#1 Rule To ALWAYS Look High Status (The Old Money Look)
Just being lazy. You see, humans, like all social creatures, have a ranking system in their society. We’ve done this over the last hundred thousand years because it just makes things run smoother. Those at the top often got the lion’s share of the resources and those
At the bottom. Got the scraps, whatever is left. Unfair? You betcha, 100%. But, is it accurate? Is it a fact? Yeah. Now, you may ask and I think it’s a great question, why those in a lower status situation, why don’t they rise up and take from those on top?
Well, the answer is they do initially when they don’t know their place. But, what happens when you throw a brand new chicken into a flock? Very quickly, it figures out the pecking order. Anyone else out there have chickens? Yeah,
When you see this, it is cruel. But, it’s usually done within a week and that new chicken You see, social status in its pure form prevents unneeded bickering and fighting. Basically, when the animals know their place, those in the lower rungs are not
Getting beat by those in the top rungs. Now, what does all this have to do with you? Well, the answer is if you can look higher status, especially if you are of higher status when it
Comes to wealth, when it comes to fitness, then you’re not going to have to go out of the way. Okay? Thank you. To prove yourself, people are going to treat you as you should be treated. And for those of you guys that are up and coming, haven’t yet truly established yourself,
Well, appearing higher status is going to give you a leg up. Now, starting things off, let’s first talk about your physical fitness. If you want to come off as a high status individual, you want to pay attention to
Your health. You want to pay attention to the way that you train and take care of your body. Now, FYI, this is not the number one status indicator. But, in most professional situations, you just want to come off as someone That is healthy.
Somebody that takes care of his body. Somebody that can take care of their own. The next characteristic of a high status man is he has a constant energy. What I mean by that is he’s steady, he’s calm. He doesn’t have these ups
And downs. He doesn’t have a whole lot of anxious energy flowing out of him. He’s not all over the place. He doesn’t seem like he’s ever out of place. If you want to come off as high status, you need to really do a good job
Controlling the insecurity. Breathe. Everyone feels, but a high status man, he’s got that under control and it’s not evident. He’s not broadcasting it to everybody in the room. Other people can sense this and you want to be careful about that. Tied right with that, you want
Your movements to be slow, calm, and deliberate. The next characteristic of high status men is that they are non reactive. You see a high status individual, They have control of their situation and they’re not they don’t really care what other people are saying about them, maybe even to them.
They’re like, okay, that’s you, that’s your opinion and I’m not going to let it bother me. Now, up to this point, we’ve talked about behavior. Now, let’s talk about style. Yeah, this is a style channel. So, if you want to appear high status, then you need to dress in a way that
You look high status. Now, most people’s mind’s eye, when they think of a man that’s successful, they think of a man wearing a suit, wearing a sports jacket, a man that is dressed. Well, but I’m not saying you got to go that route, it really depends on you and the image
You want to project. Whatever you decide to do with your style, remember two things. One, make sure it sends the message it reflects who you want to be perceived as. And, two, practice wearing this. Because even if the look is a bit outlandish to most,
If it feels natural to you, you’re going to have the confidence to be able to pull it off. Now, what about subtle ways to display high status? One of the easiest ways for a lot of
Guys is to wear a timeless, elegant, and maybe a higher end watch. Tons of options out there. And as you can see, we’ve got some that have a little bit more bling to them. Other ones that are going
To be very muted, very simple, elegant, but at the same time recognizable by those in the know. Another way to have a more sophisticated image, Level up your luggage. Now, gents, the luggage you’re seeing right here comes from one of my favorite sponsors, Carl Friedrich. Bar
None, Carl Friedrich makes some of the best luggage you can find out there. Seriously, gents, this bag right here, the Carry On Pro, I personally use this bag when I’m traveling throughout the United States, whenever I’m traveling internationally.
What I love about this functional carry on is it’s designed for the avid traveler. It has this functional large front pocket that offers easy access to all your travel accessories. And let’s talk about the functionality of the piece. So, it all starts with their durable
Aluminum lock frame. This secure metal frame with the polycarbonate material used to build the rest of the case creates an incredibly lightweight piece of luggage that protects Your clothing. For me, it’s the small details, the accenting here and there with the Vachetta leather. In
Case you’re not familiar, Vachetta leather has an incredibly smooth surface and a natural finish. And you can really tell they paid attention in the manufacturing process when you look just at the hardware, when you look at the wheels. Yeah, the wheels they’re using are Hinamoto wheels. In case you’re not familiar,
These are the gold standard brand in wheel manufacturing when it comes to luggage. They’re going to be smooth, they’re going to be quiet. They allow you to move through the airport. With no issues. Now, let’s talk about packing the bag.
Guys, what I love is the way that everything’s laid out and you can also use their packing cubes if you want to keep things organized. On top of that, check out their bags. Their Polisi briefcase, the timeless clean design. This is the most
Beautiful briefcase I have in my collection. The Polisi This is my go to weekend bag. Whenever I’m just traveling for a couple of days, this is the bag I grab. And if you’re looking for an elegant bag that you can throw over your shoulders, check out the Bowen. They’re elegant
All leather backpack. And honestly, gents, with their 100 day free trial guarantee, yeah, you can have the bag for a hundred days and if you don’t like it, you can send it back. Oh, and on top of that, they’ve got a lifetime warranty. So, to get the best deal on the web,
You guys know I got you covered. Use that link in the description of today’s video. Now, up to this point, everything I’ve talked about are actions that you can take, behaviors that you can change internally. But, there are things you can adjust in your environment to come off as higher status as well.
First up, if you’re going to an event, if you’re going to be going to a party, if you are headed someplace, go with other People. When you walk into a party, even with two other dudes, what you’re sending a signal of is that you are an
Accepted group. You are a person that other people have deemed worthy of being close to. Next up, showing up with your guy friends, that’s cool. But, showing up with a woman, showing up with two women, all of a sudden that puts you at a whole other
Level. For you single guys, what this is signaling to all the other women present is that This guy has been approved by these women. Now, how do you make this happen? Come on, guys. Get creative. Maybe you’ve got some female friends from work,
You’ve got that platonic neighbor that’s been wanting to go out. The point being is you want to get other people to show that you are an accepted member, that you are approved by them because all of a sudden other people are going to be more open to approving you.
Now, if that’s too much or you want to double down, go to a known cause. Environment, a place where you actually know the bartenders and you tip them well. They know you, they’re excited to see you. Everyone knows you because you’re friendly. This is like,
You know, cheers, go to a place where everybody knows your name. When you do this, all of a sudden, new people, I haven’t seen her before, all of a sudden, she knows that you’re very friendly. Everybody seems to know you. You are,
Again, an approved what was formerly a stranger. You’re kind of, you’re part of the group. Now, building off this and this works really well at business networking events, or even parties. is be a connector. So, again, this is a party where you show up and you know
Maybe three or four people. But, what’s interesting is those people don’t know each other and they’re on opposite ends of the room. But, you know that Jill over there should be talking with Mary or Mike should be talking
With John or whatever combination you want to put together because of things you know about them. Well, guess what? You start talking with somebody, then lead them over, make a quick introduction and all of a sudden you get These two people talking. Now, you can choose
To exit or stay in that conversation, but you’ve already shown that you’re the type of person that you know people. And by bringing people together, all of a sudden your status with both of those people that you’ve now connected, you gave a warm introduction to, all of a sudden has gone up.
Now, let’s say you’re in a group conversation. How can you show higher status in this group conversation by leading the conversation? And it’s not something that you need to be talking about yourself. Instead, you’re asking questions that direct and include. Others,
And people can pick up on this. When you’re asking a question, especially if someone keeps talking and talking, there’s three other people that aren’t saying anything. You can say, hey, you know, all of a sudden bring in and ask how this relates to what
Mike is working on. And Mike, can you expand on how you guys did this? All of a sudden you are creating the conversation. This one takes a little bit more skill. They maybe don’t realize what’s happening, But, they know that whenever you are added to the conversation, you make it better.
So, again, your status in the group goes up. Now, what about when you’re seated at a table? How can you maintain high status? Well, the thing is have everyone sit down below you and you stand, yes, on that chair. No, I’m kidding. Don’t do that. You probably want to choose actually
Where you’re going to sit. If you can, sit at the end where you have people on both sides. It looks like you’re holding court, but there’s a reason that we would see royalty or people of honor at the end points of a table because they have a commanding view. They can actually speak.
Others can hear and listen to them. I personally on a longer table. Try to avoid sitting in the middle area because you’re being drawn into one conversation, you’re being drawn to another. Yeah, you’ve got somebody across from you, but you’re limited more than you are at the
End points. Now, gents, if you’re enjoying this video, smash the like button. Seriously, your status will shoot up. Actually, the status of this channel will shoot up a little bit because it lets the YouTube gods know that, hey, this video is worth watching.
And I appreciate it. Now, if you’re at this point thinking, Antonio, man, you’ve talked a lot about social skills. I don’t have any of those. You need to develop them. These are things that men of high status, they aren’t born with this. They work
On it. They realize that if you want to have status, that means that you need to be social. If you’re going to be social, you need to have the social skills. Now, the quickest and easy advice I can give you is get good at asking questions and
Genuinely Being interested in other people. It seems like it’s a rare trait nowadays that somebody actually genuinely listens versus waiting for their time to speak. Instead, you want to pull out more, you want to you’re really interested in this person
Especially if they’re not interesting, they’re not used to this. And they are going to open up, they’re going to talk to you, and they’re going to like you. Not because you’ve said anything to them, but because you actually listened to them. Now, that being said, you will be expected to speak,
So. Practice speaking. One thing I like about these videos is I really get the chance to put my thoughts together. And I feel I’ve become a better presenter, a better speaker, simply because I’ve practiced it. And it’s like anything when you put in the reps,
When you think through all of a sudden, you’re going to be able to articulate yourself. Better. I do believe in reading, listening to audio books, really also talking about things that you’re comfortable talking about. They may be talking a lot about politics, but can
You bring it to something that maybe you know a little bit more about? You’ve traveled, you’ve been to different places. So, instead of talking about the politics, let’s talk about the culture. Let’s talk about the people. These are things and it’s… You know, one degree of separation
And also it’s something that you will be able you have a stronger lexicon. You’ll be able to go into and be able to express yourself better and therefore come off as having better communication skills. Now, communication is a lot more than the words that come out of our mouths.
It’s the way that we stand, our posture. So, make sure that you Roll the shoulders back, good posture sends a signal. You don’t want to try to act like you’re trying to minimize yourself. I know Amy Cuddy’s research has kind of been debunked,
But I think it made a great point about, you know, you don’t want to make yourself look smaller. Don’t be afraid to take up space. And let’s talk about eye contact. When you’re talking with somebody about 70 percent of the time, you want to be making eye contact 30%,
Especially when you’re thinking, I know I kind of look over and I’m like, okay, you know, but you don’t want your eyes to. Give you a way that you’re checking out somebody else. Uh, how many guys have had that happen or, you know, that you’re, you’re not paying attention.
That’s what you don’t want. Eye contact shows where we are. And by the way, if you’re talking to a group, let’s say three people, you do want to give them even eye contact and then it’s okay.
Imagine a fourth person is there if there were three and that that’s what it’s okay to look off. So, about 25, 25, 25, and then 25 off. Again, you got to practice this, but once you do it, it becomes pretty easy. Now, at this point in the video, gents, I’ve covered a lot,
But I want to get to what I think to be are some of the strongest things that signal that a man is of high status. First up, being able to make a decision. Have you ever been around people that they cannot decide anything and they’re
Going back and forth and you realize that the reason they’re not going to make a decision is they are scared to make the wrong decision? Gents, if you can’t make a decision, you are going to come off as weak. You look throughout history.
Rulers, kings, emperors. What was their big role? These people at the top to make a decision. That’s the pressure of being on top. That’s the pressure of leadership. But here’s a secret that I learned that really helped me with this is that most decisions are revolving doors. It’s very,
It’s not very often that you’re going to make a life or death decision. Most decisions you can actually, if you make the wrong one. You can take a step back and then pivot, go the other direction. So,
If you know that you can adjust after you make a bad decision, you realize that, okay, like I need to make a quick decision based on the information I have. And then, if I find out it’s wrong, then I’m going to take a step back, I’m going to pivot, I’m going to adjust.
Being able to take charge, being able to lead, being able to make a decision when everyone else around you is losing their head, guys, is all of a sudden going to put you at the top when it comes to status. This next status tip I learned in college and then I actually
Used in my business career to actually level up my position in the industry is to host parties. And I still do this actually with masterminds. I bring together tons of business owners, many of them making a lot much more successful than me, but I still bring them in and I hold
High status. Why? Because I’m the organizer. I’m the one that brought it together. So, gents, if you want a shortcut to level up status in a group, host I get together, host a party, a place where people want to be.
And if you control the door, you all of a sudden level up simply because you are the owner. So, what tops all those? Well, the easy out would have been for me to say confidence. And I did want to put this one on there because, yes,
Confidence definitely gives you higher status, but a lot of guys are overconfident or they’re just coming off as arrogant and they don’t have anything to back up their confidence. No, I’m going to say actually making things Now, in style, the word is sprezzatura,
But what I’m talking about here is when people are around you, they just have a great time. Seriously, when people attend an event with you, all of a sudden it just seems like everything flows smoothly. You are the man. You make things happen.
Now, of course, behind the scenes. Transcribed There’s planning. You actually went through and you thought, okay, where’s this restaurant going to be? I’m going to know the head waiter because he’s seen me multiple times. The bill is going to be taken care of. No one’s
Going to be trying to split the check or whatever it is that they want to do. Everyone’s going to be surprised by how it was taken care of. You know how they’re going to have all the wines. They’re going to have exactly what you want. I’ve done
This with my family. I’ve done this with business friends. And I would say, yes, it costs a little bit of money, but all of that was planned. And I know that being able to give this experience to others is going to be repaid to me. And what
I love about this, gents, it doesn’t have to do with money. It could be you speak Chinese, maybe you speak Portuguese. You take her to that restaurant, the hole in the wall, amazing food. And she’s like trying to figure out what to eat.
And all of a sudden you start talking the waiter in a language that she didn’t even know you spoke. All of a sudden, oh my gosh, like this guy just he’s he’s so world travel. You’re not meaning to show off, but you are. And you’ve made the
Situation just beautiful. You’ve all of a sudden created an ambience and a feeling. All right, gents. What video to watch next? Well, boom, I got you covered with this one, top secret, actually not top secret. You can see what the video is right here,
But it is a solid video. Come on, Mike, Jim, Kerry, guys, come on, guys, click the video. Go over. Jose, what are you doing? Boom, click it. Go watch.
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