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5 Reasons Why I Moved from NYC to Houston Texas in 2023

5 Reasons Why I Moved from NYC to Houston Texas in 2023

Today I’m going to be talking about the five reasons why I decided to move from NYC to Houston Texas in 2023 one of the main reasons being the cost of living is crazy in New York City if you live in New York City or even New Jersey you

Know that in order to get a studio or one bedroom apartment you’re gonna at least be spending two thou wow at least two thousand and then the square footage is gonna be like 500 square feet 600 square feet you don’t get laundry you don’t get any like gym inside you don’t

Get amenities you don’t get any of these awesome features you still got to pay for laundry I was putting coins in my machine when I got my first apartment like two three years ago I’ve been in two different apartments since I was out there in uh New York and New Jersey I’ve

Been on both sides you know what I’m saying so um I know what they’re both like and the cost of living is safe I was looking at places I always wanted to come here to Houston Texas I’m here now as you can see it’s way bigger and this

Is just my my bedroom and I’m paying I’m paying now I’m paying 14.50 right I could have been paying less but I wanted to get something that was you know what I’m saying that was around the same budget and then see what I could get out

Of it just just to see where my head is at you know what I’m saying and I got laundry in here I have a gym in here I have a lounge area in here I got valet trash I don’t even know what valet trash is I don’t even use it I guess that’s

Where you put your garbage outside and they come pick it up at a certain time like that’s cool that’s luxurious right there and I’m paying the same thing I’m paying less than I than what I I could be paying in New York or New Jersey I

Could be paying 12 12.50 right now if I’m if I wasn’t a dancer and making content inside my house I will be on the second floor in the studio 700 square feet living go for 12.50 No Cap there’s apartments in this building that cost twelve hundred dollars you will never

Find that unless you are in like unless you know somebody you get it passed down to you in New York or you got like some section eight situation going down right if you got section eight there’s nothing wrong with that I wish I had that in New York City I would

Have stayed over there no God probably maybe maybe I would have maybe I would have not you know what I’m saying but the cost of living in New York City is crazy I ain’t gonna lie I don’t know why you gotta pay so much just to be in a city that does not

Give a crap about you like you know what I’m saying like devops is lit there’s always something to do in New York but in Houston there’s always something to do here too when I moved that was like damn is another party after 3 A.M it’s after hours what is after hours

That’s crazy you know what I’m saying but yeah the cost of living is is is is way better in here you know what I’m saying way better you know what I’m saying and we’re gonna get into the second reason here is the weather the weather

It is now about to be February and it’s brick brick it’s cold in New York City I can’t do it I get I get mad when it’s cold like it’s cold here but it’s not cold the way it is in in New York and I know y’all gonna

Be like oh wait for that Houston heat in the summer I’m a homebody I’m not going outside you kidding me I’m not going outside 135 degrees get walk out smack or sweat I’m done I’m not doing that you know what I’m saying I might go outside

To go a little beach party or whatever but we got also I didn’t mention we got a pool here we got a pool here we got a pool I only been to a pool like five times in my life we have a pool inside the building you know what I’m saying that’s crazy

And I’m only paying 14.50 so you already know I’m about to be outside with my load I’m saying going crazy little cat but the weather is nice out here like we got 75 degrees in February it was nice I was outside with a t-shirt feeling like feeling myself

You know I’m saying I felt like a Hawaiian boy you know plaque the weather is great weather is great A lot of people be like oh the weather out here is crazy and I mean you’ll get the occasional rain like you could have three seasons in one day

It’ll be rainy sunny rain again and then get cold out of nowhere but I don’t care like I’d rather that than it be mad cold like it’d be it’d be brick brick breaking news it’s brick right now you got to wear the seven jackets to survive

And and you want me to do that no I’m not doing it I’m not going outside you know what I’m saying but um I’m mostly inside anyways you know what I’m saying so if you work a remote job like myself I’m a full-time content creator make content

In my house right you don’t need a car unless you want one I don’t have a car right now but I might get one you know what I’m saying but I I don’t need it I go outside I get my Ubers and I come back let me charge me like twenty

Dollars thirty dollars you know say it adds up but I’m like I looked at the the amount of amount I was spending on Ubers so far I know if I had a car payment and a car loan now in a car payment and insurance since I’m a new driver they

About to they’re gonna take me you know what I’m saying they’re gonna they’re gonna run me up I know what’s going on me at least seven eight hundred dollars a month right and right now on Uber I probably spent like 200 you know what I’m saying so I’m like

Real talk it’s kind of cheap but if I just stick with the no cost situation you know what I’m saying but um yeah I’m thinking about it I don’t know I’m not too sure I gotta swap my ID to Texas ID and um yeah the third reason being

I wanted to get out of my comfort zone this was one of the main reasons part of me this was one of the main reasons why I decided to move from New York to Houston Texas I was getting a little comfortable I wasn’t comfortable in the sense of I wasn’t grinding and

Doing my work and doing things in my to make myself be able to even have a situation in Houston Texas and move all the way out here by myself with no friends right I’m comfortable in the sense of I wanted to be better in a social and mentally because

I’m very introverted I a lot of people think I’m not but I’d rather be in the house than be outside partying and talking to people like it it I feel like I gotta put on these glasses you know I’m saying just to be just to talk to

People you know I’m saying not saying I’m being fake I’m just after a while your social battery goes down and it takes me a long time to come back up they want to come back outside right and I’m trying to work on that this year and I want to be able to talk

To people the way I’m able to talk to you guys through a camera that I have been doing for about 10 years now you know what I’m saying like I feel like that’s one of the main reasons why I moved out here I was like I’m forced to make new friends I’m

Forced to not stay in the house because if I stay in the house I’m not gonna know nobody in Texas and that’s not good you don’t want to be in a whole new state with no friends that’s crazy right I’ve made a few friends I’ve done I’ve

Done well you know I’m saying luckily I know I I’ve known one one one person out here named Quincy you know shout out kemosh you know I’m saying um I met up with him we’ve been following each other on the Instagram for a little while and you know I met his friends

And then I met and I would say I was walking by and then somebody had recognized me for like YouTube and like the videos that I do I was like oh you want to be friends I just moved here boom this is that it’s just genuine conversation and the people here they

Are nice like I walked into the store the other day and then they started saying hello and stuff I’m like hold on y’all say hello out here like I thought they was trying to get something from me you know what I’m saying they were saying hello they

Start a whole conversation with me I’m like hey yo this type sketch I ain’t gonna lie I thought it was like I like I thought I was getting like set up or something like I was looking around paranoid you know saying because people are nice and it was happening constantly

It still happens I hop in an Uber ride and they want to talk to me no don’t stop I’m like I want to talk back like I’m having full blown conversation with these people about nothing and that’s okay you know I’m saying I had a conversation about this guy about like

Different Heineken Brands and beer I don’t even drink beer but we had a full-blown awesome conversation about it and I was like hey what car would you recommend Toyota and Hyundai Hyundai I don’t know okay but we had a football conversation in New York people just

They just hard 24 7 just ready to to fight at all times you know what I’m saying there’s some nice people in New York you know what I’m saying but you usually got to be on 10. especially the women out there I’m not even gonna get into that but um yeah

Hella aggressive but um number four I needed to slow down I needed something that was a little slow right New York is very hustle culture get it get to it ain’t nothing wrong with that but I ain’t trying to get to it every day I’m not trying to build that life I’m

Not trying to get to it every day I like to relax I like to kick my feet up and enjoy my time enjoy the fruits of my labor I’m not trying to get to it every day I’m gonna burn out and I’ve burnt out many of times doing that and I just

Sit there like yo I do not want to spend the rest of my life grinding I’m 24. you know I’m saying I’m feeling it now I’m tired now like you know what I’m saying I’m tired of grinding now I want to have a situation where I’ll post my occasional

Videos you guys tap in and then you know what I’m saying we thought you know I said well I’ve set myself up to be you know I’m saying financially stable to the point where I don’t have to work if I don’t want to you know what

I’m saying like I I live very minimal you know saying that’s the reason why I have this amazing uh uh uh what is this airbag air mattress you know what I’m saying but uh a lot of people questioned everybody yo bro you make enough money

Why do you have an air mattress I’m like uh uh no reason I just like it like you feel me like it does what it needs to do like I can really like and for me I could really like excuse me I feel really like it’s it’s a great Vibe over here

You kidding me and then if I want more space right since I’m a dancer I could just you know what I’m saying but I just I just I just love the the how easy it is to move around and things of that nature if I were able to get a

Bed I would get one of those beds that will fold into the wall I think it’s called Murphy bed because it just I like space and I don’t like having a lot of stuff in here that doesn’t make sense that doesn’t contribute to my well-being right so my apartment to anybody if

You’ve watched my videos a lot of people being like yo bro where’s your furniture I’m like what furniture like do I need that like I’m gonna be having parties and Gatherings here I have what I need and that’s it keep it minimal so when I have

To move because I move three times I moved across the whole country it was easy I was able to move my stuff in 15 minutes I put it in the truck and then I went back in the crib and then when it was time to come here and

Take it out I took it out in like 10 minutes it was easy I didn’t have to do too much right so I I I I don’t understand why people like get so riled up about me having an air mattress and not having no furniture you

Know what I’m saying like come on bro I sleep good you know what I mean you know what I’m saying like all that extra stuff the the the all that I don’t if I don’t need it I’m not buying it if you don’t need it don’t buy it save your

Money you know what I’m saying put it somewhere else right and the fifth reason why I kept uh wanted to move to Houston is because I kept hearing it everywhere I kept seeing it everywhere like I would watch a video right randomly not nothing Houston related and I would hear that something

Related to Houston or that the Creator would live there you know what I’m saying and I’m like uh I was gonna move to Nevada like Las Vegas at first because my friends lived there and it would be easy for me to make content but I was like nah

I was hearing it in songs right I was listening to music and then I was I was here in Houston Texas I was like and I’ve always wanted to live here I came down here one time and I was sold the same the same week

That I came out here to to just have a good time and turn up I I went apartment hunting and now I’m here in 2023 I’ve been here for approximately it’s the 22nd of January I’ve been here for 22 days no cap you know what I’m saying

And yeah you know if if you guys you know want to link up if you live in Houston Texas please I would love to meet you guys you know I’m saying don’t be no weirdo though don’t be like here like come to me as a human being

And we can have an awesome conversation you know I’m saying and potentially be friends because I don’t really know too many people out here like I’ve met a few people but um yeah that’s that’s basically the main reasons why I live in Houston now and not New York City it’s

Just I can’t do it I’m done you know what I’m saying there’s nothing if you like the fast life if you like the the aggressiveness and if you like the High Cost of Living and being in Times Square there’s a lot of opportunities out there

I’m not gonna lie right but me being who I am I feel like it’s better for me to be here and I’ve been enjoying myself so far right and if you guys like this video if you like videos like this of me talking down and looking at you guys

Please let me know if you want an apartment tour please let me know I love you guys so much are we out here okay

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Video Duration: 00:13:56

Comments (26)

  • Mysticnj68

    Bro I live in Jersey and I’m done! The apartments are 1800 plus for a studio, they building tons of housing but none is affordable. car insurance is high food everything and it’s getting super congested in general all the New Yorkers moving over here. And I’m so tired of the cold! It’s cold and dreary 9 months out of the year I’m done being cold…I’m planning on relocating to Houston area by the summer! I just got a 100% remote job with way better pay and can do $1400 to live in a beautiful apartment complex. I’m out!

    November 21, 2023 at 9:07 pm
  • Dee Will

    I moved from Philadelphia to Houston and ❤️ it

    November 21, 2023 at 9:07 pm
  • Zenia_Untamed

    Haha afterhours yess its fun

    November 21, 2023 at 9:07 pm
  • Shamier Choudhury

    I moved here back in March from NYC too! I am feeling this video straight up! Cost AND quality of living is worth it mannn!

    November 21, 2023 at 9:07 pm
  • Ale

    I moved from San Diego California to Houston & yes it’s such a difference! I couldn’t believe it.

    Plus we can always visit back home 😅

    November 21, 2023 at 9:07 pm
  • DNaWhoot

    Im happy you getting love in the comments. I notice more hostility, towards Californians in these type videos 😂

    November 21, 2023 at 9:07 pm
  • Jasmine LaFlor

    Thanks for sharing this! East coast vibes for sure especially regarding price for studios

    November 21, 2023 at 9:07 pm
  • Jasmine LaFlor

    Great speaking voice; love your accent from NY

    November 21, 2023 at 9:07 pm
  • Breanna Nichols

    I'm in Maryland and it's not as bad as NY but its still high af. I'm coming to Houston soon too. I can't have the lifestyle I want here.

    November 21, 2023 at 9:07 pm
  • Vaughan Merrick

    How did summer treat you? Houston looks great but the summer?

    November 21, 2023 at 9:07 pm
  • Damian Eastmond

    Bro is right I live in nyc but I am thinking about moving to Houston tx . Brooklyn is crazy and Jersey city is more expensive now

    November 21, 2023 at 9:07 pm
  • Irma Kalember

    Old I live I. Huston, suburbs of Texas it’s horrible the weather. Humidity. Th else . I will be moving out of Texas after I al done w nursing school.

    November 21, 2023 at 9:07 pm
  • shaquelle jacobs

    You forgot no parking to lol

    November 21, 2023 at 9:07 pm
  • Dicksonk2834 Dickson

    Glad to have you in H-Town

    November 21, 2023 at 9:07 pm
  • Spiritual Cafe 101

    Are you a Virgo or earth sign 😂 cus this is so me. 3 spoons for 3 people type of minimalist 😂

    November 21, 2023 at 9:07 pm
  • M P

    Keep Texas red! Vote red. You left the blue state for a reason.

    November 21, 2023 at 9:07 pm
  • Mohammad Shiri

    You're so cool man.

    November 21, 2023 at 9:07 pm
  • Don't Worry

    LOL I was cracking up when you went to lift to bed, very true. What do you think about dallas-area? I'm thinking about moving down there to I'm in New York

    November 21, 2023 at 9:07 pm
  • Kim’s WRLD

    Love the way you break it down of your move it all makes sense especially NYC 😂 the weather is brick 😂 freezing 🥶 like bone cold 😂 great video 😊

    November 21, 2023 at 9:07 pm
  • aline visao!

    i moved to dfw a month ago. i’ve watched this video a hundred times and I LOVE TEXAS and i love this video! TX is awesome 😍 so are you friend!!!!

    November 21, 2023 at 9:07 pm
  • Joseph Kaneaster

    Yup I moved outta Houston for a whole lot of the reasons why u moved from NY cept weather
    San antonio is a desert 🏜 though

    November 21, 2023 at 9:07 pm
  • Craigy Waigy plays

    I live in the Houston area in Texas and it's great around here so you did make a great choice and yes we do have low prices!

    November 21, 2023 at 9:07 pm
  • DPhoenix19

    I'm moving in Jan 2024 and I'm so excited! Let me know how you are enjoying it! I do have family and friends and visited 3x and I'm soooo sold 😂 I can't wait ❤

    November 21, 2023 at 9:07 pm
  • keith grant

    I moved in 2015 never looked back..omg my apt in NYC was $2000 monthly with rats.. good luck the lessons learned in NYC will help you anywhere in the united states

    November 21, 2023 at 9:07 pm
  • elizabeth

    Love it

    November 21, 2023 at 9:07 pm