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10 Fun Facts About Round Rock, Texas (Austin Suburb)

10 Fun Facts About Round Rock, Texas (Austin Suburb)

Stick around for this video and I’ll give you ten fun facts about Round Rock Texas all in five minutes or less hi I’m Charles Lewis I’m a realtor here in the Austin area I know people all over this ever-expanding metro area buy and sell houses if you take a quick minute and

Subscribe my channel be sure to click the notification now that way you’ll get notified every time I post a new video today I’m going to give you ten fun facts about Ron Rock all in five minutes or less back in 1851 a small community was formed on the banks of the Brushy

Creek near a large round rock in the middle of the creek this rock marked a low-water crossing for wagons horses and cattle the community was originally called brushy but in 1854 they changed the name to Round Rock to honor this now famous rock at the end of the Civil War

Jesse Chisholm began moving cattle from South Texas all the way to Abilene Kansas the rowdy establish became known as the Chisholm Trail and it crossed the Brushy Creek at the Round Rock some of the historic buildings from this period such as old st. Charles Hotel had been

Preserved in what is now called Old Town Round Rock Ron Rock was a site of an historic gun battle between Sam bass and the Texas Rangers the Rangers attract bass to Round Rock and when he tried to run the shooting started bass was shot and killed a sheriff’s deputy named aw

Grimes was also killed in the shootout this shootout is recreated every fourth of July during the Frontier Days in Old Settlers Park Round Rock straddles both sides of the Balcones escarpment this is a fault line that pretty much runs along interstate 35 to the east is the black

Fertile soil of the Blackland Prairie and to the west are much higher elevations with very little topsoil this is the beginning of the Texas Hill Country in the 1950s the plan is for the interstate highway system wanted to route interstate 35 through Taylor because at that time Taylor’s cotton industry that the

Economic powerhouse of the entire county the mayor of Round Rock at that time was named louis henna he convinced the highway commission to route this interstate 35 directly through Round Rock Dale is a multinational computer and information technology company based in Round Rock Texas they employ about 12,000 people in the Round Rock

Facilities and as of 2017 about a hundred and thirty eight thousand world one Round Rock is a self-proclaimed sports capital of Texas the city’s old settlers park offers a professionally designed disc golf course cricket cross-country running 20 field baseball complex five fields softball complex and seven soccer facilities in addition to

The Rock and River family Aquatic Center Round Rock is also home to the triple-a Round Rock Express their home games are played at the Dell Diamond the Round Rock Independent School District is rated as one of the best school districts in the entire state of Texas twenty-five of the school’s the Round

Rock ISD have achieved the highest possible rating of exemplary this is the highest number of schools to receive this rating from a single school district of all the suburban districts in Central Texas a lone Starr bakery first opened in 1926 on Main Street in Round Rock in the early 1940s they

Perfected their recipe for the Round Rock donut if you haven’t tried one you should Texas Monthly Magazine has actually named it the best donut in all of Texas Adalia rose is an online celebrity who was born in RAL rock she is an inspiring young girl who was afflicted with a

Disease called progeria which causes her body to age exponentially fast currently she has over 250 million YouTube views and 14 million Facebook fans well I hope you had fun with this if you have any questions at all on buying or selling real estate in Round Rock or anywhere in

The Greater Austin area please don’t hesitate to reach out click like below to set up a conversation or if you prefer me to shoot me a text or an email I’m here to help this rot blocked a low-water crossing for horses yeah I just felt laughs creak uh parity you get

The wrong story gunfight between the gunfire no the mayor the mayor of Round Rock Lone Star bakery in 1922 triple-a minor league triple-a minor league triple-a might include Little Rock I said we’re done turn it off

Video Tags: round rock fun facts,Charles Lewis Austin,Real Estate,Real Estate Investing,Austin Real Estate,Home Buying,realtor,best places to live in austin,austin texas,living in round rock,best austin suburbs,round rock texas,moving to round rock
Video Duration: 00:05:00

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