   they’re timeless. And, it works well  with this video. I think you’ll like it. Boom, right here. Check it  out. Solid video. Oh, yeah.

Video Tags: how to elevate your daily style,how to improve your style,how to level up your style,how to elevate your style,how to find your personal style,how to find your style,how to find your aesthetic,how to dress better,how to improve your style men,how to improve your style in clothes,how to elevate your fashion style,rmrs,real men real style,antonio centeno
Video Duration: 00:20:02

Comments (42)

  • @RealMenRealStyle

    🔴 – Click here to join The Style System! – Click here to watch The ONLY Style Rules A Man Needs To Know (2023 Edition).
    📙 – Click here to check out the style books for men.

    December 1, 2023 at 3:33 pm
  • @ZoMbIEx23x

    What is the shirt you're wearing in this video?

    December 1, 2023 at 3:33 pm
  • @santiago34113


    December 1, 2023 at 3:33 pm
  • @michaelross3135

    Since listening to you I now know and am starting to understand all the terms you mentioned. Thank you for all you do.

    December 1, 2023 at 3:33 pm
  • @ben_kole

    The ‘default’ explanation from the IT space is accurately curated 🙂

    December 1, 2023 at 3:33 pm
  • @nightrider12soul

    Learn also about quality of the brands.The most expensive is not a guaranty that is better.
    You can by some Italian designer brand Oxford shirt but Ben Sherman might have better material.
    If you bay sea combed cotton try to find out the producer of material as they might also have there cloth brand and is much cheaper because they supply the others designer brands.
    Some Ivy style is the best as is minimal and simple.When you were a blazer or suit have your shirt in lighter colour.
    The shoes are most important or sneakers for sporty look.Avoid big logo as you might look like walking publicity.
    Adapt your cloth to the climate where you live and learn how too maintain them.

    December 1, 2023 at 3:33 pm
  • @david_snyder2

    Antonio, Thank you for the advice. I am working on updating my style and have learned a lot from you. I did know all of the terms you stated in the video.

    December 1, 2023 at 3:33 pm
  • @rexl6930

    I knew alot of them but not all I have always liked dressing nice but love the views it really helps me learn more. I don't dress for business for I work in a factory but for everyday.

    December 1, 2023 at 3:33 pm
  • @jamiebowens1570

    I knew every term in your video, but I have been watching you for years.

    December 1, 2023 at 3:33 pm
  • @cooperage_torcedor

    I knew most of the style terms. Now that I’m getting into the insurance industry, I need to update my dress clothing and business casual choices. Also I’ve lost 50+lbs so getting a smaller size is a new challenge for me. I’ve always worn a larger size to hide my size. Dropping a pant and shirt size I need to get used to purposefully getting a more form fitting wordrobe.

    December 1, 2023 at 3:33 pm
  • @2815marionwood

    Question Antonio: can I wear cuff links without a tie?

    December 1, 2023 at 3:33 pm
  • @tempestandacomputer6951

    One note to add when thrifting: know what you are looking for so you don't waste time.
    If you go into a thrift shop and just decided to look at everything there, over an hour can go by easily. When I go through shirts, I know I am looking for certain patterns or brands and just quickly skim through the rack looking for those things. I can spend about 15 minutes at Goodwill and know if there is something worth trying on or not.

    December 1, 2023 at 3:33 pm
  • @TheSkandranon

    "Knowledge is NOT power. Knowledge is only POTENTIAL power. Action is power.”
    — Tony Robbins

    December 1, 2023 at 3:33 pm
  • @Xpun-oi2zz

    I knew all of the terms. I kind of surprised myself.

    December 1, 2023 at 3:33 pm
  • @dougwheeler4549

    Another well thought out site. One of my goals as someone who always trained, exercised with diversity and was very focused on health and diet. But one style trait I found which I wanted to change for presence and to be somewhat unique was a style that I observed by Sylvester Stallone. So one day I mentioned to my wife I was greatly ramping up on my core. That I wanted to have a stuffed in shirt. Whether Polo, my biker tee shirt, a collared pole, or dress shirt. I want a flat stomach that I dressed with a stuffed in shirt with any style pants. Jean, khakis, slacks even many shorts.
    Just like Stallone did. To highlight his physic. So after six months of core training and flat stomach focus I am there. And when I go into a restaurant, a business meeting or even out in a social gathering I seem to be one of the few and most of the time the only man with his shirt tucked. Everyone else whether young or old because of their stomach their trying to hide they are all wearing a loose fitting baggy shirt un-tucked.

    So thanks Mr. Stallone.

    As far as clothing at resale shops thats one of my favorite stop overs anywhere anytime looking for vintage dress shoes and loafers. There are some fantastic styles available for very little money in mint condition.

    December 1, 2023 at 3:33 pm
  • @dougwheeler4549

    Another well thought out site. One of my goals as someone who always trained, exercised with diversity and was very focused on health and diet. But one style trait I found which I wanted to change for presence and to be somewhat unique was a style that I observed by Sylvester Stallone. So one day I mentioned to my wife I was greatly ramping up on my core. That I wanted to have a stuffed in shirt. Whether Polo, my biker tee shirt, a collared pole, or dress shirt. I want a flat stomach that I dressed with a stuffed in shirt with any style pants. Jean, khakis, slacks even many shorts.
    Just like Stallone did. To highlight his physic. So after six months of core training and flat stomach focus I am there. And when I go into a restaurant, a business meeting or even out in a social gathering I seem to be one of the few and most of the time the only man with his shirt tucked. Everyone else whether young or old because of their stomach their trying to hide they are all wearing a loose fitting baggy shirt un-tucked.

    So thanks Mr. Stallone.

    As far as clothing at resale shops thats one of my favorite stop overs anywhere anytime looking for vintage dress shoes and loafers. There are some fantastic styles available for very little money in mint condition.

    December 1, 2023 at 3:33 pm
  • @dougwheeler4549

    Another well thought out site. One of my goals as someone who always trained, exercised with diversity and was very focused on health and diet. But one style trait I found which I wanted to change for presence and to be somewhat unique was a style that I observed by Sylvester Stallone. So one day I mentioned to my wife I was greatly ramping up on my core. That I wanted to have a stuffed in shirt. Whether Polo, my biker tee shirt, a collared pole, or dress shirt. I want a flat stomach that I dressed with a stuffed in shirt with any style pants. Jean, khakis, slacks even many shorts.
    Just like Stallone did. To highlight his physic. So after six months of core training and flat stomach focus I am there. And when I go into a restaurant, a business meeting or even out in a social gathering I seem to be one of the few and most of the time the only man with his shirt tucked. Everyone else whether young or old because of their stomach their trying to hide they are all wearing a loose fitting baggy shirt un-tucked.

    So thanks Mr. Stallone.

    As far as clothing at resale shops thats one of my favorite stop overs anywhere anytime looking for vintage dress shoes and loafers. There are some fantastic styles available for very little money in mint condition.

    December 1, 2023 at 3:33 pm
  • @dougwheeler4549

    Another well thought out site. One of my goals as someone who always trained, exercised with diversity and was very focused on health and diet. But one style trait I found which I wanted to change for presence and to be somewhat unique was a style that I observed by Sylvester Stallone. So one day I mentioned to my wife I was greatly ramping up on my core. That I wanted to have a stuffed in shirt. Whether Polo, my biker tee shirt, a collared pole, or dress shirt. I want a flat stomach that I dressed with a stuffed in shirt with any style pants. Jean, khakis, slacks even many shorts.
    Just like Stallone did. To highlight his physic. So after six months of core training and flat stomach focus I am there. And when I go into a restaurant, a business meeting or even out in a social gathering I seem to be one of the few and most of the time the only man with his shirt tucked. Everyone else whether young or old because of their stomach their trying to hide they are all wearing a loose fitting baggy shirt un-tucked.

    So thanks Mr. Stallone.

    As far as clothing at resale shops thats one of my favorite stop overs anywhere anytime looking for vintage dress shoes and loafers. There are some fantastic styles available for very little money in mint condition.

    December 1, 2023 at 3:33 pm
  • @dougwheeler4549

    Another well thought out site. One of my goals as someone who always trained, exercised with diversity and was very focused on health and diet. But one style trait I found which I wanted to change for presence and to be somewhat unique was a style that I observed by Sylvester Stallone. So one day I mentioned to my wife I was greatly ramping up on my core. That I wanted to have a stuffed in shirt. Whether Polo, my biker tee shirt, a collared pole, or dress shirt. I want a flat stomach that I dressed with a stuffed in shirt with any style pants. Jean, khakis, slacks even many shorts.
    Just like Stallone did. To highlight his physic. So after six months of core training and flat stomach focus I am there. And when I go into a restaurant, a business meeting or even out in a social gathering I seem to be one of the few and most of the time the only man with his shirt tucked. Everyone else whether young or old because of their stomach their trying to hide they are all wearing a loose fitting baggy shirt un-tucked.

    So thanks Mr. Stallone.

    As far as clothing at resale shops thats one of my favorite stop overs anywhere anytime looking for vintage dress shoes and loafers. There are some fantastic styles available for very little money in mint condition.

    December 1, 2023 at 3:33 pm
  • @user-ne7ms6qt7x

    I knew all of those terms. And it's true, if a person isn't into fashion they won't understand the beauty in craftsmanship and how it is made.

    December 1, 2023 at 3:33 pm
  • @BIG_Z_69

    My default is graphic super hero t shirts from wal mart with gym shorts or sweat pants with old sneakers but I’m trying to change that… my wardrobe is one of my major motivation for losing weight

    December 1, 2023 at 3:33 pm
  • @mikew742

    A proportioned man should have a drop of 8 inches, ie: the chest measurement is 8 inches more than your waist.

    December 1, 2023 at 3:33 pm
  • @JoseRuiz-ng3qs

    We Marines know them style tips.

    December 1, 2023 at 3:33 pm
  • @serignesarr4898

    Hello Antonio
    I m from West Africa, francophone
    I m 59 and i really appreciate your videos. I learn a lot following your videos. Thanks and best regards

    December 1, 2023 at 3:33 pm
  • @johnmackey7721

    I have a lot of items I loved when they fit, and high hopes for getting back into them. But by the time I do I probably won’t like them.

    December 1, 2023 at 3:33 pm
  • @nikolaarandjelovic1930

    Yes I knew the style terms. Though my wardrobe doesn’t reflect it. I need to upgrade

    December 1, 2023 at 3:33 pm
  • @durandus676

    I didn’t know Houndstooth or the denim one. 6:54 my gut is about 30cm smaller than my chest and hips(actual hip join region) but it looks bad lol got all my body fat right there.

    December 1, 2023 at 3:33 pm
  • @MrJovila1234

    Hi Antonio…I've been a subscriber off and on since I first came upon your channel. I always enjoy learning more about style and your expertise. this is the first time I'm writing to you. I'm a disabled vet and I'm a bit older than you and I have to be honest, my wife is the one with all the style, so she's been dressing me for 30 years. I'm no ashamed at all in saying that, because I look so much better with her choices than what I would pick. I'd like to ask a favor and was wondering if you'd be open to providing me with a personal assessment of my style and offer critiques on improvement. I'd be open to sending you photos through your email. Let me know what you think! Take care.

    December 1, 2023 at 3:33 pm
  • @Mil_Spec_Spartan_

    Believe it or not, I’ve been watching your channel for almost 5 years, and I knew all those terms xD I actually work at Men’s Wearhouse right now. I’m a little bummed by how low quality most of our product is :

    December 1, 2023 at 3:33 pm
  • @T3720

    Very well developed. Is your watch a tudor?

    December 1, 2023 at 3:33 pm
  • @kopfjaeger308

    Of course I knew all of those terms, I've been following you since "A Tailored Suit" was still your main gig. 😁

    December 1, 2023 at 3:33 pm
  • @formulaeternal

    Great video

    December 1, 2023 at 3:33 pm
  • @benjaminforenz7536

    Its been over a year since I've watched one of your videos, and I knew every one of those terms you put out; you taught me everything I know about style, and for that I am grateful.

    December 1, 2023 at 3:33 pm
  • @scottweinstein4255

    Ha I knew all the terms. But 2 weeks ago I didn't. Thanks to this channel and gentlemen's gazette

    December 1, 2023 at 3:33 pm
  • @charleswind8298

    Men don’t wear “outfits”. Also wearing a jacket when the weather doesn’t warrant it, makes no sense.

    December 1, 2023 at 3:33 pm
  • @artsoto5459

    Great video! Which brand of performance polos do you recommend?

    December 1, 2023 at 3:33 pm
  • @tonywilson1047

    Hey Antonio I knew all of this style terms mention in this video!!! Keep up the good work, really enjoy your content!!

    December 1, 2023 at 3:33 pm
  • @DevilRanger1986

    Antonio, I've been following your channel for a long time, as a fellow veteran (Army Infantry O-3), and a business professional, I appreciate the information you continually provide. You present the importance of personal style and presence and its impact on a man's personal and professional life in a way that is relatable to both young and older men. Please keep doing what you do. Ps. I knew all of the fashion terms you referred to.😊

    December 1, 2023 at 3:33 pm
  • @nicolasferrari5385

    I knew all the terms 😂

    December 1, 2023 at 3:33 pm
  • @xealit

    The first advice “elevate your default” — that’s actually a very good point. This channel is awesome in getting these simple but not trivial advices, which are indeed foundational.

    December 1, 2023 at 3:33 pm
  • @FlawedLegacy

    I did know all the words you put out. And mostly thanks to guys like you and the guys you mentioned right after that. Thank all of you for help me evolve!

    December 1, 2023 at 3:33 pm
  • @thePowerInPositivity

    This is 1 is kinda out of left field,yet= Qny tips for dressing my little man? He's 7yrs old and almost 5' ft tall already. He's got a little extra lovin..It's just the extra skin he's going to need to reach his estimated height of 6'4 one day😊.However, his mid section is his concern as well as his muscular legs. If I dress him in a size too big= he appears heavy. (His baby face,etc) If I go his size – the areas he's concerned about seem to accentuate. He's a handsome man. He's also very stylish. Worldy for such a young age. He loves suits…However = not the best for elementary school. Any tips would be greatly appreciated

    December 1, 2023 at 3:33 pm


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