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9 Things That Make Men Look Expensive & Put Together (Women Always Notice This)

9 Things That Make Men Look Expensive & Put Together (Women Always Notice This)

Hi everyone welcome back to my channel if you’re new here I’m Courtney Ryan and today we’re going to be talking about nine things that always make you look more put together and expensive because the truth is that you don’t have to be rich to look put together to look nice

And to present yourself in a lovely way this video isn’t about pretending to be something that you’re not either I’m not going to tell you guys to pretend that you’re rich I don’t think that’s authentic and I would never recommend that here I’m just telling you how to

Put your best foot forward and look like the distinguished gentleman that I know all of you are following these nine tips will work in your favor guaranteed and from a woman’s perspective here we notice these things and we love them but putting the women aspect aside here even

More importantly you should be doing these things for yourself the way that you present yourself matters First Impressions matter and if you don’t care about looking put together or expensive that’s fine too to each their own take what you need and leave what you don’t but let’s get into the video the first

Thing here is the perfect fit AKA clothes that fit you properly the the fit of your clothes is without a doubt the most important thing and should be the number one priority that you keep in mind even over things like the brand the fabric fit is everything I see people

Who spend a ton of money on their clothes but they don’t fit them properly and therefore it doesn’t look as good as it could if it did fit them properly but this is just another reason why I say you don’t need to spend a ton of money

To look good Basics make the best outfits as I always say it’s not always about the brand that you buy or how much you’ve spent on the clothing of course quality is something that we want to keep in mind I would always prioritize quality over quantity but you don’t

Necessarily need to spend a ton of money to get something that is good quality but the reason why the fit of your clothing is so important is because well-fitted clothes are going to flatter your body shape and just enhance your overall look they can really accentuate your best features and create a

Streamlined and proportional appearance when garments drape or hang correctly on you without excess Fabric or sagging they’re going to appear more refined and well made as well also one of the most important things here is that wearing clothes that fit you and that you feel good in can then make you feel more

Confident which is going to contribute to an overall more sophisticated and put together presence so remember the fit of your clothes is the number one thing you should be thinking about when you’re shopping my next Point here is your grooming we’ve got to get these grooming habits in check fellas cleaning up your

Facial hair no neck beard trimming your nails maybe using whitening products on your teeth having a skincare routine those are just a few of the standouts that I think really pack a punch for this point I really want to focus on your face because obviously this is the

First thing that people see when they meet you it’s important for First Impressions and of course we’ve got to work with what we’ve got a little bit here but there are actually so many things that are completely in your control and that you have the power to

Make look better your facial hair as I mentioned just cleaning that up and making it look tidy and fresh makes a huge difference trimming your nails again as I’ve mentioned so many times in the past women look at your hands we notice your hands this is something that you should absolutely be paying

Attention to I know it seems like such a small detail but women we’re all about the details you just look so much more fresh and put together when you trim those fingernails and honestly if I’m being totally transparent here long nails on guys freak me out I’ll just be

So honest and say it they freak me out now whether you choose to do something like Teeth Whitening is totally up to you I’m not telling you you need to go spend a ton of money at the dentist to get it done I think there are plenty of

At-home kind of things that you can do to at least help a little bit so a little bit of natural color to your teeth is okay but things like a whitening toothpaste even a whitening mouthwash can really help and just prevent future stains as well but looking well groomed clean and

Moisturized is the way to be the bar is pretty low when it comes to this but if you want to stand out in the best way and do what so many other guys aren’t doing you need to get yourself a skincare routine having Clean Skin looking well moisturized these are

Things that are going to really make you look more put together and expensive and that’s why I’m so excited that today’s video is sponsored by tiege Hanley tiege Hanley makes taking care of your skin uncomplicated they provide you with all the products you need and nothing that

You don’t their level one system comes with all of the basics a daily face wash an exfoliating scrub that makes your skin look bright refreshed glowy the best an AM moisturizer with SPF 20 because you’re tough but you’re not tougher than the Sun and aging gracefully sure does make a man look

More expensive and put together and a PM moisturizer to use before bed and to make things even easier they provide an instruction card in every box that tells you when to use each product how much to use and in what order this isn’t something you want to put off because

Prevention is key get ahead of any signs of aging now your future self with skin that’s better than every other guy will thank you in addition to amazing skin members of teach Hanley get tons of benefits including at least 20 off of the retail price access to exclusive

Monthly deals pause or cancel at any time and free us shipping and because T Shanley is sponsoring today’s video they’re offering my viewers a great deal just click that for first link down in the description and you’ll get 30 off of your first box plus a free gift you

Don’t want to miss out on this amazing deal click that link below and get started today the next thing that always makes you look put together is a fresh haircut this elevates your entire look from head quite literally to toe I have seen some before and afters that are

Honestly so drastic of an improvement that it looks like the guy in the photo got plastic surgery I mean it is insane so really going for these routine haircuts of course based on the style of haircut that you have is such a game changer and I would highly encourage you

To all start doing this and also this is something to keep in mind when you go for a haircut when you choose a haircut for yourself if you’re not a guy who wants to go in for these routine haircuts and really keep up with it and you know choose something high

Maintenance I would then choose a haircut that is low maintenance and doesn’t require you to do so but a fresh haircut really does make you look more attractive more clean more put together just more streamlined and Polished and who doesn’t want that and if you’re watching this and you’re bald well you

Don’t even have to worry about it staying on the topic of hair here the next tip I have is to style your hair the right haircut paired with styling your hair can accentuate your features and really make you look more masculine lean it can enhance your jawline and

Your entire face shape learning how to style your hair and what products to use for the style that you’re trying to achieve is a game changer and leveling up your entire look this this really shows attention to detail and that you take care of yourself and your appearance I’ve done so many videos

About styling your hair if you need a little bit of help so go check those out if you haven’t already a lot of guys have a really great haircut but they just aren’t styling their hair and it’s not living up to the potential that it could products can really make your hair

Look more tamed more polished and put together which obviously looks more expensive the next thing that always makes a man look more put together and expensive is a watch a watch is my absolute favorite accessory for a man it is a Timeless accessory that ascends any fashion trend it’s just classic and you

Don’t have to wear an expensive watch to look expensive either you don’t need a Rolex to look nice and I think this is such a misconception when it comes to watches in general there are so many great options out there at a more affordable price point and if a watch

Isn’t necessarily your thing other accessories can elevate your look to things like a tie bar cuff links a metal cuff bracelet Etc the key is don’t underestimate the power of the small details but it’s tip I have here for you guys is that accessories can help elevate your outfits but don’t overdo it

Doing too much will actually have the opposite effect so just don’t overdo it here a watch is just the best choice in my opinion the next thing is clean shoes well maintained shoes reflect an attention to detail and personal grooming which again are often associated with a higher level of

Sophistication and style overly dirty or scuff shoes can really detract from an otherwise well put together outfit and just be a bit of an eyesore by keeping your shoes Clean and Free from that visible wear and tear you’re going to project an image of someone who takes

Pride in their appearance and invests in quality pieces and honestly this can create a perception of Elegance and affluence regardless of the actual cost of the shoes and as we all know women are looking at your shoes my next tip is to avoid logos the absence of logos on

Clothing can create a more minimalist and understated look which is often associated with sophistication and luxury Loud logo are everywhere these days from Mass Market lower price items all the way to luxury designer items but by choosing pieces without visible branding you can create an air of exclusivity and elegance it kind of

Reminds me of this old money type of style that we’re seeing a lot these days but this aesthetic in general just appeals to those who prefer a more refined and timeless style if that’s not you that’s okay too but it’s just another reason to add to my list of why

Basics can make the best outfits I also think a lot of the time when you see people dripping in logos from head to toe even if they are more expensive designer items it often just doesn’t land the way they probably intended it to it’s very flashy and almost just

Comes across like you’re trying to prove something so I think you really just can’t go wrong with understated pieces that don’t have loud logos that are just more subdued and simple my next tip to look more put together and expensive is to steam and iron your clothes steaming

And ironing clothes can help create a more polished and put together appearance wrinkles or creases can make even the most most expensive garments look sloppy and unkempt taking care of your clothes properly and steaming or ironing when necessary can help you achieve a more crisp smooth look that is often associated with well-maintained

And high quality attire this attention to detail signals a sense of care and refinement which is going to enhance the overall impression of sophistication Elegance being put together if that wasn’t enough though properly press clothes tend to drape better on the body as well highlighting the garments design

And quality materials and making you look better as well and my last tip is your scent a fragrance is the icing on the cake to a well groomed and well-dressed man finding your signature scent is a great way to stand out as fragrance can be a way to create an

Experience and leave a lasting impression you should smell as great as you look but before we can even add a fragrance into the mix here I think it’s important to make sure that you’re doing your due diligence to make sure you aren’t just masking your unpleasant smell so showering regularly using soap

You using deodorant I know that a lot of you hear that and you think okay captain obvious obviously I’m showering and using deodorant and washing my body with body wash but I said that over on Tick Tock as like a tip and Men acted like I was asking them to find a hidden

Treasure I mean they acted like it was the most ridiculous thing which was a little concerning because that is quite literally the bare minimum but having good hygiene altogether is what is most important here so keep that in mind but again adding a fragrance into the mix is

Really the cherry on top all right guys that is all I have for how to look more put together and expensive if you like this video or found it helpful be sure to give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel to be in the loop for when I

Release new content if you haven’t already be sure to follow me over on Instagram at Courtney Christine Ryan I love connecting with all of you guys over on there as well let me know some things you do down in the comments to feel more put together or just feel more

Confident in general would love to hear from all of you guys down below as always thank you all so much for watching and I will see you all next time foreign

Video Tags: Courtney Ryan,How to look more expensive,looking good on a budget,budget shopping,mens fashion,mens lifestyle,fashion advice,what women like,what women look for in a man,clothes that women like,things women find attractive,women love this,how to stand out,tips for men,how to be more attractive,dressing better,how to dress better,women like this,how to get her attention,look rich,old money,how to look rich,how to look successful
Video Duration: 00:11:26

Comments (48)

  • @CourtneyRyan

    Get 30% off your first box, plus a FREE gift, when you give Tiege Hanley a try at

    November 29, 2023 at 2:59 am
  • @PaulieTheDude

    Wonder how many of these comments are ChatGPT generated. No way so many of you are spineless rats like that…

    November 29, 2023 at 2:59 am
  • @dynamicalan

    Are New Balance Shoes less good than your leather dress shoes because if you have wide feet then shoes are hard to find – Men don't usually Iron. When it comes to Hygiene – I think the way they thought that was because all men know women want sweat🙂

    November 29, 2023 at 2:59 am
  • @skorpion7132

    Well yes, when something looks, smells and testes like an apple then it logically is an apple. So if men adorn themselves with expensive stuff they look expensive. Perhaps in todays day and age I should fabricate a pair of pants and a shirt from bills…

    November 29, 2023 at 2:59 am
  • @buddyjenkins7188

    Women would love to find a man who is well dressed, has his nails taken care of, has good skin care, neat hair, etc. But when they finally find him it always happens, he already has a boy friend.

    November 29, 2023 at 2:59 am
  • @robertpaulson8603

    You want to do grooming at like a 6.5/10 max, so you don't look ghey.

    November 29, 2023 at 2:59 am
  • @vincentromano187

    Courtey also for the fellas- Buzz your ear hair, nose hair, and have the Barber sheer your eyebrows, and Unibrow… I see guys out there with these eyebrows that look like antennae. Im not saying to thread them. That's definitely not for a dude like me. However you can thin them out. Just trying to help…

    November 29, 2023 at 2:59 am
  • @mybrkly

    So was the pun intended regarding watches being a "timeless" accessory?😉

    November 29, 2023 at 2:59 am
  • @rezag8369

    As a person who has some money (a low seven figure net worth), I would argue that men not try to look too expensive. Not if they're looking for a lifelong partner. For the simple reason that you don't want to attract gold diggers.

    Unless you're just looking to have some fun then yeah, flaunt your wealth so you can get a steady flow of short term pussy. Otherwise, don't.

    Personally, I have always been a simple jeans and t-shirt kind of guy who hasn't worn a watch since the advent of smart phones.

    November 29, 2023 at 2:59 am
  • @antekobac3472

    seems like to much fuss

    November 29, 2023 at 2:59 am
  • @CrankyCronos

    You are such a city girl….it really, really shows

    November 29, 2023 at 2:59 am
  • @AssfaultRode

    Geesh I had no idea that the reason i have no woman is because I don't look moisturized. I always thought it was because I am an asshole

    November 29, 2023 at 2:59 am
  • @kapdolkim1914

    Oh, forget the kind of person he is. Just go for shiny shit.

    November 29, 2023 at 2:59 am
  • @TorqueAndTwisted

    How about looking useful with grease and oil all over me from fixing things all day long? I ain't got time to look pretty and smell good. To each their own.

    November 29, 2023 at 2:59 am
  • @jefftonio3264

    Be within 10 pounds of your ideal weight

    November 29, 2023 at 2:59 am
  • @msk3905

    Can you do one of these for woman, you know relax on the makeup, wear cloths that fit and are not too tight or see through, nails that are normal colors and not too long, no ripped jeans, shoes you can actually walk in, etc.?

    November 29, 2023 at 2:59 am
  • @paganrythyms

    I live in Florida. Do you have any tips for looking refined while wearing shorts?

    November 29, 2023 at 2:59 am
  • @mdvl04

    Great video. I subscribed after the watch selection. I own a lot of watches and love that you chose examples of watches that are affordable and look awesome!!!

    November 29, 2023 at 2:59 am
  • @holdencaulfield9470

    "9 Things That Make Women Look Expensive" just existing

    November 29, 2023 at 2:59 am
  • @holdencaulfield9470

    always about money

    November 29, 2023 at 2:59 am
  • @MrBabyBoa

    Personally, I'd rather place the emphasis on being "put together" than to look like it. Maybe that's just me…

    November 29, 2023 at 2:59 am
  • @retribution999

    I hate to go out without a watch. Loved your video. A longer one with more detail would be even better.

    November 29, 2023 at 2:59 am
  • @karljohnson1121

    We've often heard of the woman's high expectations of the man, the flamboyant clothes, the fat bank account, the luxury car at the door. By turning a blind eye to the frauds these men commit in high places, and by giving credit to impostors at the expense of honest people. You'll end up being taken at your word that there's a great deal of complicity between you and them. In the pre-revolutionary context in which we find ourselves, where social injustices are well noted, people will later look back on the actions, words and deeds that have been committed. Years from now, after the demographic collapse caused by feminism, the collapse of confidence and the economy caused by the crooks. The political context will have greatly changed. Armed men may come looking for those responsible. Will you be able to convince them that you're worth it? Will an intelligent, good-looking bourgeoise from a background of moral decay be able to satisfy these men's expectations? Does appearance take precedence over moral value?

    November 29, 2023 at 2:59 am
  • @RickardoAgusta

    add more visual to the video

    November 29, 2023 at 2:59 am
  • @Ferrucci_1666

    None of this matters when a guy has a 7-8-9 figure net worth trust me. Facts can’t be disputed.

    November 29, 2023 at 2:59 am
  • @thebelow9117

    This is the most vapid shit I've seen in a while…just be yourself, fellas…you're not a fucking commodity & stay the fuck away from shit takes like this bollocks…

    November 29, 2023 at 2:59 am
  • @user-bp6hd9fu7y

    wouldve been nice to add a pic of a person of color tho

    November 29, 2023 at 2:59 am
  • @walterjurewicz1567

    Great content but you are not addressing the elephant in the room literally. Which is if a man is badly out of shape none of these points matter. I'm not trying to disrespect anyone but those are the facts, women value men that are in great shape since they portray a certain well being.

    November 29, 2023 at 2:59 am
  • @JustRusting

    Sometimes you are judged on things you dont think about. At the time years ago I met my Girlfriends parents. Her mother smiled after I shook her hand gently of course. Why? I had soft skin on my hands. This in her country is a sign of wealth. Because you dont work with your hands. Kinda of off thinking because in my mind hard working men have harden hands. Framers, Mechanics, are some of the men who make the world turn. But that is the way women and men think differently.

    November 29, 2023 at 2:59 am
  • @christophermooney1228

    I definitely need to get a new watch. My old one died. LOL.
    My question is, I'm still confused what are best colognes that are good for women to like and not turn them off (feeling rejected been thre) what about the cologne you mentioned is that the recommendation, what's the name again? Would you recommend ones with pheromones? How about what would be the best deodorant, is old spice generally a good one, or Brut, or….? Let me know. Thank you.❤

    November 29, 2023 at 2:59 am
  • @Nohoihoewa

    Everything except the watch for me 🎉

    November 29, 2023 at 2:59 am
  • @xiaomi779

    Things that make me fake

    November 29, 2023 at 2:59 am
  • @happy_fitness_1

    thanks 🫶🏼

    November 29, 2023 at 2:59 am
  • @SweepTheLeg2023

    😂 The Blueprint to make men look like desperate Snowflakes you forgot to add maxi pad to the list. Madonna Mia…

    November 29, 2023 at 2:59 am
  • @rogernobbs6559

    Phew! I was worried there would be something here I didn't know about! Thank you, Courtney, great video as always.

    Research among my female friends has brought up the fact that 99% of women just want guys to have more than a passing acquaintance with shaving, showering and bathing. If you use public transport a lot, you know there is nothing worse than standing or sitting near someone who does not look after their personal hygiene. And it is rare for that smelly person to be a woman.

    I note further down the comments about how "looking expensive" only attracts gold diggers. Well, I've been "looking expensive" for 40 years. I've had lots of compliments, felt good about myself and never worried about whether a woman was after my money. If you worry about that sort of thing, you should probably stop dating.

    November 29, 2023 at 2:59 am
  • @sole__doubt

    People who arent showering regularly are more than likely suffering from clinical depression.

    November 29, 2023 at 2:59 am
  • @sole__doubt

    The best compliment Ive ever had from women is "you are just so put together."

    November 29, 2023 at 2:59 am
  • @Road_Rash

    Looking expensive attracts gold diggers… I'd rather look broke & keep my possessions…Lol! I quit ironing my clothes when I left the military… I prefer summer creases…some'r here, some'r there…Lol!

    November 29, 2023 at 2:59 am
  • @auctevia

    That's pretty much me in the flash. I get comments, I always look classy but shocked to hear by accident when they know my actual age. I look 20 years younger.
    1. slim fit pants tapered
    2. short or long sleeve slim fit shirts
    3. Groomed
    4. Colehaan shoes
    5. Athletic physiques
    6. watch

    November 29, 2023 at 2:59 am
  • @JohnDoe-xr5is

    But I don't want to look 'expensive'. I want to look cheap…so I'll go unnoticed. I'm happily married for 30 years. We've retired with more money than we'll ever spend. I don't need to look fashionable. And a watch is now just a piece of jewelry. And I can't stand fragrances/cologne.

    November 29, 2023 at 2:59 am
  • @eddiesanders2719


    November 29, 2023 at 2:59 am
  • @Myrslokstok

    Shoes: Please full grain, a wooden shoeblock $20, goodyear on classic lasts! At lest two pairs and at least one brown pair.

    Iron: use startch spray, one spraycan $5 last long and not expesive! Have good hangers for your jackets.

    Cortney you are the best, best of all is your sense for watches 😏, it gives us average guys hope, you are soo far from:

    – a Rolex is nice!, or that other stylegirl who think an IWC is nice and know nothing about them 😂

    type of girl you could get.

    When you have a boyfriend with one of the most stylish watchcollections out there! 😂

    November 29, 2023 at 2:59 am
  • @planetdee3587

    For men i would say the most simple and best moisturizer that is most affordable and universal is petroleum Jelly. Put that on your face and hands everyday and your skin will be good for years. Lotions do not retain hydration long.

    November 29, 2023 at 2:59 am
  • @burgersuperking

    Absolute majority of women don't know how menswear should fit. So many times when women are commenting "oh you look great, handsome, etc." I see endless shoulder divots, popping 'elephant ear' pockets on pants, COLLAR GAPS, polyester creasing everywhere, etc.

    November 29, 2023 at 2:59 am
  • @1alb

    These ideas only appeal to a small percentage of women. Go anywhere and you will see an abundance of women with slovenly men. A lot of women mistake slovenliness as REAL, down to earth and caring – they are wrong. The film The Notebook emphasised this… The ordinary, chequered shirt guy (who is basically a stalker) gets the girl over the sophisticated, sincere dude with good taste and is a gentleman. Being ordinary is the most appealing trait to most women.

    November 29, 2023 at 2:59 am
  • @siroccowind736

    Most of those points I do naturally. But I don't like to go overboard, that attracts gold diggers.

    November 29, 2023 at 2:59 am
  • @FulvioGa

    Do not be shameful about your odor, your hair: that is how your Creator made you.

    November 29, 2023 at 2:59 am
  • @FulvioGa

    What is really important is the Lord’s opinion about you.

    November 29, 2023 at 2:59 am