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CORRECTLY Match Boots With Jeans (Most Men Mess This Up)

CORRECTLY Match Boots With Jeans (Most Men Mess This Up)

00:00 Top quiz,   gentlemen. Who do you think popularized the boot  and jean look? Was it the rise of the motorcycle   in greaser subcultures of the 1950s and 60s? Maybe  the boot and jean combination was made popular  

By the cowboys of the 1870s as they drove cattle  from San Antonio, Texas all the way up to Abilene,   Kansas. Or maybe it was the California  Gold Rush of the 1840s and 50s. I mean,   it was during that time period and location  that we not only saw the birth of Levi jeans,  

But the masses actually had money to  buy nice footwear. The answer? All. 00:29 of the above. The truth of the   matter is the look that we take for granted just  seems to go together like peas and carrots. Well,  

This combination and the masculine associations  with it have been fed to us now for over   a hundred and fifty years. The fact of the matter  is you’ll see men in New York City out in Los   Angeles, California down in Houston, Texas wearing  this combination and looking good in different  

Ways. So, having said that, is there a correct  way to match boots and jeans? Well, as they say   here in Wisconsin, you betcha. And in today’s  video, gents, I’m going to show you exactly 01:05 Now,  

A boot in its simplest form is a type of footwear  that protects the foot and the ankle. Believe it   or not, shoes of this type have been around since  1000 BC. Now, jeans, as we know them, emerged in  

The 1860s and started being mass produced in the  1870s. But if you know your fabric history, you   know that denim originated from dungaree, which  is a fabric that’s been spun in India for hundreds   of years. Denim is a variation of dungaree  first produced 200 years ago in Nimes, France.

01:35 boots with jeans. Well, the way   I’m going to attack this is first I’m going to lay  out the foundational rules, next up I’m going to   talk about the most common mistakes, and finally  I’m going to talk about all the different boot  

Styles and the jeans that work appropriately with  them. That being said, gents, all the boots you’re   going to see in today’s video can be found over at  Thursday Boots, the sponsor of today’s video. Now,   gents, I’ve been talking about Thursday Boots  for over five years because I love what these  

Guys do. Thursday Boots makes quality great  looking footwear at an affordable price. 02:04 When it comes to style,   they’ve got a wide variety of different  looks whether you want western boots,   whether you want a laced boot, whether you want  a dress boot, you are going to find what you’re  

Looking for. And that’s what I love about Thursday  boots. Not only do they have great options,   but they also paid attention to the  function. I know a lot of you guys have   been considering some suede boots. Well, guess  what? Thursday not only has different colors,  

Different styles of suede boots, but they’ve also  got them made from a suede that’s going to be. 02:28 water resistant.   Thursday boots doesn’t skimp on the build quality.  When you look on the insides of a Thursday boot,  

Which by the way, I’ve cut one and a half, I’ll  link to that video down in the description. But,   you’ll see inside they are actually using  a Goodyear welt. In a nutshell, what does   that mean? It means that the boot is quality made,  it’s going to last longer. Whenever it wears out,  

You can actually get these resold. It also means  that it’s going to be more water resistant. Oh,   and if you’re in the market for sneakers,  if you’re looking for a pair of dress 02:58 is they use the same last. So,  

If you’ve already got a pair of boots and they fit  well, you like the fit, then guess what? Choose a   pair of dress shoes or sneakers in the same size  and they’re going to feel just as good. So, gents,  

If you’re in the market for quality footwear at  an affordable price, check out Thursday Boots.   I’m linking to them down in the description of  today’s video with the best deal on the web.   Use that link, go over to Thursday Boots and  check them out, guys. All right, gents. So,  

Now, let’s get into the four key fundamentals to  matching boots with jeans. First up, the boots. 03:27 Fit matters.   It doesn’t matter how stylish those jeans  or those boots are. If they don’t fit you,   if you’re not comfortable in them, then it’s  just not a good deal. So, you want to try on  

The boots. You want to make sure you give time  to break them in. So many people buy a pair of   boots and then they just wear it without giving  it time to say, hey, this is actually a good fit  

For me. Especially if you’re a younger man,  maybe your feet are still growing which they   do up to the age of 21. Or if you gain or lose  weight, you really want to make sure you’ve – 03:53 got footwear  

That fits your body. Denim, the same thing.  And I know you think you know your size, 32,   32, 34, 34, whatever it may be, it’s going to  be different with different brands. And so,   find the brand that works for you. Some of you  guys, it’s going to be Levi’s. Some of you guys  

Out west down south maybe are more Wrangler Men.  For some of you guys, it’s going to be APC. And   some of you denim heads are going to be willing  to spend hundreds if not a thousand bucks to get  

That high-end Japanese stuff. Now, as a style guy  that gets into fabrics and quality-made clothing,   I do see where some of those more expensive  jeans are going to be perfect for certain guys. 04:23 I think for the majority of men, what you want  

To look at is find a brand that just works for you  and you can get great denim in my opinion easily   under $150. And if you wait for sales and you know  where to look, you can find great deals under $50.  

Just remember to get the right fit because even  saving 90% on a pair of jeans that don’t fit,   that is still a bad deal. The next rule is  proportion. You’re going to have boots out there   that are just going to be larger proportioned.  Everything about them is going to be. 04:49 bigger. So,  

Those are going to require a denim that’s a  little bit looser maybe a little bit larger.   You don’t want to try wearing skinny jeans with  big boots. On the flip side, ultra casual jeans,   very loose jeans with more elegant looking  boots. Well, again, it goes both ways. So,  

You want to go for matching proportions for  matching styles. The next rule is to balance   out the color. Which one of these is going to  go with a dark denim? Now, the answer is, black. 05:15 either one could,  

But they’re going to have very different looks and  effect on your presentation. The black right here   mixed with that dark indigo is going to give  a very streamlined look. People are going to   be able to look you up and down. They’re not  really going to focus much on the feet which  

May be the whole look that you’re going for.  It’s going to be a little bit dressier. That   same denim with these boots right here, all of a  sudden the attention is going to be on the feet.  

Maybe you do want that because these are great  looking boots, you want to show off the suede,   but understand that’s also going to make  the outfit a little bit more casual. 05:45 be intentional in the   message you’re sending. And the final rule that  every guy needs to know when matching jeans and  

Boots is to understand the formality level of the  boots. Now, both of these boots are great looking   ones. I think they’re incredibly handsome. I love  the green suede here. The leather on this one just   makes them look really good. But, because of the  style of these boots, the length of the shaft, the  

Way the laces are shaped, the overall style here  is going to make these boots casual. Therefore,   I could never wear these with a dress outfit. By  their nature, most boots are going to be casual. 06:13 That being said, there are different levels  

Of that casualness. This one because of the black  color. No, you know, it’s a really simple design.   The laces, I could go with something a little bit  dressier. This pair of boots maybe worn with a   pair of dark gray flannels. Yeah, I could maybe  pull it off with a sports jacket. Now, Chelsea  

Boots are about as dressy as you can get. And  some guys will say, yeah, you shouldn’t pull this   off of the suit. I’m going to say in inclement  weather, go for it. Or if you’re traveling,  

I would still try to pull this off maybe parts of  the UK where you guys are a little bit stricter   on your rules. But, yeah, in the United States,  you could pull this off with a dark colored suit. 06:40 A pair of chukkas like this,  

Yeah, they look great with just a pair of blue  jeans and a nice sweater. That being said,   following those four rules does not guarantee  success because there are three common mistakes   that you still want to avoid. First up, correctly  hem your jeans. Now, this is going to depend on  

The boot. It’s going to depend on the type  of jean and your style. But, in general,   you don’t want to have three to four inches of  extra fabric that’s bunching up near your ankles. 07:03 On the flip side,  

You don’t want jeans that are so short that  they’re showing the entirety of the boot. Now,   a big part of this depends on the width  of the leg opening. But, in general,   the hem of your jeans should rest on the top  of the boot or slightly overlap it. For me,  

This means without shoes when I put on the jeans,  the hem should go all the way just almost to the   under part of the heel. The next mistake is  ignoring the occasion. The boots work really  

Good with your outfit, but your entire outfit is  too casual or maybe a little bit too dressed up. 07:32 for the situation. So, this is more than   just the boots, it’s you actually paying attention  to the dress code. And we say there is no dress  

Code. Guys, there’s always a dress code. It may  be unspoken, but there is always an expectation   to dress in a certain way. Seriously, if you doubt  this, just show up naked. And last but not least,  

Take care of your footwear. If they can take a  shine, then shine and polish them. If it’s suede,   then get a suede brush and make sure to clean them  after you wear it. Just use water, get rid of the  

Salt in there. They are going to last longer,  they are going to look better. And, that’s it. 08:01 So, now, let’s get into the specifics.   I’m going to assume that most of the jeans  we’re talking about here are dark denim. Now,  

Of course, you got tons of options. You could go  with black denim, you could go with a red denim,   you could go with a gray denim, which is actually  underused and can look really good. Point being,  

You got tons of options when it comes to colors.  I’m going to go with the most classic just   that classic dark denim that I think every man  should have in his wardrobe and for Chelsea. So,   you can go with black. There’s a wide  variety of different Chelsea boots out there.

08:29 the type and   the style of jeans I’m going to look at are  going to be either a slim or a tapered cut.   You could also go with a straight cut. What  you want to avoid though is going to be a  

Loose baggy cut or even a boot cut. Yes,  these are boots, but most boot cuts are. 08:45 made for Western boots   or boots that are going to have a larger thicker  shaft at the top. Chelsea boots fit a little bit  

Closer and depending on the style of the Chelsea  boot, it could be a dress Chelsea boot. Now,   this one because of the sole, I know it’s  going to be a little bit more casual. So,  

Possibly I could get away with a pair of boot  cut jeans. But, again, you want to try them on   in general though. Straight cut I think is going  to work for the majority of men trying to look  

Good in a pair of Chelsea’s or you could go  for a tapered cut if it’s a little bit more   of an elegant Chelsea. Next up, we’ve got the  chuck, very similar to the Chelsea in design, 09:15 notice we’ve got  

The lacing and it is going to be more casual.  Now, the jean style. So, you’re going to work   with chukka very similar to the Chelsea. You  can go with that slim tapered cut, but, again,   it’s going to be the straight cut. You want  to have a little bit more of an opening at  

The bottom. That being said, most boot cuts  are probably going to be too wide especially   if it’s a modern boot cut that’s coming in this  looser clothing that we’re seeing is trending   right now. If you go with a classic boot cut, one  that maybe came out about five to ten years ago,  

Again, you can go and measure the openings. You  can try this up. And that’s what I recommend. 09:42 Most of these brands selling jeans,   they’ve got their own models that they use and  their measurements. One could have a boot cut  

With an opening of 14 inches at the bottom almost  bell bottoms, you know, 15 inches. Other ones are   going to have more like 12 to 13 inches, which  could work for a pair of chakras like this. So,  

Now, let’s talk about boots that actually work  with the boot cut. Both of these right here   are going to be heavier, are going to be more  casual. And because of the length of the shaft,   not necessarily the thickness, all both of  these right here would work fine with a boot.

10:10 cut. Maybe not too wide because it could start   to envelop the whole boots, but in general because  of the size because of the clunkiness the build of   these boots right here, they’re not going to be  dwarfed by that opening at the bottom. You could  

Also wear straight and I think straight jeans for  the majority of boots is pretty much the perfect   one to go with. I would be careful about going  with a tapered fit. Definitely you don’t want   to go skinny unless maybe you’re going for that  clunky foot. Yeah, if you’re a fashionista, then  

What are you doing watching my video? Should we be  teaching this stuff? No, not for me not my style. 10:38 But, I think   this right here either one of these you could  wear a bootcut and be fine. And as many of you  

Guys could probably guess, a bootcut is going  to work perfect for Western boots. And this is   originally what the bootcut was designed for. So,  in brands like Wrangler and other Western styles,   we see a lot of bootcuts because cowboys need  to be able to put their boots on and be able  

To cover the shaft. Now, you’re going to see some  people out there wearing the jeans in a bootcut. 11:00 the shaft. I’m   not going to recommend for the majority of men.  Now, if you got a pair of handmade boots and you  

Really want to show off the handwork, then  I guess go for it. Now, that last style was   a western boot. This is a roper. You’re going to  notice the ropers have a shorter shaft and usually  

Not as wide of a shaft not as pronounced. And  this is going to be, again, perfect for the boot   cut. The straight cut is going to work great,  slim or skinny jeans. Yeah, you want to avoid. 11:21 Now, what about baggies? For most of it, I’m not  

Going to recommend that style. I know it’s coming  back. If I were to have to choose a pair of boots   to go with, it would be something that’s heavier a  little bit more clunky. You could go with a hiking  

Boot kind of an explorer boot. You could also  look moccasin style boots. I love them because   they’re incredibly comfortable, but that larger  toe box with the overall, you know, features the   contrast in, you know, the design and everything  right here makes the boots look a little bit

11:44 bigger than they actually are. So, if you wanted   to go for something that would balance out that  looser fit, then these would probably be it. If   you go with a relaxed cut which is fine especially  for a lot of guys that just like a looser jean  

And a relaxed cut is not the same as baggy and  it’s usually going to have a little bit larger   of an opening, so a relaxed cut jean would work  with either one of these. Straight cut as always  

Will work with these right here. Boot cut would  work as well. Skinny or you know taper jeans. 12:08 you’d want to be careful. You   could possibly pull it off with the right style  of taper or if you want one size larger. Next up,  

We’ve got the dress boot. As the name implies,  this is going to be one of the dressier styles   of boots out there. This pair right here, it  has a bit of a brogue design, a brogue as many  

Of you guys know. Holes cut into the leather this  comes out of, I believe it was the UK, maybe it   was Scotland or one of those northern areas that’s  always starting fights up there. They said, hey,  

We’re going to walk through these marshes and  we want the water to be able to leave our shoes. 12:36 that’s where   the brogues originated from. These are not  going to go all the way through, it’s more   of a decorative design, but it is considered  something really nice that makes it a little  

Bit more difficult to clean. In either case,  we’ve got one from suede, we’ve got one more   in a polished leather right here. Either one of  these straight jeans, of course, would work. But,   you maybe could find a pair of tapered. You  don’t want to go for a tight tapered, you want  

To go for something that fits maybe a little bit  looser. Again, go with that dark-colored denim,   black denim right here, mixed in with that  brown. And if anyone thinks that brown 13:04 doesn’t go with black,   just look at the soles right there, look at  how they’re black. So, you can clearly see that  

Black does go with brown. I think it’s a really  smart combination especially when you want to   dress it up maybe with a sports jacket or maybe  a really nice sweater during the winter. Skinny,   I would avoid that type of jeans. And, you could  go maybe with a relaxed fit on these. Boot cuts,  

I think would be too much for the beautiful I  think more delicate nature of these boots. But,   yeah, you could go with a pair of  relaxed jeans. Definitely not, yeah,   don’t go with baggy. Now, what about  the humble work boots? So, first up, 13:34 Don’t  

Be confused by the name. A work boot  maybe 40-50 years ago was a work boot. 13:38 primarily used for   work. Nowadays, we see where you can dress them  up, you can dress them down. You can wear them,  

Of course, to work, but you can also wear them  every single day as you’re just exploring New   York City. That’s what I like about this style  is it’s incredibly versatile and it works with a   wide variety of jeans. I mean, this pair right  here, I could wear with a pair of slim cuts,  

I could wear it with a straight cut, a loose  fit jean. Heck, I’d even stretch it and say   you could try to wear this with baggy jeans.  I probably wouldn’t be able to pull it off,   but who knows, maybe you could. I  think the key here is finding the right

14:08 you know, sharper looking a little bit more   delicate looking if you want to use that word.  This one right here just heavier clunkier. Why?   Look at the sole. So, if you wanted, you know, a  pair of boots like this and you want to wear them  

With a bigger jean that has more, you know, excess  fabric on it, then look for a larger sole. So,   what video to watch next? Well, let’s talk about  the upper body. Guys, I got you covered how to  

Correctly match jeans with a sweater. You got the  boots down, let’s talk about those jumpers, the   sweater. Let’s get that right. Don’t mess this up,  guys. I got you covered. Boom. With this video. 14:38 right here. Oh yeah.

Video Tags: correctly match boots with jeans,how to wear boots with jeans,how to wear boots,how to wear mens boots,how to wear boots with jeans correctly,correctly wear boots with jeans,men’s boots,men’s jeans,rmrs,real men real style,matching boots with jeans,chelsea boots,chukka boots,work boots,western boots
Video Duration: 00:14:40

Comments (27)

  • @RealMenRealStyle

    🔴 Click here for Thursday Boot's full collection of comfortable, durable and versatile boots & sneakers at the lowest direct-to-consumer price out there with free shipping & returns! – Click here to watch CORRECTLY Match Your Sweater With Jeans

    November 30, 2023 at 3:10 pm
  • @striveprime5993


    November 30, 2023 at 3:10 pm
  • @Testicool96

    I'm a former 0351 (rip my fellow assaultmen), and I've been trying to simulate the versatility and durability of my old bellviles with random shoes without having to look goofy and tacticool. It never occurred to me for some reason that normal leather boots exist and look good af. Currently saving up for some red wing iron rangers.

    November 30, 2023 at 3:10 pm
  • @donaldjohnson8522

    Hi great video I am guessing what you would suggest if a person can buy dress style and a more casual boot which would let you easily change your look with the same pair of jeans

    November 30, 2023 at 3:10 pm
  • @harrylong4941

    I may have a problem (8 pair of Thursday’s boots)

    November 30, 2023 at 3:10 pm
  • @bhavsarp90

    Fashion for Muscular men. Please suggest deferent styles and combinations for men with muscles.

    November 30, 2023 at 3:10 pm
  • @learnithme6703

    India Zindabad

    November 30, 2023 at 3:10 pm
  • @AmenoMagatsu

    I got a pair of Thursday terracotta boots (I think the captain style) and i really have no idea what to wear them with , color wise everything i try seems off
    I want to make them work though

    November 30, 2023 at 3:10 pm
  • @AyyoGamer

    Most Indians dont like to fold the jeans , some of my friends are extremely trendy and fashionable, but still they too dont like to fold … its just feel POOR to us

    November 30, 2023 at 3:10 pm
  • @jamestillman5247

    No offense to the creator of this video. I'm sure people find value you in it. But if we were being super honest here. Nothing was said that actually added any value to what the click bait title suggested. We didn't need a history lesson, everyone knows boots require break in, Blue, black and brown always go good together regardless of the shade and combination. Everything else just nit picking. This video could have been 5 minutes but then again if it was you couldn't have shilled for a company in the process.

    November 30, 2023 at 3:10 pm
  • @ahill209

    Skinny jeans and rolled up cuffs with real working man's boots. NOOOOOOOO!

    November 30, 2023 at 3:10 pm
  • @kylebenton456

    That's Minnesota…

    November 30, 2023 at 3:10 pm
  • @Brazconj

    My personal favorite dark denim color is INDIGO.

    November 30, 2023 at 3:10 pm
  • @bighatstephens

    You really need to talk about "stacking" your jeans when wearing cowboy boots. Basically, you go a little longer in the length of the leg of the jean and it causes a slight bunching about the ankle. The traditional reason for this is so when you ride a horse your pant legs don't ride up. Also, Cowboy boots and jeans tend to look better with a straight cut than a boot cut.

    November 30, 2023 at 3:10 pm
  • @jovanfirma01

    Real men don't discuss how to match boots and jeans

    November 30, 2023 at 3:10 pm
  • @dubester1982

    Personally love boots and jeans, but i cant stand narrow leg jeans. I like jeans sitting down over my boots, and i cant stand cuffs 😮

    November 30, 2023 at 3:10 pm
  • @DanielJohnson-ec8rk

    Jeans always fit over boots and are never rolled unless there is something wrong with the wearer

    November 30, 2023 at 3:10 pm
  • @hell_hound-

    Please tell me men still dont peg thier jeans w boots….the 80s are over.
    I must be old , I wouldn’t be caught dead in “skinny” &/or “taperd leg” jeans….I guess I’ll just have to stay “ out of style “!!!

    November 30, 2023 at 3:10 pm
  • @Kingfisher1215

    Another Thursday boot fan boy.

    November 30, 2023 at 3:10 pm
  • @Kingfisher1215

    The 1950s called, they want their rolled up jeans back. Or want you to wear a white t shirt with cigarettes rolled in the sleeve if you insist.

    November 30, 2023 at 3:10 pm
  • @volpeverde6441

    no one is looking….nobody cares….

    November 30, 2023 at 3:10 pm
  • @atmavictu2995

    You really need to learn a thing or two about jeans, those industrial fake indico jeans are terrible choices. Start buying the real ones…Japanese made selvedge denim…yes you need to invest 200-300 dollars (minimum) but well worth the price.

    November 30, 2023 at 3:10 pm
  • @user-ii1yj2xh9v

    as I see, it is a hidden "Thursday" marketplace) good one though, would want to have a couple pairs

    November 30, 2023 at 3:10 pm
  • @jayeblu

    Thanks for mentioning Nîmes 😉

    November 30, 2023 at 3:10 pm
  • @danielcuellar8956

    Didn't know you were based in Wisconsin 😊. Did you intentionally put up Minnesota?

    November 30, 2023 at 3:10 pm
  • @joer8273

    Well researched and informative as usual. “That said,” the thumbnail is disappointing clickbait as he shows that same style multiple times in video as a suggestion, not a pan.

    Cmon gent, you’re better than that bottom dwelling get-the-clicks behavior.

    November 30, 2023 at 3:10 pm
  • @CurlyPewbes

    I prefer JNCO jeans with boots.

    November 30, 2023 at 3:10 pm