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7 SECRETS of Women Who ALWAYS Look Put Together | Classy Outfits

7 SECRETS of Women Who ALWAYS Look Put Together | Classy Outfits

There are some women that look great no matter what the occasion perhaps you know somebody like that i know i do well have you ever wondered how they always get it so right well today i’m going to share with you seven secrets they follow to always looking put together the secret to

Looking put together is taking care of your things so that they always look in tip-top condition you will tend to find that a well-dressed woman spends time keeping her things in beautiful condition and always looking pristine things you can do to keep your clothes looking like new

Is when you wash your clothes turn everything inside out to stop the fabrics fading and to protect any embroidery or buttons but you should also try to wash your clothes less if you’ve got any stains tackle them straight away the longer they sit in the fabric the harder it will be to remove

And if you do do a season changeover and store your clothes away always clean them first as any untreated food or drink stains can attract the insects try spraying perfume and hairspray on before you get dressed as the alcohol can fade and sometimes discolor and stain clothes wire hangers are

Really bad for your clothes and they put stress on the shoulders of your tops and dresses and they can actually rip through delicate fabrics so instead invest in some beautiful velvet wooden or even padded hangers there’s just a few ways to keep your clothes looking as good as possible for

As long as possible looking put together doesn’t mean being a fuddy-duddy or looking like you’re stuck in the past to keep looking and feeling young i think it’s good to know what’s in style now but the secret is to pick and choose trends that will pair nicely with classic pieces

To keep a really fresh modern look a classic white shirt will never go out of style to give it an update this season it can be worn with a sweater vest a great look for any age a seasonal shirt is always a wardrobe favorite as it’s so easy to style but try a

Different fabric like faux leather with a classic knit or a t-shirt to give it a seasonal upgrade knowing the trends and then adapting them to your style is an easy way to look more polished and put together the lady i know who always looks wonderful she always has fabulous looking nails it’s something

That i always notice about her you’d never ever see her with chip nail varnish or dirty nails i guess the secret isn’t knowing that regular manicures can make your hands and nails look good but the secret is knowing the confidence that beautiful hands and nails can give you

And that’s what makes you feel put together if you can afford it it’s a lovely luxury to be able to have regular salon manicures but if not there are lots of wonderful manicure sets available especially right now for those pampering christmas gifts a well-dressed lady knows about detailing now these are all little

Things that you may not have even noticed on her but she’s put time on these things and these things all add up to that polished look the belt on a coat or a trench coat may just be knotted but to look more polished the knot has been carefully tied

Very beautifully to look quite chic scars are not just thrown on but tied in ways to look elegant and classy consideration has been taken with accessories like belts and bags whether to wear one or not and which color works best with the outfit all these small details really do make a difference

Knowing the importance of fit is a game changer and it can completely change your look one size doesn’t fit all we’re all different shapes and sizes so you have to know what suits you individually and then adjust it to your shape the best way to get clothes to fit is to

Try them on and not pay too much attention to the size tags as they vary so much from stall to store use them just as a guide to get started for trousers the general rule of thumb is you should be able to put two fingers in the waistband

For a little bit of wiggle room for blazers if you can’t comfortably steer your car or give someone a hug then it’s too tight expect to try on lots of jeans to get the perfect fit they are very difficult to get a fit that looks great and is comfortable too

The key to a properly fitting button-down shirt is the seams they should lie flat and you’ve got to watch out for gaping dresses the shoulders of a dress are the hanger and if it doesn’t fit there chances are it’s not going to hang very well on you

Other important things to take note of are the trouser and sleeve length too i recently bought this coat from zara it’s absolutely beautiful but the sleeves are far too long for me i could keep it like that but it just looks scruffy but if i have the sleeves

Taken up just an inch or so it will make the coat look so much better if you find yourself a fantastic tailor he can transform cheap unfitting clothes to make them look like they were made for you a well-dressed woman knows the difference between being comfy and being sloppy the dress down culture

Does seem to have gone to the extremes lately and sadly it now does seem that being sloppy is now fashionable right now there is so much choice out there for beautiful loungewear or comfortable outfits to wear at home all these sets i found are gorgeous pieces that can be worn

Around the home and still look stylish but other than loungewear just by adding a scarf or some jewelry we’ll just up an outfit and it will still be comfortable but look far more put together without much effort the real secret of every well-dressed put together woman is confidence

In truth it doesn’t matter what they’re wearing because they carry and hold themselves with confidence and i guess that comes down to good posture it’s simple to fake confidence through posture the shoulders are the real giveaway just by pulling them back and lifting up the chin you can

Instantly look like you’re a more confident woman even if you don’t feel like it i don’t think this is anything i’ve ever shared with you before but i’m actually a qualified ballet teacher and i was actually thinking about doing a video on good posture and i’d like to know if that’s something

You’d be interested in so do let me know in the comments box below bye for now

Video Tags: secrets for looking put together,how to look put together everyday,how to look put together over 40,how to look put together over 50,how to be well dressed all the time,how to be well dressed woman,be a well dressed woman,what to wear fashion over 40 gemma,what to wear fashion over 40 blog,what to wear fashion over 40 youtube,how to look put together and polished,how to dress well woman,how to look classy and put together
Video Duration: 00:06:29

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