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10 reasons why everyone is moving to Dallas, Texas.

10 reasons why everyone is moving to Dallas, Texas.

Hey welcome back everyone so today we’re gonna list the top 10 reasons a person might want to move to Dallas Texas last week we did a video on the top 10 reasons you might not want to move to Dallas Texas now some of the things on today’s list you might find kind of

Similar ones on the other video now there’s a reason for that I kind of list things that you should expect if you’re moving there to kind of make you aware of them things like the heat I hate the heat but you have people that that’s one of the reasons they’ll want to move

There so you might find weather on the reasons to move to Dallas it’s just a weird thing people are all different perfect example will we move to Portland I love the rain my wife cannot stand it she’s since gotten used to it but that’s just it

People are different so you might find a couple things that are you know on both lists not a big deal but before we get going I thought I’d answer a question that I’ve gotten a lot lately and it’s why I make videos like this why I’m making lists about cities and towns and

States whatever the reason is that’s what I’m enters to do I’ve traveled all over this country I’ve lived in a bunch of places whether it was in the military or doing comedy or something like that I’ve lived in a lot of towns and met a lot of people in these cities I’ve been

To a lot of different states it’s what I do it’s I like doing things like that a lot of people like to go to Europe or Asia for vacation maybe some tropical island in the Pacific or in the Caribbean not me I do like those places

But I’d really prefer to drive to a small town someplace and I don’t know Idaho just kind of take it in I don’t need to go visit Mount Rushmore or the Statue of Liberty here in the United States those are great I think a better thing to do is experience small towns

And little things they have there or big towns big cities it doesn’t matter the United States has a lot to offer it’s really really interesting what got me kind of interested in this when I was in the military I read a book called blue highways by William heat moon he was a

Young college professor back in the late 70s early 80s that packed up his van one summer and just drove the country taking back roads mostly he met people went small towns stayed in small towns and just went through you know like Louisiana Texas Arizona to Colorado Utah

Oregon and then back the other way mostly taking small backroads it was such a good book I loved it I think I’ve honestly twice all the way through and maybe a third time I just browse through it over the years it’s a great book if you like

My videos and your kind of interest in this thing you’ll really love this book so I’ll leave a link below it so you can order it on Amazon or whatever whatever you want to do but all that being said why don’t we get to today’s list and

Then we’ll get on with our game so here’s my top ten reasons everybody’s moving to Dallas Texas number ten sports like I said my last Dallas video this town is crazy about their professional sports and they have one in every single league football baseball basketball hockey and even

Soccer so you could root for your home team all year round how cool is that and if that’s not enough again like I said in the past video they’re crazy about their high school football so bad that they’ve made TV shows movies and written books about it if you want an example of

That watch the TV show Friday Night Lights but if you really want to understanding of it watch the movie Friday Night Lights it was directed by Peter Berg in 2004 one of my favorite movies I read the book before that you want to have your eyes opened up how

Crazy people get about their sports in Texas read Friday night flights I’ll leave a link below number nine restaurants Dallas has more restaurants per capita than any other city in the nation who would have thunk that one these people love to eat out these people love to go out to eat I

Look forward to this every single time I go to Dallas some of my favorite stops I make every single time babe’s chicken dinner house and Mia’s tex-mex both phenomenal food every single time I don’t think I’ve ever had bad food at those places or bad service at either

One of them actually babes chicken dinner house one time I got my food the girl thought you know that chicken doesn’t look like it’s cooked well enough pull it open I’m gonna be back in a minute that’s what she said pull it open I’m back in a minute

I pulled up I said no it’s fine she goes I don’t believe you and she took my chicken away and brought me back a new dish and it was perfect so yeah that’s the type of place they are it’s a really cool place now that’s those type of restaurants now their own

Separate category in Dallas is the barbecue barbecue in all of Texas is amazing if you’re it from anywhere in Texas or round Texas you know this already I don’t have to explain it to you the one place I would gladly live above if they let me the slope

On Irving Boulevard oh my god I’d go there I could start smelling it through the air-conditioning like a mile and a half away it seems like probably close to a half a mile but you could smell it from a half a mile away I’m not even choking and I’m my mouse actually

Watering right now thinking about it the slow bone on Irving if you go to Dallas you gotta eat some barbecue there number eight Dallas people are friendly people in Dallas pepper their sentences with sir and ma’am and howdy it’s like the obligatory greeting if you spend more

Than a week in Dallas you’ll start getting that Texan drawl and you’ll be yeah all in with the rest of them in no time they’re very friendly folks people from New Jersey might think this is kind of weird cuz people in from New Jersey are pretty much rude all the time

People from California might think this is a pleasant surprise they’re really not as fake as most people from especially Southern California and people from Oregon they’ll just think it’s normal except for the y’all thing they don’t say y’all up here in Oregon but everything else is

Pretty much just like Oregon as far as the friendliness and everyone has a truck so you can always get someone to help you move good news twenty year olds number seven no state income tax I don’t have to explain to you how cool that is everybody loves money well unless you’re

Like a 20 year old work in endemic Donald’s or some other place like that who is so used to people swiping their cards they forgot how to count money that always sucks I actually gave this 19 year old ich girl a $100 bill at Best Buy one day and

She sat there and stared at it for a minute like I gave her a beaver pelt she didn’t know what to do with it she stared at it and finally went okay like she was getting ready to live some weights or something like that she had

To take a deep breath and figure out how to count down 100 anyway Texas is one of the handful of states that has no state income tax and if you’re sitting there right now and you’re about to say but they have other taxes to make up for it yeah I’m sure

They do have a way to get taxes out of you but state income tax is not one of them most states have those taxes and state income tax so quit typing number six State Fair wanted Alice most well-known qualities is that it’s the home of the legendary State Fair of

Texas little side note to that if you call it the Texas State Fair you could be corrected I don’t know if that’s a big thing but it’s happened to me a couple times held annually just east of downtown the State Fair of Texas attracts about fourt-shirts/” target=”_blank”>teen thousand

Visitors the opening day so it’s crowded it goes on for a while so you don’t need to go the first day it’s a little weird not weird it’s a little too crowded elbow room only folks what do they come for well Big Tex of course he’s a 55-foot cowboy mascot he’s huge really

He’s kind of cool but that’s not why they really go they might come for the Red River Red River Rivalry it’s hard to say and it’s a bit of a tongue twister but that’s a really good football game it’s a rivalry between the Texas Longhorns and the Oklahoma University

Sooners it’s been going on for a very long time it’s been going on 116 years to be exact actually as I make this video next Saturday is the 117th meeting I believe so yeah it’s been going on quite a while it’s held at the Cotton Bowl now this is

The other reason people go the fair’s menu high fat fried foods including deep-fried Oreos Twinkies pork ribs deep-fried jello yeah I said that deep-fried jell-o deep-fried butter chicken pot pie there’s also a mac and cheese dip also with that they’ve even learned how to batter coca-cola it’s

Like they have some crazy scientist and a deep fryer and an underground bunker at the Cotton Bowl or something you never learned the dangers of cholesterol it’s really strange Texas State Fair the State Fair of Texas whatever you want to call it it’s one of the greatest things about Dallas

Number five jobs the unemployment rate in Dallas is high I said employment not unemployment like so many other cities it is one of the best in the country every month it seems like I see some big company is moving a manufacturing plant a headquarters or a shipping hub to Dallas or a Dallas

Suburb this city is corporate friendly and it shows a lot of good jobs and low cost living you can’t beat Dallas for that and before anyone leaves a comment I’m sorry you can’t find a good job in Dallas you are the minority in this category I don’t know what to tell you

But I can tell you to quit typing and number four it’s a dry heat Dallas is hot it gets really hot the good news is it’s a dry heat in my other Dallas video we talked about the crazy weather Dallas gets it does giant hail tornadoes all kinds of crazy stuff the

Good news is the heat in Dallas is bearable now like some southern states you go there and the humidity is insane and the heat is crazy that type of weather you standing still in the shade and you still got boob sweat nobody likes that so if your Sun lover and you

Own a bunch of sunblock Dallas may be the place for you number three farmers market okay so I get it a lot of you right now are going farmers market why and it doesn’t matter to some of you that are probably watching this but I’m here to tell you

One of the top ten was do they have a good farmers market now if that does matter to you good news Dallas has the largest in the US and it’s been there for over a hundred years it’s open every day all year round I saw a poll on MSN a couple years back

About things people consider before they relocate a good portion the United States love their farmers markets I went once and realized what I thought was the greatest farmers market in the world here in Portland was a sad fruit stand surrounded by good-looking college girls that’s because it’s held at the Portland

State University so if you like fresh fruits and vegetables Dallas may be the place for you number two it’s growing the right way Dallas is ranked fourth as one of the top ten most moved to cities in the u.s. that was for 2016 when you take into consideration all the things I’ve listed

So far or the hundred or so things people will tell me I forgot in the comments it’s no wonder the reason I say it’s the right way is they’re building housing for the future not like Portland and a few other cities that kind of slowed the new home building process as

People started moving in and created a nice housing crisis Dallas and the suburbs are building this is a great way to keep home prices and rent prices down now this is compared to a lot of other major cities I know some of you want to leave comments about how rent has been

Increasing and stuff like that house Isis have been increasing they are the economy is getting better and it has been for about eight years now so yeah prices are gonna rise but compared to other major cities Dallas’s and half is bad so if you’re gonna leave a comment about that please

Don’t just listen to my words compared to other cities Dallas isn’t as bad and considering they have great employment numbers and a low cost of living it’s a miracle your house prices and everything else aren’t even higher on top of that they’re expanding the dark train system faster than any other major

Metro area that’s their train that goes around downtown and it’s starting branch out into the suburbs a lot has been for years but they’re making a lot of progress to get even further into the suburbs Dallas has a lot of suburbs that are laid out over a major part of the

Land and that’s why if you ask anyone from Dallas there’s always road construction going on they’re not just trying to keep road workers employed they’re actually expanding the freeway system as well good job Dallas number one housing prices now kind of touched on this and number two but it’s

Worth being number one and taken a closer look housing in Dallas and its burbs is very low when it comes to rent according to my apartment map calm a studio apartment in Dallas carries an average price of about nine hundred ninety two dollars a one-bedroom apartment averages about a

Thousand a two-bedroom apartment is right around 1400 if you’re paying much much more with take it up with my apartment map calm not me that’s just where I got the data or data if you’re from the south let’s talk about buying a house that the median home value in

Dallas is a hundred and sixty eight thousand dollars now Dallas home values have gone up about seven to eight percent over the past year according to Zillow and Zillow also predicts it’ll go up about four percent more in the next two years that doesn’t sound like good

News till you compare it to other cities in Phoenix the median home price is two hundred sevent-shirts/” target=”_blank”>teen thousand dollars in Los Angeles it’s five hundred and seventy thousand dollars seattle it’s seven hundred thousand dollars i won’t even go into san francisco because it’s nuts and it changes every week

Dallas has home prices that you would normally find in cities with high crime and a bad economy Dallas has neither compared to other cities this size crime is very low in Dallas I know someone’s gonna leave a comment about some section in Dallas where it’s this crazy gang war and

Violence and they’re really hard gangster types I get it every single time I got bad news for you Dallas is not that bad all the things I’ve listed here and so many other things are why everyone is moving to Dallas and that’s my list I hope you enjoyed it

I hope you leave me a comment if like I said you’re interested in this stuff don’t forget to maybe download or buy that blue highways look it’s really good I don’t usually pimp out a lot of stuff on my videos but this one’s worth it but hey I appreciate you watching don’t

Forget to leave a like leave a comment share this on your social media if you this your first time here and you haven’t subscribed please do so have a good day everyone be nice to each other

Video Tags: Travel,Blogger,Top 10,Top Ten Lists,travel,dallas,Dallas Texas,State fair of texas,Texas,Plano,Richardson Texas,Move to Dallas,Friday night lights,Blue Highways,william least heat-moon,blue highways audiobook,Dallas Cowboys,Dallas Stars,texas travel,Plano Texas,royalty free images stock,worst american cities,worst states to live in in the united states,dallas texas downtown,us cities,america,Rankings,united states,States,worst states to live,us states
Video Duration: 00:14:30

Comments (42)

  • Sophie S

    My husband and I are considering going to Dallas or Arizona for the house prices. ( from San Diego)

    November 20, 2023 at 9:06 pm
  • Lisa S

    It really, really sucks here. You definitely should not come to Dallas…ever!

    November 20, 2023 at 9:06 pm
  • Tl W

    Literal nonsense. Couldn't make it past the first couple of minutes cuz the guy starts talking about a book he read 🙄

    November 20, 2023 at 9:06 pm
  • David C

    We are too full, go away!

    November 20, 2023 at 9:06 pm
  • Dawn

    This video is 5 years old and as a person born and raised in Dallas for 50 years, I agree with all of them but one. I personally consider 60% humidity a humid environment, not a dry heat, especially when you combine those percentages with 110 degrees in July. Great video, still to this day!

    November 20, 2023 at 9:06 pm
  • Mary Rose Kent

    I haven’t been to Dallas, but I did have wonderful BBQ in Corpus Christi.

    November 20, 2023 at 9:06 pm
  • z z

    You get your news from MSN that tells me everything I need to know.

    November 20, 2023 at 9:06 pm
  • Radomiras Rebracic

    I like your stuff so much.Please make something about Lousianna,New Orleans,Bayou

    November 20, 2023 at 9:06 pm
  • J B

    Dallas sucks. They can have it i’m out of this dump!!

    November 20, 2023 at 9:06 pm
  • M P

    Best Doctors!

    November 20, 2023 at 9:06 pm
  • Isaiah MacAllister

    It should be reasons to move to Dallas. There is nothing there to do. Besides drive! 🤣🤣🤣

    November 20, 2023 at 9:06 pm
  • Dante

    Vote Republican

    November 20, 2023 at 9:06 pm
  • Mohit

    Dallas has become very expensive now though, in just 5 short years

    November 20, 2023 at 9:06 pm
  • McJackson

    They're building houses for the future in the most awful way when it comes to urban planning. Shit loads of wasted space and urban sprawl.

    November 20, 2023 at 9:06 pm
  • OOBEJuanKenobi

    Religion is authoritarian, and authoritarians are controlling. Between men and women, men set the emotional tone/vibe socially, and women reciprocate what men present to them. The tone is mostly authoritarian. What is one thing authoritarian men want control over the most? Women.

    What is the exact opposite of a controlling attitude? Humility, honesty, respect, and non-violence. Having a controlling attitude is the ABSENCE of developing character towards women socially for purposes of mating and sex. So what is the purpose of religion? To appear Godly and spiritual socially WITHOUT developing character within.

    With authoritarianism, ALL MEN BLAME WOMEN for dishonesty socially. Kind of mean, f*cked up, and manipulative, don’t you think? Considering men are physically bigger in frame, physically aggressive (violent), angry (authoritarian) all the time, and overall control the tone/vibe of how men and women interact socially.

    Why is almost all violence and machismo in some way or another affiliated religion? It’s not hard to see the truth: to get rid of religion socially worldwide is to also get rid of amorality, indifference, conformity, authoritarianism, and violence towards women.

    All war, ultimately, has to do with control over women by authoritarian (lying) men.

    God is love, and love is a collective consciousness filled with humility and honesty, and an absence of a violent, central authority.

    Only “alpha” males focus on religion. They are the most manipulative, materialistic, and conniving of men, as well as the most violent. Not all alphas are religious, but almost all religious men are alpha (authoritarian).

    Evolved men are too honest for religion or atheism. They focus on telepathy. The only way to focus on telepathy is to be honest and humble socially.

    Men focusing on the spiritual focus on spirituality NOW, which is telepathy. They do not wait to form spiritual personalities until after death (religion), and then play head games in the material with money, weight training, martial arts, and anger.

    No one cares about religion at all. People only care that life after death is real and that telepathy is real.

    Religion is a head game. It is shallow. It is corny.


    November 20, 2023 at 9:06 pm
  • Christopher


    November 20, 2023 at 9:06 pm

    Because Dallas Is So Much Blue🔵 🤌🤌🤌😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎

    November 20, 2023 at 9:06 pm
  • BeagleBango

    You will say ya'll if you live here long enough. I'm native, but I have many friends and acquaintances that are from the northeast and they all say it now.

    November 20, 2023 at 9:06 pm
  • Terry


    November 20, 2023 at 9:06 pm
  • Ayas

    One thing you have do is you better like football

    November 20, 2023 at 9:06 pm
  • TheEditingKid ☻

    It starts at 2:38 thank me later

    November 20, 2023 at 9:06 pm
  • Rodrigo Ribeiro

    I love Texas

    November 20, 2023 at 9:06 pm
  • Startina Jackson

    I'm dying to visit Dallas, I feel drawn there. Great video, thanks

    November 20, 2023 at 9:06 pm
  • Danish Kumar

    As a person who was born in Dallas, Texas and Grew up in Garland I can confirm that yes everything you said in this video is true

    November 20, 2023 at 9:06 pm
  • Taylor Wayne

    I am living in Austin Texas

    November 20, 2023 at 9:06 pm
  • Karol

    Have the house prices gone up a lot?? The Apex server is in Dallas😹

    November 20, 2023 at 9:06 pm
  • Ayas

    Yeeeeeehaawwwww my birth city

    November 20, 2023 at 9:06 pm
  • Hope

    Totally excited about the 'Farmers Market' ! 🍇💕

    November 20, 2023 at 9:06 pm
  • Dawoud AlBader

    Do the restaurants & supermarkets have halal or kosher or pascaterian options?

    November 20, 2023 at 9:06 pm
  • Angry lion

    I like Dallas-Fort Worth

    November 20, 2023 at 9:06 pm
  • Uncle Dimebag

    Damn Yankees taken over turn into New Texas ! Born and raised in Dallas Texas born1964 left Texas 1995 company moved to South Flordia. I hate South Flordia people arent southern and not friendly, too many Damn Yankees, was goin to move back to Texas 6 yrs ago,but they offer me more pay,my families and friends told me its sucks not a friendly state anymore .Thats sucks !

    November 20, 2023 at 9:06 pm
  • Dave Hicinbothem

    5:28 "Oregon" and "normal" in the same sentence. Hmmmm.

    November 20, 2023 at 9:06 pm
  • Heuristic ALgorithm

    get to the point, west coast

    November 20, 2023 at 9:06 pm
  • Peggy Bagley

    The city of j.r. Ewing

    November 20, 2023 at 9:06 pm
  • John Gengelbach

    Im a Texan living in Florida now, if I had to move back to Texas Id move to DFW area over than back to Houston.

    November 20, 2023 at 9:06 pm
  • Brian Rogers

    My brother applied to so many jobs in hopes to stay in SoCal, but to no avail. Applied to a few in Dallas and got an amazing job offer. Gotta go where the work is. Hence everyone in their 20s lives there.

    November 20, 2023 at 9:06 pm
  • Patrick Townsend

    Mountain Man here – West Texas – only part of Texas I'd move to, everything else way too flat for me.

    November 20, 2023 at 9:06 pm
  • Claudia Barchilon

    Dallas is a beautiful city! This is simply because they’re Godly and business-friendly!😊

    November 20, 2023 at 9:06 pm
  • Jacqueline Garcia

    great video!

    November 20, 2023 at 9:06 pm

    Texas lmao what a sheet hole!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    November 20, 2023 at 9:06 pm
  • Jazzy M

    Slow Bone. My mind went directly to the gutter. XD

    November 20, 2023 at 9:06 pm
  • William Schuelke

    "Dry heat" in Dallas?! No…

    November 20, 2023 at 9:06 pm