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How To Dress Casually As An Adult Man (Stop Dressing Like A Boy)

How To Dress Casually As An Adult Man (Stop Dressing Like A Boy)

so the biggest problem with modern men’s casual style is that both children and men are presented with the same clothing options I mean think about how many times have you seen a father and son wearing pretty much the same thing now when it comes to formal style it seems like the line is cleaner but when it comes to good casual style that seems to be a lot more confusing so rule number one a great casual style is to understand it’s a chain what do I mean by that well a chain is only as strong as its weakest link the same with your casual style you want to make sure you’re not making any obvious mistakes that are weakening that are basically throwing your style off examples I see all the time guys wearing worn clothing torn clothing clothing with stains wearing the wrong styled items together a formal white dress shirt worn with casual light-colored jeans paired with black Square toed shoes guys this is an outfit this is an Abomination now I’ve got entire videos dedicated to avoiding style mistakes like socks with sandals the point being is don’t shoot yourself in the foot and make an obvious style mistake that’s the first first step to dressing better casually the second rule to dressing better casually is to nail the fit first pay attention to your body type and then understand the trends what’s going on right now we’re seeing a lot more baggy clothing but if you’re a thinner guy understand that this trend is not going to work for you dress for your body type first next up simplify avoid those graphic tees instead go for a solid colored t-shirt maybe in a v-neck something that’s going to complement your build rule 4 introduce luxury materials we’re talking suede we’re talking Leathers we’re talking wool these are the Fabrics that men wear and bringing it all together we’ve got practice you want to develop a signature look and you do that like you go to the gym you actually put in the Reps good style is something that’s learned that evolves over time so find your uniform your go-to image the style that works for you hi Jen so I got through those rules pretty darn quick because I want to get to the specifics how to upgrade your wardrobe item by item so first up let’s talk shirts one of the easiest upgrades a man can make in his wardrobe and for me I know I like to default to a caller this one change frames up the face and makes the shirt much more versatile it definitely is something that steps up your style and separates you from all the boys out there now this shirt in particular what I love about it is not only the strong placket the strong collar but the strong pattern this right here worn it with this sports jacket really pops and draws attention to the chest area that being said gents you don’t have to get fancy with the pattern if you’ve watched any of my videos you guys know I like navy blue solid it’s my go-to color and right here with this Polo same style looks great right there is a change up though notice I no longer have the button-down collar if you know your history you know that button-down colors come from the polo field the idea keeping your collar down in place now with this shirt I really don’t have to worry about it in case you’re wondering this is from today’s sponsor collars and Co I’ve talked about this company before and I absolutely love them for three main reasons number one is just the shirts look great they’re freaking amazing the fabric the drape is absolutely beautiful I was traveling link these are non-iron I mean they came out of the bag looking this good just a beautiful drape next up the collars and I mean this is the whole thing collars and go go check them out these are stiff strong collars collars that are not going to fade are not going to fall apart are not going to wrinkle these colors are made to be strong and to be stiff to actually stick up and to properly frame the face and let’s talk about the placket so these have a four button pocket most pullers you’re going to see out there are going to have a three button placket a four button placket goes a little bit deeper and is a little bit more formal in addition this is a hard placket so it maintains the look of a dress shirt seriously because of that muted color I’m able to put on a sports jacket that has a little bit more pop a little bit more bold of a pattern and during the summer you’ve got to dress up what I love about these again they’re incredibly breathable they have a four-way stretch with the material they are comfortable and again you can dress them up you can dress them down they’re incredibly versatile and I also want to point out that collars and Co have a wide variety of colors of patterns and collar style so when you you go over there you’re going to see that they got four collar Styles they’ve got the classic spread color the semi-spread color the button down collar and their cutaway color and again because of the strength of all of these collars you can layer these you can wear these not only with sports jackets but your favorite sweaters now when you’re upgrading your wardrobe guys the key here is to keep it simple so if you’ve already got white shirts that you’re wearing a white polo but yeah the collar isn’t that nice you don’t wear it very often because it doesn’t look that good on you this is what the one you want to probably start with if you’re you know in the Navy shirts like I am then grab a Navy but keep it simple with the collar I would just go with you know one of the Cutaway collars again go with a solid color but guys if you want to get the best deal on the web with collars and Co use the link below or go to rmrs and use code rmrs to get the best deal on the web I love it when you’ve got something that’s functional something that is easy to upgrade again in your wardrobe and this right here could be that one piece that all of a sudden is going to lift your wardrobe up to the next level check check out colors of code use that link in the description of today’s video the best deal you’re going to find on the web and an awesome company proud to support them next clothing upgrade I want to talk about is your jacket now denim jackets are great but they’re Ultra casual can you step it up boom as you can see right here all of a sudden I brought in a classic blouson style and it’s very lightweight I know some of you guys are saying jackets I never wear jackets unless it’s cold those are known as coats jackets are actually an accessory very versatile accessory that I think is going to make most men look better seriously unless you have the body of Adonis and even then it can actually make it look good point being is jackets build up the shoulders they slim up the waistline and they’re just a versatile piece that you should consider adding to your casual wardrobe and believe me when you find the right jacket it makes a difference this one I have to admit I like a lot more than that other green one something was off about that shade mixed in with blue but this combination right here this really pops it’s also got the double pockets it’s got more of a military feel but again a very lightweight jacket something I could wear you know 70 degrees outside it’s an evening you know it may get down into you know the 60s this is a great jacket to be able to pull off now a dark colored clean leather jacket this is always a great way to upgrade the Casual wardrobe but if you want to really level it up there are other options I mean boom look at this right here beautiful Suede and in a unique color guys I talked about suede earlier in luxury materials this is something that you don’t give luxury materials to kids so therefore you don’t see them wearing it this is something a man would wear because it is going to be a bit more expensive it is something that sends a message this is unique you got to have confidence to pull this off but again practice wearing it and next thing you know you’re just going to love wearing this out because you get compliments and let’s just say the ladies want to touch it all that being said do not sleep on the power of a great looking casual sports jacket in all sports jackets by definition are casual more formal is going to be the suit but technically you know they’re not even semi-formal because there’s formal to semi-formal then there’s business casual suits our business semi-formal that’s we’re going to have black tie form we’re gonna have white tie but yeah I’m not going to get into dress codes too much but I will say so many men could easily step up their Style with a great looking sports jackets tons tons of great options out there now gents if you’re enjoying today’s video do me a favor and smash that like button seriously every time you smash this like button some guy out there realizes that square toed shoes are not a good idea but really guys what this does is lets the YouTube algorithm know that hey this is a good video and it helps more men find it who need this information so that they can dress better yeah next up let’s talk about your shoes your default shoes the shoes that you go to I get it they’re comfortable you love your running shoes but guys this right here is the link in the chain that is probably weakest for most of you and the tough part here is when you think you’ve got a good option I mean you’re like hey Antonio these are made from leather right well first up these are old and worn and the style yeah it’s just it’s yeah you can do better so first up if you want to stick with sneakers I highly advise looking at leather sneakers tons of options out there but right here keeping it white and making sure again that they don’t look dirty that you take care of them but right here for I know for a lot of guys this is a great default options the one to start with if a full-on white shoe is not your thing I always think that gray is a great option why because gray is a non-color it’s pretty much going to match anything and it isn’t as hard to wear for some guys as that straight up white yet you still got a very casual very functional versatile shoe if you want something with a little bit more color a little bit more pop something that is a bit more stylish I love something in a coffee brown but I know some of you guys love black really let me know down in the comments what your favorite sneaker is I love hearing from you guys but moving on from sneakers let’s talk about boots so I’ve got entire videos dedicated to why the ladies love boots and why you should too they’re incredibly functional they’re gonna add a bit you know sometimes with about an inch and a half on the heel they’re gonna make you taller they’re going to slim up your profile your silhouette just you know just something about boots everybody loves and I think that these are a great option again if you go with a classic style it has a really nice build and you take care of them and if you’re a traveler like me one of my favorite styles of boots is going to be Chelsea because they slip on they slip off when you’re going through security it’s so easy to be able to yeah just to deal with things and you get a lot of the same features and I love the minimalist design of Chelsea’s in general and on a side note look at that beautiful suede we talked about materials I yeah I just love suede something so many guys are afraid to wear but this right here this material can really upgrade your look and just because it’s a dress shoe does not mean that you have to wear it with a suit right here we’ve got got a classic loafer a more casual dress shoe that you could actually wear with jeans you can wear with a wide variety of different trousers you could even wear this with shorts I love just a good classic penny loafer that pretty much goes with anything if you really want to up your casual style look at brogues a lot of people again confuse these with dress shoes they’re not they’re more of a casual shoe that because of the perforations in the leather this right here is actually you could still wear it with a casual suit but you wouldn’t wear this with a formal suit and you could wear this with a wide variety of casual clothing and it’s really just going to level up your style uh yeah a great option now this next one is going to trigger some of you guys and that is quit defaulting to shorts and jeans I know they’re easy I know they’re all over the place I know a lot of guys wear this but could you actually find some trousers that are more you know during the summer tropical weight wool there’s tons of options out there made from linen made from cotton she knows that just look great maybe bring in some fun colors during the winter there’s things like you know gray for flannel trousers there’s Cavalry twill it’s going to be a heavier rougher wearing those mole skin if you look around or if you’re going to stick with jeans find a pair that actually fits you again getting back to that basic rule maybe with a darker color maybe even look to upgrade I know that you love your Levi’s great brand but is there something go look at maybe some AGS look for something especially if you’re an older guy there are maybe styles that work for you that being said again if you want to stick with a particular brand just make sure that maybe you’re wearing something that’s not worn out again don’t violate those basic rules get them adjusted to fit you genes can be adjusted so you know you see a lot of guys wearing jeans that are way too big and literally the back part of that Jean they’ve got it’s all frayed because they were too long guys there’s nothing wrong with getting your casual clothing adjusted to fit your body and just to be clear I’ve got nothing against shorts I just think that if this is your default choice that you have other options and you should look for them in fact look throughout the Latin America you’ll see that in really hot climates a lot of guys do not wear shorts they’ve got other options and they look better they look more stylish for exercise for certain going swimming yes shorts are awesome but if they’re your default what I’m saying is maybe look to break things up and go for something that looks better on you now what about accessories we’re talking sunglasses watches backpacks hats well with each of these again you want to look is there a way that I can upgrade this because am I currently wearing something like that worn out baseball cap you still have since College I know you love that thing but let’s retire it let’s maybe go you like the baseball cap I get it you’re not going to switch over to a trophy or a style like that then go for a baseball cap that is fitted that is maybe solid in color and that is really a bit more muted it functionally gets the job done but it doesn’t look as worn as that old one you’ve got with your watches I get it you got into watches and I got into watches because of fashion watches but is there a better option out there Seiko makes a wide variety of great Styles or maybe you want to spend a bit more money pick up a tutor or pick up a you know a brand that you know I mean Rolex right now is out of the yeah I wouldn’t pick up one of those because they’re overpriced at this point but there are tons of great options out there again gents it’s all about upgrading it’s all about reconsidering what you’re wearing and is this going to suit me now when you were 17 visiting Hawaii you bought that shark tooth necklace you mean you didn’t even find this thing and you’re still wearing 20 years old is maybe you want to change things up and actually wear a necklace that has meaning or maybe ditch it and actually spend a little bit more money on a ring that actually has meaning to it or upgrade your backpack you’re wearing that canvas backpack you’re now 25 you’re working for a consulting company maybe you should look at a leather briefcase the next tip to upgrade your casual style is to cheat on your Barber so you’re traveling you’re in Chicago for the weekend how about you find a stylist that’s highly regarded and yes you’re going to spend three times more than what you normally would on your Barber back home in Iowa but here’s the thing is you may find a style you may find a look that just actually transforms your look that you’ve never thought of and this is really what you’re paying for when you go to a high-end and stylist is they’re going to shampoo they’re going to look at your head shape if they’re really good they’re actually going to be able to present to you a few options of which yeah what you could do now if that isn’t an option for you don’t have the money for well simply when you get out of the shower have fun combing your hair in a different way if you do a comb over like I do maybe go the other direction maybe go straight back use a different hair product you’re always going for that textured fiber but maybe try a Pomade go for a little bit of Sheen right there on the hair and see what that looks like experiment try something new with your hair hi Jen so what video to watch next how about how to dress like an Italian why because those Italians got style sprezatura is what I’m talking about now I know I probably mispronounced that but you guys hopefully know what I’m talking about and if you don’t know about spreza tour then you click on this video right here and find out more about effortless style oh yeah
Video Tags: how to dress casually as an adult,how to dress like an adult,how to dress casually as a man,style rules to dressing like a man,casual style for men,men’s casual style,men’s fashion style,men’s style tips,rmrs,mens style,mens fashion,men’s fashion,men’s style,men’s fashion tips,dress like an adult,how to dress better men,how to dress like a man,mens watches,watches for men,seiko watch,rolex watches,best watches,best watch brands,seiko watch review
Video Duration: 00:14:28

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Comments (15)

  • @Lokityus July 16, 2024

    Wow, I really want to not look like a loser, but I've got a headache now.

  • @darkamsiaaaa July 16, 2024

    If only I had disposable income in 2024.

  • @1adamgarcia2003 July 16, 2024

    you look and sound too aggresive, is that a hispanic behaviour?

  • @neonknight94 July 16, 2024

    the red suede jacket kinda reminds me of the dark brown one from that seinfeld episode, rip that nice jacket with the pink lining

  • @MinorityGamerReport1 July 16, 2024

    Watching this at age 38 while wearing sweatpants and a Batman: The Animated Series t-shirt

  • @darrenmoses3385 July 16, 2024

    Ill dress how i please thank you all the same…..Shite advice coming from a middle age guy who dyes his hairpiece and is obviously trying to defy ageing.

  • @zylle1993 July 16, 2024

    I still got shirts from highschool that are so worn out, i never cared tbh, but as i got older i started caring more. Clothes are expensive though (im from Denmark, 30 years old at the moment) but these are great advice , ill probably start looking into it a bit more tbh.

  • @curlsalot91 July 16, 2024

    This man is a gem on YT. Language, facial expression, subtle nonverbal communication, high value content, no distracting or fake entertaining music, top notch camera and simple editing. Brilliant

  • @TechnoDad July 16, 2024

    Great video! I just bought a white sneaker and a coffee brown one as well. I was toying with the idea of a gray loafer in suede, thoughts?

  • @nuevaN.M July 16, 2024

    There's a place, a time and an occasion for everything.

  • @taggmanibanez July 16, 2024

    If you try to wear clothes that make you look wealthy, you talk to a girl, and in 20 minutes she figures out that you're full of sht, and you spent half of a paycheck on just the clothes you have on, it's all for nothing. Just dress slightly nicer than your actual income would suggest. Keep in mind dressing really nice a lot of times is for men that are out of shape, short, and don't look very good, that are trying to convey wealth. If you're in really good shape you don't have to go overboard with the fancy sht.

  • @Josh-ts7jj July 16, 2024

    I wear a hoodie (long sleeve or short sleeve) , shorts, and either sandles or insulated slippers everyday everywhere… stop me.

  • @gathercreatelivewithleslie8340 July 16, 2024

    Here to see if I could get some tips for my son. Just a FYI guys, women love guys that don't dress like teenagers. I don't understand why so many men, so twenty one and over dress like a kid. If you want a woman that dresses nice and looks put together, just remember she wants the same. My fifteen year old dresses better than most adult men I see. He hates torn and worn clothes. He was so excited for a new suit for a dance.

  • @paulogotera4412 July 16, 2024

    I wear what I'm comfortable in. I usually wear gym clothes and sneakers on a daily but I dress accordingly if I'm attending a special event or a night out with the wifey.

  • @TheMrgoodmanners July 16, 2024

    I find it so difficult finding something nice to wear during these sxorching texas summers. I love jackets but i cant put any on. Would love suggestions

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