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10 Best Cities to Live in Texas (Why They’re Best)

10 Best Cities to Live in Texas (Why They’re Best)

Hello friends in this video we are going to discover the top 10 best cities to live in Texas curious about what living in Texas looks like sure Austin and Houston get a lot of love in Texas but there’s plenty of Lone Star State to go aroundAnd we’re happy to give you a closer look at those two popular metros as well as a handful of other favorite Texas cities to live in moving Solo or with the kids in tow no problem we’ve got you covered want a city where you don’t need a car there are options

Hungry for a superb dining and entertainment scene we’ll cover that too aside from just being cool places to live we’ll also go over a few of the need to know Basics like overall City Vibe housing costs and options things to do job market City size and what it’s

Like to live in each spot depending on what you’re looking for let’s address the elephant in the room Texas is huge if we talked about all the great Texan towns you might enjoy living in we’d be here for days so before we go stepping on anyone’s toes know that we recognize there are

Great Texas Cities

Heaps of great cities and towns in this Southern State we’ve just narrowed it down to a handful of our favorites and some of the most popular to give you a good running start in your search kindly make sure to hit the Subscribe button and press the Bell icon before we

Start this video about the 10 best cities to live in Texas now let’s dig deeper into each of the top 10 best cities to live in Texas number 10. Arlington cost of living 100.8 average rent one bedroom one thousand three hundred and fifty dollars average home value three hundred and

Sixt-shirts/” target=”_blank”>teen thousand three hundred dollars grade 4 diversity families weather young professionals for those of you who can’t decide between living in Dallas and living in Fort Worth Arlington may be the place for you located about 24 minutes from downtown Dallas and 20 minutes from downtown Fort Worth this Metroplex staple makes

Visiting either DFW Hub easy peasy Arlington is an impressive City all on its own and you definitely don’t have to leave the city limits to have a good time this city of nearly four hundred thousand is home to the ATT stadium home of the Dallas Cowboys and Six Flags

Over Texas The Original Six Flags with 4 700 Acres of Parkland 49 tennis courts 21 basketball courts 53 miles of Park trails and more fans of the outdoors can feel right at home in Arlington you can hike along the Trinity River and Through the Woods at River Legacy Park

Or play a game of the increasingly popular disc golf at Veterans Park Arlington covers nearly 99 square miles and is serviced by the Arlington ISD Independent School District the 17th most diverse School District in Texas the city was given an overall a minus grade by Niche with a B for its public

Schools and an A plus 4 diversity many college-age students are attracted to the city in pursuit of higher education at the University of Texas at Arlington UTA a Texas Tier 1 University known for its excellence in academics and research the average home value in Arlington has been climbing over the last several

Living in Texas

Years like in most cities in 2023 it hit 316 300 dollars still that’s lower than the national average of 339 thousand dollars and the most Arlington residents own their homes about 45 percent are renters the average rental is 827 square feet and goes for about 1 350 a month number nine Irving

Cost of living 102. average rent one bedroom 1525 dollars average home value three hundred and thirty nine thousand two hundred dollars great for families young professionals diversity jobs commute times Irving is popular among families and young professionals looking for a relaxed and communal Suburban feel without sacrificing proximity to Big City amenities

Another perk of being just 12 miles Northwest of Dallas Irving has a lot of Dallas commuters adding diversity to the City’s population of more than a quarter million in fact Niche gives Irving an A plus 4 diversity it’s also ranked in the top 40 best cities in America to buy a house

Irving also receives good marks for its schools nightlife and family friendliness as far as owning a car is concerned Irving is only a 20-minute drive to downtown Dallas or you can take the dart but you’ll still probably need to own a car for day-to-day convenience according to Zillow the average home

Value in Irving is nearly 339 200 as of 2023 interestingly while Irving’s average home value is on par with national numbers rent Cafe lists the average monthly rent for a one-bedroom apartment at 1525 29 lower than the national average monthly rent and although the culture and amenities

Of Dallas are nearby life in Irving offers plenty of things to do in its own right art is Big here and not just when it comes to the famous Mustang of Las Colinas sculpture that gallops through the fountain in Williams Square taken more sculptures over at the 10-acre Irving Arts Center along with

Theaters hosting live performances and a handful of galleries a performance of the Las Colinas Symphony Orchestra and access to the baps SRI swama Narayan Mander a Hindu temple that is open to the public there are also tons of tasty food spots outdoor activities and community events

Oh and it’s also just 15 minutes to DFW International Airport number eight Fort Worth cost of living 100.2 average rent one bedroom 1425 dollars average home value three hundred and ten thousand dollars grade 4 diversity young adults nightlife looking for a city that can cater to the

Cowboy and the city person in you Loop your lasso around Fort Worth this North Central Texas city is often spoken in the same breath as Dallas which is just 32 miles to the east but the truth is that these two spots are Worlds Apart despite being the 13th largest city in

The U.S Fort Worth maintains a smaller town Vibe affordable cost of living and a seamless stitching of cowboy charm and urban sophistication we love that this is a place where one can soak in culture at top-notch museums subcraft cocktails or Nash up scalates and kick up some dirt at the historic

Living in Fort Worth Texas

Fort Worth Stockyards catch a legit Rodeo or Wild West show and go to a honky tonk at Billy Bob’s Texas it’s clear why this is considered one of the best places to live in Texas for young adults and as you wander around town know that Austin ain’t the only place where Texas

Gets weird Fort Worth’s quirky residence healthy job market and cowboy needs cultured Vibe attract young professionals singles and families alike Fort Worth also has a wide variety of housing options from Bungalows and ranch style single-family homes to condos high-rise Apartments and Townhomes in various styles according to Zillow the average home

Value in Fort Worth as of 2023 clocked in at just under three hundred and ten thousand dollars roughly nine percent below the national average rent in Fort Worth comes in well below the national average at 1425 per month for a one-bedroom apartment according to rent Cafe as of 2023 and schools

According to Niche the public schools here are only slightly above average coming in with an overall C plus number seven San Antonio cost of living 89.8 average rent one bedroom one thousand three hundred dollars average home value 263 200 dollars grade 4 young professionals retirees nightlife diversity weather schools

Riverwalks are found across the United States but perhaps none of them are more iconic than San Antonio’s the 15 mile long stretch of Street along the San Antonio River attracts both locals and tourists to the tune of millions per year and if you’ve had the pleasure to visit that’s no surprise

The Riverwalk is simply breathtaking Beyond a picturesque place to spend your evenings San Antonio has tons to offer its residents for the working crowd the city is a scientist’s stream as major industries include Healthcare and bioscience Aerospace I.T and cyber security and the new energy economy

Additionally as is the case in any City worth its salt there’s a thriving retail Professional Services and Leisure and hospitality industry the cost of living in San Antonio is slightly lower than the average cost of living in Texas and significantly lower than the national average and according to Zillow as of 2023 the

Average San Antonio home value is about 263 300 roughly thirty five thousand dollars less than the state average one-bedroom rentals here go for about one thousand three hundred dollars a month on average according to 2023 data from Ren Cafe perfect for those looking to live a texas-sized city life without paying the

Premiums in Dallas Austin and Houston and speaking of other major Texas cities San Antonio was just a hop skip and a jump away from Austin and a leap away from Houston Dallas is a bit further but doable in a day if you start early so if you’re in the mood to catch a

Cowboys or Texans game it’s accessible to you if false Saturdays are more your speed both UT and a m are about an hour and a half away of course you can always stay local for the Spurs if basketball’s your game the city’s proximity to the coast has

Also made it one of the best places to live in Texas for young adults who are on a budget as well as a top place for retirees sa has plenty of fun too aside from the Riverwalk which is to die for major attractions include Six Flags Fiesta Texas Sea World the San Antonio

Zoo and who could forget the Alamo number six Corpus Christi cost of living 83.7 average rent one bedroom 1150 dollars average home value two hundred and twelve thousand three hundred dollars grade four commute times retirees weather diversity young professionals anyone looking for a hint of Island life

Should put Corpus Christi on their list nestled in Southeastern Texas along the Gulf of Mexico this coastal city has been a long time favorite for Spring Breakers but there’s so much more to offer in the state’s eighth largest city weather here is sunny and humid though

The breeze off the water does help to keep temps a bit cooler than you’ll find inland summer highs can boil at more than 90 degrees Fahrenheit but the flip side has winter temps around 65 degrees Fahrenheit Vibes here are chill and relaxed and there’s never a lack of things to do

In fact Niche rates Corpus Christi as an overall B plus giving it above average grades for its schools nightlife diversity and as a place for families it’s also one of the best places in Texas for retirees as roughly one in five residents are above 60 years old top Corpus Christi Industries include

Petrochemical military and tourism and who doesn’t want to live where other people vacation luckily it’s pretty affordable too as of 2023 the average home value is about two hundred and twelve thousand three hundred dollars according to Zillow and the average rent for a one-bedroom apartment is one thousand

One hundred and fifty dollars per month according to 2023 rent Cafe numbers both lower than the national average for housing costs it’s a great spot for anyone looking for Waterfront living without the usual huge hike in housing prices why do we especially love Corpus Christi because you can really get the most of

The outdoors here thanks to golf and bay access the South Texas botanical gardens and nature center the Padre Island National Seashore home to endangered sea turtles and a plentiful number of parks 75 percent of residents here live within a 10-minute walk to a park if you move here you’ll want to make

Sure to have a car though since the city isn’t quite set up for a car free life number five El Paso cost of living 82 average rent one bedroom one thousand and twenty five dollars average home value two hundred and seven thousand five hundred dollars grade four affordability retirees families weather

Straddling the borders of Texas New Mexico and Mexico El Paso is a destination for delicious Mexican food and Rich Hispanic culture it’s also one of the most affordable cities on our list according to Zillow the average home value as of 2023 is just about two hundred and seven thousand five hundred

Dollars about 44 percent lower than the national average home value renters also benefit from similar savings on average rent prices according to rent Cafe as of 2023 the average El Paso rent for a one-bedroom apartment comes in at one thousand and twenty five dollars per month or approximately nine hundred and fifty

Dollars less than the national average it’s worth noting however that the city’s good affordability can be offset by its lower earning potential according to the most recent data from the U.S Census Bureau the median household income in El Paso is only 51 325 compared to the national median of

Sixty nine thousand and twenty one dollars the top industry center around food government trade and transportation and while young professionals may consider looking elsewhere the lower cost of living makes it one of the best places to live in Texas for retirees and Families and speaking of Transportation here’s

Something to consider a pro for some and a con for others this westernmost Texan town is far and we mean far from many other cities San Antonio the closest big city is an eight-hour drive away still the city’s above average schools good nightlife sense of community and diversity are big draws for everyone

From families to professionals make no mistake El Paso locals make the most of their City hitting up the downtown area and popping through the different districts visiting the city’s many cultural spots like the El Paso Museum of Art Plaza theater and the 19th century Adobe style Magoffin home state Historic Site

The outdoors in the Foodies in El Paso have plenty to do as well from hiking or rock climbing in nearby parks to getting their fill of the city’s famous Mexican food along with other International tastes like Greek and xenos or Spanish tapas at Tabla number four Plano cost of living 109.1

Average rent one bedroom one thousand eight hundred dollars average home value five hundred and three thousand three hundred dollars grade four families young professionals schools job market diversity Plano is a well-manicured suburb in the Dallas metro area located 20 miles north of the city it has a dense Suburban Vibe and

Population close to two hundred and ninety thousand based on U.S Census Bureau estimates and according to Niche Plano is one of the top 10 cities to buy a house in the country unsurprising once you learn the suburb scores big on everything from schools and family friendliness to nightlife and diversity

Plus in Plano you’re close to all the big city amenities in nearby Dallas however expect to pay more than what you’ll find in Dallas according to Zillow the average home value in this popular suburb as of 2023 is a little over 500 and 3 300 about 48 percent higher than the average National

Home value and about 69 percent higher than average home values in Texas rent however is a little less expensive about 175 dollars less than the national average according to rent Cafe as of 2023 and as for getting around you’ll definitely need a car in this Suburban spot in fact

Folks commuting into downtown Dallas can expect a 30-minute drive at the very least traffic notwithstanding life in Plano may be quiet but it’s certainly not boring locals pass the time hiking on the many nearby Trails shopping in antique shops visiting museums and eating their way through the town’s tasty restaurants bonus

It’s also less than 30 minutes from Dallas Fort Worth International Airport number three Houston cost of living 95.5 average rent one bedroom 1325 dollars average home value 262 300 dollars great 4 families young professionals space fans diversity if you take at 45 south from Dallas and drive and drive and drive you’ll find

Yourself in lovely Houston this culture-rich Metropolis is the fourth largest city in the U.S and with all that it offers its residents were not surprised world-class dining pro sports teams raveworthy Texas barbecue and enough entertainment options to make your head spin if you decide to call Houston home nobody would blame you

The city is also full of perks for residents 65 plus thanks to Myriad volunt-shirts/” target=”_blank”>teer programs medical centers and senior discounts no wonder it’s considered one of the best places to live for retirees housing costs in Space City are generally decent with the average home value sitting below the national average

At 262 300 as of 2023 according to rent Cafe the average monthly rent for a one-bedroom apartment in Houston was about 1 325 dollars in 2023 not bad of course there are pricey parts of town where you’ll see that average rent increase by more than eight hundred dollars a month

While housing costs in Houston are lower than in Texas overall the cost of living in this southern city is a little higher especially when it comes to groceries and transportation overall Houston offers a big bang for your buck so if you can take the heat and humidity and traffic this Texan City

May be just the ticket number two Dallas cost of living 101. average rent one bedroom 1575 dollars average home value three hundred and nine thousand nine hundred dollars grade four young professionals families students diversity nightlife as the ninth largest city in the country Dallas makes good on the Texan promise of going big

This Metropolis offers a little bit of everything making it a perfect pick for folks who love to sample the buffet of life with nearly 40 colleges and universities in public schools with an overall be great from Niche Dallas couldn’t hide its Studio side if it tried

And as such the city is one of the best places to live in Texas for families and college students in addition to education top industries in town include business and financial services health services and information Technologies so you have plenty of options when it comes to employment

And as expected a city as diverse as Dallas serves up a heaping variety of housing options there is something for everyone here from historic homes to high-rise apartments and they are all fairly affordable according to Zillow as of 2023 the average home value in Dallas is just shy

Of three hundred and ten thousand Dollars around twenty nine thousand dollars less than the national average home value average monthly rent for a one-bedroom apartment in 2023 was 1575 according to rent Cafe though the average rent in certain Dallas neighborhoods is closer to three thousand one hundred dollars

The city’s decent public transit system can get you around in a pinch but it’s still best and most convenient to have a car plus it’ll make it easier and quicker to get around to sample everything the city has to offer from light shows at the at T Performing Arts Center or a Dallas

Cowboys game to grabbing Top Mexican cuisine at meso Maya ComEd of waikopas and family outings to the Dallas Zoo number one Austin cost of living 129.4 average rent one bedroom one thousand eight hundred dollars average home value 566 900 dollars great four young adults families schools nightlife culture diversity

Austin is an amazing city to live in if what it offers is what you’re looking for from all four seasons excellent public transportation great schools and a strong job market to a thriving live music scene incredible restaurants and gorgeous green spaces Austin really is the good kind of weird

People here are young social and hip and there are a lot of them which means crowds and traffic perhaps one of the few downsides to living in Austin still it’s one of the best places to live in Texas for young adults and Families being such a popular place to live has

Also made Austin an expensive place to live Austin’s cost of living is about 35 percent higher than the rest of Texas overall and 29 percent higher than the national average the main reason for this is housing which is 89 percent more expensive compared to the national average

The average home value in Austin is 566 900 as of 2023 and the average rent for a one-bedroom apartment across the city is one thousand eight hundred dollars as of 2023 however average rent in downtown Austin jumps to nearly three thousand two hundred dollars a month so which is your favorite cities among

The top 10 best cities to live in Texas well that’s all we have for you today thanks for watching if you enjoyed the content of this video click the Subscribe button so you can receive more content like this post your favorite places among the top

10 best cities to live in Texas in the comments below I’d love to read them and I’m sure others would too

Video Tags: 10 Best Cities to Live in Texas 2023, best cities to live in Texas, cities to live in Texas, best cities, cities to live, live in Texas, best places to live in Texas, places to live in Texas, best places, places to live, best neighborhoods, best places to live in Texas for families, best towns to live in Texas, best towns, best areas, best small towns to live in Texas, top 10 cities, Texas cities, Texas, cities, city guides, local guides, top city, TX, Discover Top 10 Places
Video Duration: 00:22:32

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