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10 Things You Didn’t Know About Texas

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Texas

Hey guys welcome back all right so recently I just moved to Texas and many of you keep asking why well what’s so special about Texas Texas is actually a fairly big state huge and here I can actually experience all four seasons for example when I was in Michigan oil can

Experience was winter and almost winter and when I was in Alabama all that experience was summer in beer season here I can get all four but if that’s not enough let me actually show you ten things about takes us that you did not know now Texas actually has the highest

Population of the earth so if you have bad luck without suckers I would think twice before coming over now the capital building in Austin Texas actually the largest capital in all the US what does that mean everything is bigger in Texas you know how big Texas is you can

Actually get any country from Europe and you would fit in Texas just fine or to give you a different perspective it is closer to get to California from El Paso Texas than it is to get from El Paso Texas to Dallas so what does that mean everything really is bigger in Texas no

But for real Texas actually has some of the fastest roads with speed limits they can go up to 85 miles an hour to even really high temperatures did you know that it’s actually illegal to graffiti a cow in Texas yeah like spray paint on a

Cow and I mean it’s for a good reason it’s not rare to see a cow like this from what you’re driving it looks like that cow came straight out of Compton okay so Texas actually had breakfast tacos before Taco Bell so take that Taco Bell Taco Rover hipster okay so Texas

Actually one of the few states that doesn’t have income state tax which means your paychecks are somewhat larger which means that you actually get more money every time you get a then I don’t know about you but I don’t like being taxed barbecue Texas really knows their barbecue and that is

Exactly why the manliest man known to anyone lives in Texas Beyonce yep Beyonce Texas is the only state that has given birth to Beyonce now Austin Texas it’s really weird but people want to keep it that way so how else can Texas keep Austin weird well simple by letting

Me be part of it now we’re really Texas I really like it’s a farm so don’t forget to subscribe to my channel and don’t forget to leave a comment if you have any of the reasons for why you like Texas

Video Tags: ten things, Things To do in austin, 10 things, Comedy, Texas (US State), Facts, America, Austin, Houston, Things To do in Texas, Dallas, things you didn’t know, Texas, Things to do in Houston, Texas Fun Facts
Video Duration: 00:02:38

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