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15 Reasons You Want To Be In Texas When S.H.T.F!

15 Reasons You Want To Be In Texas When S.H.T.F!

Guys welcome back to another episode of Atlas survival shelters today’s video we’re going to talk about the top 15 reasons you don’t want it f with Texas but it’s also the top 15 reasons you want to be in Texas when the [ __ ] hits the fan but before we go on too much

Further I want to thank mark in South Carolina for sending in this video yesterday he installed his bomb NATO before he started to build his house he sent me this little video right here I thought you guys might enjoy it I wish all you guys would do that I

Appreciate when you do it how that is no good also guys I got the shirt on again for the 30-day survival challenge so if any of you guys want to volunt-shirts/” target=”_blank”>teer your family your you your wife your kids your pet to spend 30 days in a bunker do so

By sending an email to this right here Ron at Atlas survival shelters comm and tell me about your family and I will choose one family and if you win you will win a year’s worth of food and supplies for you and your family worth approximately fift-shirts/” target=”_blank”>teen thousand dollars

From emergency essentials so anyway so let’s get right into this the top 15 reasons why you want to be in Texas when [ __ ] hits the fan number one freedom and when I say freedom I’m talking about freedom you can drive around with a loaded gun in

Your car you can have a stock gun in the front seat of your car right next to you as you drive down the road in Texas a policeman our sheriff can pull you over and he won’t even mention the gun sitting on the front seat if is loaded

Because it’s completely legal in Texas and how do I know it I’ve been pulled over after duck and goose on him I’m speedy one time sheriff pulled me over walked up I mean I’m in my camouflage it’s not guns sitting right there and it was probably loaded knowing me and just

Look my license says oh hey mr. Hubbard oh how are you doing will you have a good day get me my license back and let me go so I’m telling you driving with a loaded gun in Texas illegal matter of fact when I was a kid in the back of

Every pickup we had a little gun hangar with two little hooks and everyone had a Winchester rifle and a 20 to hang it in the back window of their pickup truck I grew up like that so freedom God’s Texas is awesome number two reason why you

Want to be in Texas when the [ __ ] hits the fan is this flag right here okay guys the Texas flag these guys in Texas will fight for the Texas flag before they fight for the American flag Texans are more loyal to their own state than

They are to a country as is most states are but nothing like the state of Texas you know when you pull into Texas there’s a sign that says don’t f don’t mess with Texas it’s just they don’t f with Texas okay because let me tell you

What guys if this country goes too far to the left Texas will claim independence whether it’s legal or not and it will fight anybody who doesn’t allow them to continue their way life so when you’re in Texas just keep in mind everyone will fight for the Texas flag

As well as I would Texans are so damn proud and I’m an honor to be a Texan number three reason you want to be in Texas when [ __ ] hits the fan fuel Texas as oil they got wind power we have fuel there so you’re not going to be running

Out of gas and you’re gonna have power now we’ll see what happens with an EMP but Texas is on its own grid unlike the rest of the United States I bet you guys didn’t know that but Texas is on its own independent grid I don’t know why other

States are but Texas is smart next reason why you want to be in Texas when [ __ ] hits the fan is farmers we got farmers everywhere well 70% of the state is cultivated we have everything from soybeans corn cotton we could be self-sufficient Texas could be a some country and you guys

Know that next reason firearms everybody has one in Texas everybody’s used one in Texas every kid every girl in almost every man in Texas has either gone hunting shot a gun or killed a deer I’ve shot a dove that’s just how Texas is guys we’re born with a gun in one hand

And something in the other I don’t know what the other one might be probably a Texas flag knowing who in Texas but guys everybody in Texas knows how to use a gun unlike other places number six doesn’t start with an F but I said fineries as in refineries means Texas can refine

Its own fuel it doesn’t need another state to do that number seven reason is fish Texas has the Gulf of Mexico we supply a lot of the nation with fish that comes out of the Gulf of Mexico redfish red snapper shrimp oysters whatever it may be we

Have a full supply of fish right there and we don’t have to it bring it from any other place number eight reason why you want to be in Texas is families Texas families are just friendly I don’t know if you guys have ever been to Texas but when you’re driving down the road

And you’re coming up behind someone fast that car will move over and let you pass you don’t even have to go into the other lane I’ve never seen another state that does that other than Texas but that’s how it is every day in Texas you drive

Down a country road the guy will move over and let you pass in the same Lane people are just friendly in Texas and Families they will take you in now the same family that will take in it’s the same family that will put up the fight

But families are very big in Texas and religion Christians Catholics Texas is the majority I mean 90 plus percent religious Christians they’re okay the states that are going way to the left like California in New York if you run a poll there you will find out it’s

Barely a majority of the people there claim themselves as Christians now they’re agnostic or they’re atheists they’ve gone like England England is now 49 percent rated Christian and 51 percent agnostic I don’t know if you guys know that now that is something I read don’t hold me to that but I read

That when you lose faith you lose your moral compass and that is when people become atheist and agnostic so I’m a true believer and Christians do the right thing and they have morals and they have integrity as I do um number nine reason you won’t be in Texas starts with

An F fear people fear Texas you don’t mess with Texas that’s why they made the sign people are afraid of Texas I’m telling you the United States and any other state you don’t want to mess with Texas when it gets deep Texans are gonna put up a fight guys all right the next

Reason Freight Texas can get us Freight through the port of Brownsville or Freight can come in through the Port of Houston we are not landlocked like other states Texas is free to bring in Freight from other from other nations that aren’t guys I’m doing this because when

This country has a civil war we’re gonna break up into probably like 13 different countries okay you’re going to have California and Oregon and Washington you’re going to have Texas Oklahoma and Louisiana you have a lot in the south you can have New York up there you’re going to have Minnesota by itself

Surrounded by all the other conservative places the next reason freeways Texas has great freeways big wide roads and guess what the speed limit is in Texas 85 miles per hour can you believe it 85 miles per hour in the state of Texas it’s great everything’s bigger and everything’s better in Texas guys and

I’m telling you all right the next reason fighters Texas is going to produce some hell Lakers fighters Texas is ready for the fight they’re not wanting a fight but they’re ready for a fight when push comes to shove Texas will be the first state to be at the

Frontlines I can promise you that number 13 honored starts with an F Texas is funner God everybody’s funner in Texas look at me I’m from Texas our knife cutter now I know you’re thinking funner it’s not a word but it is a word in Texas you’re thinking more fun well

Guess what in Texas they say y’all and funner and in California they say more fun and you guys okay now I know I say you guys now because I’m talking to a wider audience and I’ve been working back and forth between Texas and California too damn long that I stopped saying y’all

And I lost some of my accent but trust me I still have a Texas driver’s license I would never have a California driver’s license and because I’m a gun advocate you know you got to have a Texas driver’s license number 14 Texas is a fur bearing state there’s

Another F Texas has cattle for leather Texas has a coyote Coons possums or a fur bearing state when I was a kid I made my money by trapping I actually made about $200 a week when I was in high school trapping Coons coyotes bobcats possums every now and then I get

A skunk and god they stunk me but we just got to give them out the trap and move on it’s a fur barren state so Texas has a lot of things they can do the last thing just for the hell of it number 15 feral pigs one point yeah feral pigs we

Got pigs in Texas we’re never going to run out of pork in Texas I’m telling you you could go out you go out kill 300 pigs in one day in the next day I made 300 more pigs I’m telling you Texas is overrun with feral pigs so guys look

Like to get up in helicopters and shoot pigs out of helicopters for fun because that’s just how Texas is but guys you can’t find a greater state than the state of Texas I can see why so many people are wanting to relocate to Texas you don’t have state income taxes you’re

Free to run a business the way you want you’re not taxed to death you’re not bug to death you’re free to open a business if you want to open a business in Texas you go in and you will walk out with a business permit in 30 minutes in

California six months to even get a business license to open a taco stand it’s ridiculous in California there’s so anti-business anti-american anti-everything so am i bitter against california yeah I mean they’re the state that’s causing most the problems they’re celebrities and their opinions and everything but you know what everyone

Has a right to an opinion including me including you I’m here I’ll hear some in the comments below but guys I hope you enjoy my videos it’s a good Sunday morning some good morning to you guys god bless america let’s keep America great again and God

I’ll tell you what let’s make TV great again so I’ll be doing the 30 day challenge and guys I have this video that I want you guys to see so I recruited my friend mine who is a real-life MacGyver dude he must have loaded this because some kind of [ __ ] did it

I’ve always prepared for tough times take care of yourself you don’t expect nobody to give you anything let’s blow something up it is a sizzler to a TV series that I’m trying to get on the air right now it’s kind of like duck dynasty meets Doomsday Preppers

I appreciate it if you go and watch it leave me a comment below if you like the show give it a thumbs up if you want to be a viewer I get enough of those we’re gonna have some primetime good TV and I’ll make TV great again the Gaza as

Always love you I’ll see on the next video you

Video Tags: Shelters,shelter,underground,protection,nuclear fallout,fallout,Atlas,survival,prepping,preppers,water filtration,systems,living,off grid,sustainable,safety,security,family,fun,travel,texas,food,fuel,farmers,fighters,flag,doomsday,militia
Video Duration: 00:13:06

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