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10 Fashion Mistakes Making You Look OLD & OUTDATED!

10 Fashion Mistakes Making You Look OLD & OUTDATED!

– Hello everyone. So today I’m going to offend you, fun. No, I’m going to share fashion mistakes that I think are just aging you. It’s making you look way older than you are, and I’m sure you know, well I don’t really do any of this stuff. I’m not saying I look super young.

I am in my thirties and I don’t know. Maybe I look way older than that but these are specific things that I see everywhere and I swear it makes you look way older in a bad way. So I’ll be very specific in this video. If you have some of these items

And you think it’s just super flattering on you then you keep wearing it but this is just my opinion. So I will be sharing, the bad fashion mistakes that I see and then ways to improve it. So let’s just get started with the first one that everyone always talks about.

This is nothing new, but I definitely agree with it and it’s Capri pants. And here’s what I’m talking about which I’m sure you’re all very well aware of Capri pants. You might have some, you might still wear them. I mean, heck you can still buy Capri pants

But I don’t think they’re ideal for a couple reasons. Number one, they are out of style. They’re absolutely out of style. Number two, they are very, very unflattering. They actually cut your leg off at the worst spot. It cuts your leg off right at the center of your calf, which is that muscle

And it makes your legs look way chunkier and way stumpier than they really are. And because of the bizarre length of the Capri pants it actually tricks our eyes into thinking, you know like when you’re looking at somebody wearing Capri pants it makes it look like they torso

Is the same length as their legs, which is really bad. We want to have long looking legs. That’s what makes us look younger when we have like longer leaner legs. So the Capri pants completely wipes that out and I know Capri pants are technically kind of

A warmer weather style, you know, in the summer, kinda like it let’s air flow in, but they’re not really like it, they’re still pants. So I would say to kind of look younger and fresher just you can still wear maybe ankle pants. It’s gonna give you the same effect, but again

It cuts you off on the smaller portion of your leg and way more flattering. Bermuda shorts, I’ll cut to the chase, short and sweet very similar to Capri pants. They’re just a bizarre length. I didn’t love them when they were in-style but they’re absolutely out of style now

But I still see them around and I kind of understand why, like I know they’re shorts, that they conceal a larger portion of your legs, so if you don’t love your legs you feel more comfortable in them and it’s great for the hotter temperatures but I’m not saying you need to wear

Jessica Simpson cutoff shorts and show how off your butt. No, all I’m saying is the Bermuda shorts are out of style, aging, it’s not flattering, it cuts your leg off 50 50. I just think wearing a normal pair of shorts maybe a little bit above your knee would instantly make you look younger.

Next we have bulky shoes and I am well aware, like I’m still in my thirties. I feel like this is going to be not well received. Like this is not gonna be a video where people are happy with me because I know that I’m not in my forties

Or fifties or sixties and up where I have problem feet and I have to wear bulky shoes because the regular stilettos don’t work for me. Like I understand. However, my whole point in this is, I think a lot of people are still kind of stuck in wearing bulky shoes

Because their feet aren’t good anymore and they need comfort over style, which I understand. But my point is, there’s a lot of brands these days, even in the last five years alone, have come miles with like really stylish shoes that are also comfortable.

So I would say Clarks is like one of the best brands. They have so many stylish shoes right now that are very, very comfortable. And they’re like, they’re wider so that you don’t feel really constricted and don’t get me wrong, there’s a lot of ugly shoes on their website too

But there are so many stylish shoes too. So, if you have really, really, really bad feet and you think you’re wearing really bulky shoes just shop around, you’d be surprised at how stylish you can be. Okay. So this next style, it’s multiple styles that are definitely aging you

Is anything that is meant to be juvenile like very little girl styles. And I know that I’m not really explaining myself well here and I wanna be clear. I’m not talking about styles that you see younger people wearing and you’re like, oh my gosh, I could never pull that off,

It’s too trendy for me, I just don’t look good in that. I don’t mean that. I’m talking about styles that are literally meant for little girls and an example of this would be Mary Janes, like those shoes. I see women wearing them because they’re again kind of like bulky and comfortable,

But they’re still young. No, they’re meant for like five year olds. And same with like berets in the hair. If you’re wearing berets in your hair, it’s meant for little girls. Same with little cardigans, like little cardigans over dresses. That’s actually my next point.

That is something I see so any women of all ages, like even people younger than me like wearing little cardigans over dresses and that is something that seems very juvenile to me that you see like little five and six year old little girls wearing and I think there’s just better options.

You could wear all kinds of different jackets, blazers. You could wear cardigans but maybe little bit oversized. It’s like the little cardigans that are just again very juvenile actually ages you. Now, speaking of dresses, that leads me to my next point kinda, but let’s talk about floral patterns

Because you see a lot of floral patterns in dresses and pants and shirts, and just really everywhere. Florals are always in style but I really think that the big, bulky, bold floral prints make you look so much older and I don’t really have any scientific evidence as to why.

I mean, I think as a general rule, big patterns aren’t really that flattering, but I’ve always thought that more dainty, more feminine, more subtle floral patterns makes you look so much more youthful. Now you guys know, maybe you don’t know but I’m a purse girl.

Like I have so many purses that are so not practical. So a lot of, just taking this with a grain of salt. Pockets on purses, like outside, photo, this is what I’m talking about. So aging and this looks so not good. There are so many better things guys

And I know a lot of you like organization, you wanna have like a spot for your ChapStick. You wanna have a spot for your keys. I understand the appeal but it’s going to age you by like two decades. There are so many stylish purses out there that are very affordable

And all you need is a purse organizer. They’re like 20 bucks. You buy a nice tote. It could be of good quality, it could be cheap. It doesn’t even matter. But a nice, sleek looking tote will hold so much and then you can just put a handbag or purse organizer in there.

You can have all of your pockets like concealed and you can have a spot for everything, but on the outside you’re gonna look really polished, you’re gonna look chic, you’re gonna look put together and you’re gonna look a lot younger. Next, let’s talk about glasses. Now, this is another area

Where I feel like people will probably get mad at me because like, I don’t have glasses. So what can I really contribute here, but I really spent like two hours researching this and I’ve come to a couple conclusions so just take whatever you want out of this.

But I did see a big study where it pulled like hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of people and it did conclude that when you put on a pair of glasses it unfortunately does age you by at least five years. So if you have contacts, obviously that’ll probably make you look younger

But I do think that there can be really stylish glasses and I don’t think it really matters what face shape you have. There’s all of these different charts and everything. Like if you have pear shape, you should wear this. If you have a square face, you should wear this.

And I really think it just comes down to you trying on glasses and whatever you think looks the best run with that because basically every rim style or shape is kind of in style these days. There’s really not like a wrong answer but there is one particular style that absolutely ages you

And you should stay away from, and that is any pair of glasses that has rhinestones or embellishments. But other than that, run free, go wild. Now, if you’re still wearing matching jewelry like matching earrings that look almost identical to the necklace, and then it’s real crazy when you get like a matching bracelet

It’s like a triple threat. I think that is definitely aging you making you look way older than you really are and I don’t see this as much now because this really just is out of style and you can’t even buy it like you use to just see the matching sets everywhere.

But if you still have that in your jewelry box I would say like, just don’t put on all three, even today, I’m wearing some you yellow gold with some white gold like I mix and match my medals. I think that’s a great way to look youthful.

You could even just go even more subtle, like maybe throw in a pair of earrings, but skip the necklace. Now, throughout this video, I have been talking about very specific fashion choices, whether it be clothing or shoes or accessories, but I wanna talk about hair

Because I think can really make a big improvement in making you look younger. And that’s just choosing to try out lighter hair like a lighter blonder hair color. Now hear me out because I do have brown hair. I’m naturally a brunette and I’ve had gray hair, no joke

Since, not tons of gray hair, but strands of gray hair since I was in 11th grade. I remember being in English class and there was a mirror on the back of the door and I was like, fixing my hair and I was like, oh my gosh, I see gray hairs

And they’ve been there ever since. So every few months I do have to dye my hair because I these weird gray hairs that continually grow. However, it’s not crazy yet and I’m sure as I age, it’ll get worse and worse and worse. So I see a lot of women

Still with the brown hair or the dark hair with crazy gray roots. And even if you keep on top of it, even within a week after dying your hair, you start to see the gray roots and it’s just makes you look a lot older. Whereas if you would try to transition slowly

Into lighter hair it really masks the grays as they come in and it just gives you a much more youthful appearance. Now I know there’s people out there that choose to just embrace their grays and I think that’s also great. I do think you’re gonna look a little bit older

But hey, why not. I mean, this is all just different suggestions but I do think lighter hair will make you look younger. Now in this video, we’re obviously talking about ways fashion can make you look a lot older, but in this video, we’re talking about eight ways

To buy cheap clothes that actually look really expensive. So if you’re new, make sure you subscribe, but I’ll see one over here. Bye.

Video Tags: fashion mistakes,fashion mistakes look older,fashion mistakes look old,fashion mistakes look oudated,style mistakes,how to fix,fashion mistakes women,out of style,fashion mistakes out of style,fashion mistakes you’re making,common fashion mistakes,style mistakes to avoid,fashion mistakes to avoid,fashion tips,style tips,fashion tricks,style tricks,look better,look more attractive,look younger,how to look younger,how to look better,look more youthful
Video Duration: 00:10:19

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