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Californians Move to Texas | Episode 2: The Cookout

Californians Move to Texas | Episode 2: The Cookout

Whoa Hey hey there thanks so much for inviting us we’ve never been to a real Backyard Barbecue before yeah la neighbors never invited you for a cookout our neighbors you need to meet the host oh yeah yes howdy hi boat this is Clay hey how you doing I’m

Tiffany she her I’m Steve he him well timpani see she heard Steve he him it’s uh it’s uh I’m clay up hey Sam why don’t you just meet these uh new neighbors that we have they’re the ones that Kevin was telling us about yes one evatto uh go doyers

The latinx love me my Gardener Javier nicknamed me karenito it means he cares anyway we brought a salad it’s a quinoa kale salad with a balsamic reduction for Anderson ate this ever bless your heart just gonna go set this somewhere else well what did I tell you

They are exactly like you described me thank you that’s so sweet I better go check on the ribs you two have fun you hear ribs so I heard you guys moved back to California actually is that true oh we did but when we got there squatters were

In our homes and by state law we can’t evict them for months so we moved back that’s horror we had no real right to the house anyways it being on the traditional and unseated homelands of the tongba shumash and catch peoples huh well we are about to eat

So we’re gonna say a few words a land use acknowledgment uh Grace I don’t get it praying oh like the Emoji oh just like that all right everybody why don’t you guys come on over let’s take care take our hats off Bower heads now Lord God heavenly father or mother we

Just pray bless this meat we are about to eat in the name of Jesus who was a person of color everybody said Namaste these days all right let’s get you guys some food remember to take a napkin we’re gonna take a napkin you know this line might be a little bit

Too long I’ll get you something straight off the grill oh yes hey partner what are we working with here we got sausages brisket ribs your choice do you guys have any vegan options oh that’s beyond impossible great we’ll take either one of those what he means is it’s beyond impossible

To find a vegan option at a Texas cookout too bad oh I guess we’ll just have a bun with some ketchup on it all right I can get that great it’s gluten-free right uh sure awesome we can meet you to eat all of this I can still hear him crying sometimes in

The middle of the night to happen it’s nice excuse me Samantha have you seen my husband he disappeared a little while ago and I’m starting to get worried oh but why sweetie you think there’s one of those get out movie situations of course not is it

Uh you know I think I saw the fellas going around that side of the house I’m sure Clay’s just giving him a hard time okay who’s y’all’s favorite Batman um what have you done maybe it’s not what it looks like eating me it was an accident it means

Nothing to me I just slept and then me fell into my mouth it was crazy I don’t even know you anymore baby don’t go not yet you’re gonna run after a minute it doesn’t have real plugins oh man that’s all right now you’re home So you’re not going to talk to me for the rest of the ride home not when there’s still barbecue sauce on your face you know what you’re right I was wrong in fact I don’t even deserve to be in the car with you right now I’m just gonna get out right here

And walk the whole rest of the way home Oh you mean right here by this Whataburger whoa what I didn’t even see that Whataburger over there seriously let me out hey Babylon B fans I have a big announcement that is not satire we wrote an actual book that has actual drawings

With actual humor and you can actually buy it with actual money this is the Babylon B guide to democracy it’s your guide to rigging elections peaceful protests and insurrections and more pick it up today

Video Tags: california,texas,newsom,abott,republican,democrat,covid,covid 19,masks,masking,lockdowns,californians,leave california,moving to texas,moving from california to texas,moving to dallas,dallas living,moving to texas from another state,leaving california,real estate,money tips,us news,breaking news,moving to texas with a family,dallas texas moving vlog,moving to dallas texas from california,moving to dallas texas vlog,bbq,barbeque,california couple,liberal couple
Video Duration: 00:05:53

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